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VeMoo leaning tadpole trike

March 23, 2025 — BarryK

I'm always interested in new tadpole trike developments. At one time I looked around for enclosed or semi-enclosed tadpole trikes (or quads), and in 2023 posted this report on the Pedilio and Veemo:

So many of these startups claim to be starting production "soon", or to have started limited production. But then, years later, they have faded away. Just a quick glance at the Veemo site, it looks like they have reached production.

I recently discovered another startup, the VeMoo trike; this one is particularly interesting, as it is a leaning design and also full-suspension. It is partially enclosed. Here is the website:


The VeMoo is intended to be in production in 2025. They are taking pre-orders, but I don't know the price.

I very much want to know how the steering and leaning works, but cannot find the precise details. There are videos, but they don't show much detail:

However, I got a clue how the leaning works from this video by the "Laidback Bike Report" of the VeMoo at Spezi 2024 exhibition:

The guy showed how it tilted, just by pushing it sideways. This means that it is a weight-controlled leaning; so you shift your weight to the side and it will lean. This is a "Type 1" leaning mechanism, that I posted about recently:

However, the website describes it as a "pendulum suspension". From this I deduce that when sitting in it, it will have a natural tendency to stay vertical. But, lean to the side and it will tilt.

I cannot say how effective this leaning mechanism is; anyone who has ridden one, let me know! You can post in the comments section of my YouTube channel, or send me an email.   

Tags: light