Fix run X11 apps in containers
Alfons reported that X11 apps, such as ycalc, rubix, even lite-xl, do not start in containers. Try to run them in a terminal, and see "cannot load font" error message.
I found the cause. These apps need to load .pcf fonts, that are at /usr/share/fonts/misc; however, the Xephyr nested server does not look there. It does see the TrueType fonts in /usr/share/fonts/TTF
The fix is to explicitly add the path with the "-fp" option when launch Xephyr, see commit:
...although seems not needed, explicitly added the "TTF" and
"X11" folder paths as well.
Tags: easy
pRun application launcher updated
You will find pRun in the Utility menu category. EasyOS has version 1.3, rather old, and SteveS advised of a later version:
pRun is another creation from Roger (radky in the forum). We use a lot of Roger's apps in EasyOS; very grateful for his contributions.
I have updated pRun to 1.7 which will be in the next release of
Note, there is a thread on the forum for pRun:
Tags: easy
Orange-ball menu entries install bug
Alfons reported this. The Network menu category has an "orange-ball" menu entry for AnyDesk. He installed AnyDesk, and the menu entry changed accordingly, with the icon for the app. OK, except after reboot the menu entry had disappeared. This happens to all the orange-ball menu entries.
The AnyDesk menu entry and the concept of orange-ball menu entries is explained here:
- AnyDesk orange-ball menu entry — December 12, 2024
I found the cause of the problem; it is at line 167 in script /usr/local/orange/orange.install:
sed -i -e "s%^Exec=.*%^Exec=${EN}%" ${DT}
...remove the second "^"
What that bug does, is causes this in /usr/share/applications/anydesk.desktop:
...which is invalid and will cause anydesk.desktop to get deleted
at next bootup.
Tags: easy
EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.5.3
The companion Daedalus-series has also reached 6.5.3:
- EasyOS Daedalus-series version 6.5.3 released — December 28, 2024
If you are new to EasyOS, you will find the 6.5 announcement has useful extra information:
- EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.5 released — December 03, 2024
Scarthgap 6.5.3 highlights:
Release notes:
Feedback is welcome at the forum:
Have fun!
Tags: easy
EasyOS Daedalus-series version 6.5.3 released
A New Year present!
If you are new to EasyOS, you might find it informative to read the 6.5 annoucement:
- EasyOS Daedalus-series version 6.5 released — December 03, 2024
For newcomers, I recommend the Scarthgap-series, which has also just now reached version 6.5.3. Here is the Scarthgap 6.5 announcement:
- EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.5 released — December 03, 2024
Here are the highlights of Daedalus 6.5.3 relative to the previous release
Release notes:
Feedback is welcome at the forum:
Have fun!
Tags: easy
Meld file and folder difference app fixed
I received a message from Steve, that Meld, a file and folder
difference GUI app, in the 'noarch' repository, installed via
PKGget, does not work.
Yes, the PET has a path /usr/lib/python3.8, whereas Scarthgap has
path /usr/lib/python3.11. However, Scarthgap has /usr/lib/python3
a symlink to python3.11, and PKGget will follow the symlink if the
PET has files in /usr/lib/python3
Just checked Daedalus, it has /usr/lib/python3 which is a folder, not a symlink. Hmmm, presume the python will still find the Meld files.
I have fixed the PET, with /usr/lib/python3, so should be ok in both Scarthgap and Daedalus. Also bumped to the latest, version 3.22.2. Project homepage:
The new PET has been uploaded, but you will have to update the database in PKGget. Or get it direct:
...all dependencies are builtin.
Tags: easy
Remove Daedalus pkg db files from Scarthgap
Forum member tallboy reported this:
I remember, that was an experiment. Abandoned, but forgot to
remove the /root/.packages/Packages-devuan-daedalus-* package
database files. Fixed.
Tags: easy
Set Color Temperature utility enhanced
I posted about the Dcontrol app now builtin to Easy:
- New Dcontrol PET — December 24, 2024
The problem, though, is it requires an enhanced 'sct' utility, whereas Easy has an older version of 'sct'. Roger (radky) sent me a message; reproducing part of it:
If I understand correctly you are using a modified version of
a provided by forum member Sofiya. Based
on timestamps it seems the dcontrol files in this pet were
extracted from the current JWMDesk-3.6. Apparently, the only
modified file is the main dcontrol file and the only change is
the increase in version from 1.4 to 2.1.
If I understand correctly, you will use the sct binary
already included in EasyOS. I don't know the source of that
binary but you might consider the following excerpt from the
JWMdesk release notes:
Note-3: The original release of the sct utility by Ted Unangst has a singular function - to change the screen color temperature via the RandR X window system protocol. However, Display Control requires an updated version of sct (with code from the mgudemann, faf0 and mfachal forks). Specifically, this updated version of sct adds (1) screen brightness control and (2) multi-monitor support and (3) baseline adjustment of color temperatures in smooth 100K increments rather than the original coarse 500K increments.
Importantly, the enhanced sct binary of dcontrol supports a
single command line for simultaneous software modulation of
screen brightness and color temperature. This is independent of
the hardware backlight option of dcontrol.
Roger also sent me a link that explains the concept of color temperature:
I have uploaded Roger's enhanced sct source here:
Also, compiled the new sct for both Scarthgap and Daedalus and
created PETs. These will be in the next releases, and Dcontrol
will then work properly.
Tags: easy