Geany mysterious Chinese behaviour
I used MoManager to create Simplified Chinese zh_CN.UTF-8 translations for /usr/bin/quicksetup, using MoManager's automatic translation feature. The result is in Easy 6.3. However, there is something weird with geany text editor...
A quicksetup.pot file is created like this:
# cp /usr/bin/quicksetup # xgettext -o quicksetup.pot --no-wrap
The automatic translations are applied to quicksetup.pot and it becomes quicksetup.po and the latter is then opened in geany for review:
The translations are Chinese characters, and under the Document menu the filetype is UTF-8; yet something weird is displayed instead of the Chinese characters.
Now, take that .po file, convert it to .mo binary format, then back to .po: geany displays the Chinese characters correctly! Including
the "Quick Setup":

For the record, here is how I converted po -> mo -> po:
# msgfmt --check quicksetup1.po
# msgunfmt --no-wrap > quicksetup3.po
Well, I discovered that it is the comments at the beginning of quicksetup1.po that cause the problem; deleted them and quicksetup1.po displayed correctly in geany.
I have put a fix into MoManager, but left puzzled with geany's behaviour.
It turns out I was barking up the wrong tree. The quicksetup.po
file had an invalid UTF-8 sequence on line 123, and this caused
the entire file not to display the Chinese characters. Weird. I
fixed it by using 'iconv' utility to cleanup the file. This
removes the invalid UTF-8 (inserted about line 1077 in
mv -f /tmp/momanager/${ATEXTDOMAIN}.po /tmp/momanager/orig1.po
iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c -o /tmp/momanager/${ATEXTDOMAIN}.po /tmp/momanager/orig1.po
LANG=C defaulttexteditor /tmp/momanager/${ATEXTDOMAIN}.po
That fixed it.
Tags: easy