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Retain icons when switch rox to jwm

September 03, 2024 — BarryK

I posted a couple of days ago about revisiting the icon-free-desktop mode, also known as jwm-mode:

We have been discussing this on the forum:

If the user creates icons on the desktop while in rox-mode, now when switch to jwm-mode those icons appear in the tray. Before, they got left out.

Switching between rox- and jwm-modes is very easy. You will find it in the menu at "Desktop --> MoveIcons tray or desktop", also via clicking on the "setup" desktop icon. The latter case, a photo:


Clicking on the "Move icons - Icons in tray or desktop" button:


Clicking on "All icons in the tray" radiobutton then "Continue" and we get a desktop without icons:


The icons I had previously created in rox-mode are leafpad, droidcam, chromium, nanosaur, claws, okular and frogatto, and they are all in the tray. They all have popup label when mouse-over.

The script that has been edited is /usr/local/ui/jwm/jwmrc-insert-icons:

This is great, makes icon-free-desktop mode really nice to use.    

Tags: easy