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initrd menu improvements

May 13, 2024 — BarryK

Recently, when I updated EasyOS on one of my laptops from version 5.7 to 5.8, I got a black screen, which required holding down the power button to power-off. I reported about this:

To recover, I had to rollback to version 5.7. I knew how to do this, but for anyone else, there is a problem. The menu in the initrd offers two choices, to rollback to "pristine first bootup" or "the last snapshot". The problem with these two choices is that they only apply to the current version.

I have added a new menu entry "Rollback to previous version". This will enable someone to recover if they find themselves in the same situation as me.

Another change I made is hit the spacebar to stop the menu 15 second timeout. This was implemented in QV, and I really like it. The user can then peruse the menu entries at their leisure.

Here are the commits:   

Tags: easy