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Gittyup GUI Git client

May 05, 2024 — BarryK

I have been using SmartGit for years. It is a commercial product, with a free license for non-commercial use. It is a great product; however, sometimes there are inconveniences. It "phones home" at every startup, and frequently insists on perfoming an update. A few times, I had to re-validate the free license. Recently, at startup it reports downloading "git", but I already have git, and I hit "Exit" then restart SmartGit and then it doesn't try and download git. Weird.

Anyway, I want to get away from it. The last few years, many free Git GUIs have emerged. There is one, "GitAhead", that was a commercial product; however, a couple of years ago (not sure exactly) it became free open-source. The homepage states that it is no longer being developed, just bug fixes:

However, looking at the commits, still fairly active:

GitAhead rates well in reviews. For example at has rated it number 10 in GUI Git clients, all platforms:

...SmartGit comes in as number-1.

There are YouTube videos on GitAhead, such as this:

Then I found "Gittyup", which is a continuation of the GitAhead project:

...yes, very active.

I have compiled Gittyup, created a PET, and it will be in EasyOS Kirkstone-series devx SFS from now on. For the record, here is how I compiled it:

# git clone gittyup-1.3.0
# cd gittyup-1.3.0
# git submodule init
# git submodule update --depth 1

# cd ..
# dir2tgz gittyup-1.3.0
# sync
# cd gittyup-1.3.0

# cd dep/openssl/openssl
# ./config -fPIC
# make

# cd ../../../
# mkdir -p build/gittyup-1.3.0
# cd build/gittyup-1.3.0
# ninja
# new2dir ninja install

It requires openssl 1.1.x, whereas Kirkstone has 3.x, so configured for builtin. Also builtin libgit2, as the Kirkstone libgit2 caused scintilla compile fail. Haven't tested it yet; just started it, but took it no further.   

Tags: easy