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Yet more buglets fixed in EasyOS 6.0

June 23, 2024 — BarryK

Gee, they are really coming out of the woodwork. Blog post yesterday:


5. German locale
Thanks to Caramel; superb detective work, chased this one down:

I have fixed that script.

6. Grisbi
Forum member nnriyer reported that a library is missing, needed by Grisbi email client. Yes, 'libetpan' package is required. Fixed.

7. losetup
FeodorF and Caramel discovered this problem, and solution:

Yes, there used to be 'losetup' and 'losetup-FULL'. This harks from the Puppy days. The former was a busybox applet, the latter from util-linux. Now we just have /usr/bin/losetup from util-linux. I have fixed the script; however, just in case we encounter old Puppy scripts that require losetup-FULL, I have created it as a symlink.

FeodorF has discovered another problem with the de locale. I will need to bootup with de locale. Intend to look at that tonight.   

Tags: easy