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Yocto 4.0.14 release recompile

December 15, 2023 — BarryK

Have done a complete recompile based on the Yocto/OpenEmbedded 4.0.14 kirkstone-series release. This is "revision-6" build, and here are the changed packages since 4.0.12 (revision-5):

firefox           119.0     120.0.1
libstd-rs 1.72.0 1.73.0
libxpm 1_3.5.16 1_3.5.17
linux-firmware 20230625 20230804
mbedtls 2.28.2 2.28.5
ntfs-3g-ntfsprogs 2022.5.17 2022.10.3
openldap 2.5.12 2.5.16
openssl 3.0.10 3.0.12
php 8.1.16 8.1.22
python3 3.10.12 3.10.13
python3-aiohttp 3.8.1 3.8.5
python3-git 3.1.32 3.1.37
python3-urllib3 1.26.9 1.26.17
sudo 1.9.13p3 1.9.15p2
tar 1.34 1.35
vim 9.0.1592 9.0.2068

Commits to 'oe-qky-kirkstone' project:   

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