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Gnome Radio and StreamTuner2

July 02, 2024 — BarryK

The guys have been discussing Internet radio players in the forum:

Easy has the venerable pupRadio, created by 01micko. Have this for years, but it is extremely basic. Time to update.

Gnome Radio looks nice, with a map of the world, showing where the audio streamers are transmitting from:

I compiled it in OpenEmbedded, as well as dependencies. Created a new recipe:

Ran it from a terminal, it kind of works but spits out so many errors, and can't get it to actually play anything.

Next up, checked out StreamTuner2


Applied a python3 patch from Debian. Works OK. Uses Audacious to play the streams, and streamripper to record. Have created a PET.

Looks like it can stream video as well, but I haven't checked that out.

Have not yet decided which one will be builtin to the next release of Easy. More to checkout.    

Tags: easy