/usr/games, .mhtml, .webp
The guys testing EasyOS Daedalus have discovered bugs...
Gnome-Mastermind installs an executable into /usr/games, but the .desktop file got deleted when a EasyOS version update. Forum member Caramel found the fix:
Forum member don570 reported that SFR's Uextract needs 'ripmime' to open .mhtml files:
don570 also reported that left-click on .webp image, it failed to view in gPicView, which is the default image viewer:
All of these are fixed, for the next release of both Scarthgap
and Daedalus.
Tags: easy
JWM window manager 2.4.7
I posted recently about a bug in the latest JWM:
- Latest JWM has wrong colours — November 05, 2024
Joe has fixed it, and Larry sent me an email that he tested it on EasyOS and the colours are now correct.
So have compile version 2.4.7 in OpenEmbedded and it will be in
the next release of EasyOS.
Tags: easy
EasyOS Daedalus-series version 6.4.3
See release notes here:
Feedback is welcome at the forum:
The latest Scarthgap-series is version 6.4.2
Tags: easy
Redshift/brightness tray applet fix
There was a recent report, that the redhsift/brightness tray applet does not "kick in" until it is clicked on. In manual mode, it does remember your selection, which is saved in /root/.rshift; however, those settings are not read until the tray icon is clicked on.
In my case, I have one laptop that has a too-bright screen. I often use this in the evening, sitting in a lounge chair, and in the lower ambient light level, the screen brightness is a bit too much. So I have set brightness a bit lower, but then have to click the tray icon every time startup the laptop.
We have a fix:
I have updated the PET and it will be in the next release of
Tags: easy
Rox right-click run-in-terminal
Forum member Vverve requested this:
He referred to an old PET package that provided a ROX-Filer right-click menu entry "Run in terminal".
Yes, that would be nice. You can left-click on a shell script or binary executable and it will run, but sometimes you would like to run the executable in a terminal to see any console output. Yes, ROX does have the ability to open a terminal, with backtick key or a menu choice, which I use often; but then you have to type in the name of the executable that you want to run.
It is pretty easy to implement, so it is now done. Right-click on a shell script or binary executable, and there is now an offer to run it in a terminal. For example, I right-clicked on the /usr/bin/partview shell script:
Choosing it, and a terminal starts. But instead of just starting the executable immediately, I have made it a bit interactive:
Also, when partview terminates, the terminal window stays open, so that you can view any console output. It is required to click on the window close-box to close the terminal.
Furthermore, you have the option of entering commandline parameters:
This will be very handy! This new feature is builtin and will be in the next release of Easy.
Here are the github commits:
Tags: easy
Syntax fix for mimeapps.list
/usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list is used by many applications to determine what executable to handle a particular file, for example how to open or view a PNG image. This list is generated by /usr/bin/build-rox-sendto everytime a package is installed or removed, or the SFS layers change.
Easy Scarthgap 6.4.2 has UExtract, a universal archive extractor tool. However, a problem emerged, as discussed on the forum:
I took out "inode/directory" and "inode/mount-point" from the "MimeType=" field in /usr/share/applications/uextract.desktop, which fixed the problem reported by bugnaw333; however, there was another problem, being that the mimeapps.list file had the wrong format.
That fixes the syntax, but doesn't automatically set a default.
For example, this line in mimeapps.list:
...will set the first one, uextract.desktop, as the default.
ROX-Filer has it's own right-click menu mechanism and will offer a choice, but I don't know about apps that read mimeapps.list; maybe they will just use the leftmost entry instead of offering a choice. I haven't tried with KDE Dolphin for example.
Note, the correct syntax for mimeapps.list is defined here.
Tags: easy
EasyOS Scarthgap version 6.4.2 released
The previous release is 6.4, announced here:
- EasyOS Scarthgap and Daedalus version 6.4 — October 28, 2024
To find out what has changed, read the release notes:
...very interesting new applications!
Feedback is welcome at the forum:
Tags: easy
UExtract universal extractor
I posted yesterday about Jake's PackIt:
- HTML-NOTEPAD and PackIt — November 03, 2024
Jake has also created UExtract, an archive extractor, well, a tool to unpack just about anything:
Right-click on a file, and UExtract is offered in the menu. Version 4.14 will be in the next release of Easy Scarthgap and Daedalus.
I modified the PET package somewhat, as UExtract PET as-is does
not work properly in EasyOS. One problem is that Easy has
/usr/bin/build-rox-sendto that manages mime-handling for ROX and
other apps, and this runs automatically when packages are
installed or removed. Also changed a few other things that were
not relevant for Easy. PET not yet uploaded.
Have done some work on how 'build-rox-sendto' is called, as it is
a bit slow; now it will be run as a separate
Tags: easy