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The return of FPM2

August 03, 2023 — BarryK

Ever since KeePassXC got builtin and in the tray in EasyOS, I have had reservations about it. FPM2, Figaro's Password Manager v2 is tiny in comparison, about 1/100 the size, yet has adequate functionality and is simpler to use.

Up until now, Easy has FPM2 version 0.79. Today have compiled version 0.90, which has superior encryption. Here is the website:

Here is the recipe in OE:

I have taken KeePassXC out of the package-list. Now, Easy will start with FPM2 in the tray. It is setup to save the database into /files/database/fpm2, so nothing can be lost even if there is a rollback of EasyOS to an earlier snapshot.

The default setup is if click on a URL, it will open in the browser, with username in the clipboard and password in the primary selection -- all of this can be changed.

I have included two scripts, '' and 'plaintext-to-fpm2', both Python scripts, in /usr/sbin. As they were created 12 years ago, they were probably written for Python v2. Perhaps will need fixing for v3. The project pages:   

Tags: easy