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More Network Wizard fixes

October 01, 2023 — BarryK

There are posts about Network Wizard fixes a couple of days ago:

Wasn't quite there, so there have been more fixes, including improvements. See recent github commits:

The "Puppy network tools" include SNS, Network Wizard (also known as NetWiz), Frisbee, Pgprs, PupDial, PeasyWiFi, pppoe and perhaps more that I cannot recall right now. There is a GUI wrapper, known as "Internet Connection Wizard", that presents whatever of these tools is installed and offers a choice to the user.

There is also network-tray system tray applet. This is different from 'network-manager-applet' that is used with NetworkManager.

Easy 5.5.3 has SNS, Network Wizard, Pgprs and pppoe tools installed, as well as the network-tray and Internet Connection Wizard. NetworkManager and network-manager-applet are not installed.

The recent github commits are changes to improve the integration of these tools.

Network-tray applet has been bumped from version 3.4 to 3.5, and right-click menu has an extra entry, "Select different networking tool", which will run the Internet Connection Wizard (ICW):


I added that extra menu entry, as I noticed that one of the testers in the forum had trouble finding how to run the ICW.
It can also be run by right-click on the "net" desktop icon. Next up, I will add it to the "Network" category of the menu -- I think that it used to be there but got removed after shifting Easy to using only NetworkManager.

So, it looks like EasyOS version 5.5.4 isn't very far in the future.    

Tags: easy