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sox fix and whisper.cpp compiled in OE

August 12, 2024 — BarryK

In the Puppy Forum the question was asked about an application for converting audio voice to text:

James (jamesbond in the forum) informed us about 'whisper.cpp'. Furthermore, he created a GUI for it.

I attempted to use the GUI. It uses the 'sox' utility record capability to record from microphone to a text file. That was my stumbling block, as discovered sox does not support alsa nor pulseaudio. A bit of investigation; found that the sox build recipe in OpenEmbedded is broken. I fixed it and recompiled sox. Here is the github commit:

Tested James' GUI and it works.

Then compiled whisper.cpp in OpenEmbedded. The Makefile needs some modifications for a cross-compile environment:

Maybe can add features to the GUI; will maybe think about that.    

Tags: easy