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rev utility broken if LANG=C and UTF-8 char

June 27, 2024 — BarryK

Forum member Caramel posted about this:

In the rootfs-skeleton folder in woofQ, ran these tests:

# cd rootfs-skeleton/usr/bin
# grep -rl ' rev ' . | xargs -I XXX grep -l 'LANG=C' XXX | sort


# cd rootfs-skeleton/usr/local
# grep -rl ' rev ' . | xargs -I XXX grep -l 'LANG=C' XXX | sort

I studied these scripts to determine if any might be in that situation where 'rev' has UTF-8 characters as input. Found, maybe, sfsget/dir2sfs, petget/ and momanager/momanager

Some scripts have "LANG=C" as they parse output from utilities that might be non-English otherwise. So unwise to just remove the LANG=C without careful consideraton. Instead, in those scripts I just prefixed 'rev' with " | LANG=$ORIGLANG rev  | "     

Tags: easy