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EasyOS Scarthgap-series 5.93 (6.0-RC1)

June 12, 2024 — BarryK

Yes, start of a whole new series of EasyOS! A couple of recent posts:

Heaps of package version updates. The kernel is 6.6.32, 6.6.x being LTS.

The release version will be 6.0, and I thought it prudent to bring out at least one "RC"; which is 5.93. Get it from here:

Testers welcome. Probably best to test a new install, either booted from USB-stick or installed to internal drive, rather than updating a Kirstone install, so as to sort out any bugs first.

I tested on my old Compaq Presario; runs real well. I am amazed that an old Core2 CPU and only 2GB RAM, performs so well, and booted on a USB2 interface. Even runs Flowblade and SolveSpace; guess you would have to be careful though, with only 2GB RAM to play with.

Later on, I intend to show how a Kirkstone installation can be updated to the Scarthgap-series; hopefully with the ability to rollback. Though, probably wise to first determine that a new Scarthgap works on your hardware first, given all the software changes, such as kernel, mesa and xorg packages.

Note, I intend to create a new theme for 6.0. For now, still on the Kirkstone theme.

The drive-image file is big, 905MiB. Of course, later package versions get bigger. In this case, the main culprit is LibreOffice. Also, have included a lot more kernel firmware.

Feedback is welcome at the forum:   

Tags: easy