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DroidSansFallback TrueType font

September 06, 2024 — BarryK

The guys have been discussing support for Chinese language in EasyOS (and Puppy):

Typing Chinese characters is one thing, displaying them in web pages is another. I'm just tackling the latter for now.

EasyOS has TrueType fonts in /usr/share/fonts/TTF folder. I hunted online for TrueType files that support traditional and simplified Chinese, but they are all very big, 12 to 40MB. The mainstream ones anyway. However, I found one that is very small, Droid Sans Fallback, that was used in early releases of Android. Android replaced it with Roboto.

Downloaded DroidSansFallback.ttf from here:

...3.3MB. Of course, having this builtin to EasyOS, it will be very much compressed in 'easy.sfs' -- maybe about 1.2MB.

Language support is described here:

The first link also has DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf -- I don't know what extra languages and glyphs that supports. It is bigger, about 3.9MB. Hindi?

I have tested DroidSansFallback.ttf with Chromium, gone to various sites that have traditional and simplified Chinese, and they display OK.   

Tags: easy