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Snapshot exclusions bug fix

May 17, 2024 — BarryK

This is a serious bug, when taking a snaphot. It explains why some users have reported things disappearing, that really puzzled me. Forum member Caramel spotted this bug:

He posted some code that was where the bug was. I saw a problem with that code and fixed it. But Caramel insisted that it was still not fixed.

I have to laugh at myself. The bug was right there in front of me, staring back at me, and I couldn't see it. I had typed '/n' when it should have been '\n'

The '\n' has a special meaning. It means the linefeed character. When the light came on, I fixed it.

The same bug is also in the 'init' script in the initrd, fixed that also.

That bug has been there since 2022. Oh dear, causing mysterious file and folder disappearances after taking a snapshot. On a positive note, it is now found and fixed.   

Tags: easy