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PCmanFM, MC, NetSurf packages

June 29, 2024 — BarryK

XFE file manager is being discussed on the forum:

It would be good to have more file managers in the package repository, so I have compiled PCmanFM and Midnight Commander (MC) in OpenEmbedded. The former is a gtk+3 app, the latter an ncurses console app.

These are now online. Run PKGget and click the button to update the package databases. In the "oe-scarthgap" repository, in the "Filesystem" category, you will find PCmanFM and MC. MC requires no extra dependencies, PCmanFM requires menu-cache, libfm and libfm-extra.

After installation, you will find PCmanFM in the "Filesystem" category of the menu. MC doesn't have a menu entry; you will have to open a terminal and type "mc".

Here are short reviews of file managers:

...this is page-2, showing ROX-Filer and PCmanFM.

Compiling of NetSurf web browser is also discussed in the forum. It has been made into a PET package, found in the "Filesystem" category of the "pet-scarthgap" repository in PKGget.

Homepage of NetSurf:  

Tags: easy