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Kernel task_delayacct fix for ioptop-py

April 29, 2024 — BarryK

Iotop monitors input/output activity. In EasyOS and QV you will find it in the System menu. I wrote about it in 2023:

This is what it looks like:


...see the message along the bottom of the window. "CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT" is actually enabled in the kernel; however, disabled by default, and has to be turned on, either on the kernel commandline or by 'sysctl' after bootup. The reason for disabling it by default is that it imposes a i/o performance hit.

I have modified the wrapper, /usr/bin/iotop-wrapper:

if [ -e usr/bin/iotop-py ];then
sysctl kernel.task_delayacct=1
urxvt -bg '#f0f0f0' -fg black -name iotop -fn 'xft:Roboto Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=14' -fb 'xft:Roboto Mono:style=Bold:pixelsize=14' -e ${IOTOPEXE} -o -a
sysctl kernel.task_delayacct=0

Now, iotop-py displays all information. Here is the project homepage:

This fix applies to both EasyOS and QV.  

Tags: easy

EasyOS Kirkstone-series will continue

April 28, 2024 — BarryK

I posted to the forum in response to questions about this, as people are seeing work on QV and wondering if I have forgotten about EasyOS:

I have just completed a recompile in OpenEmbedded/Yocto, based on the Kirkstone 4.0.17 release. The new build is "revision-7" and all the binary packages have "-r7" in their name.

Easy 5.7 was built from OE Kirkstone release 4.0.14, and here are the version changes from then to 4.0.17:

apache2         2.4.57   2.4.58
busybox-static 1.34.1 1.36.1
cpio 2.13 2.14
dnsmasq 2.87 2.90
firefox 120.0.1 125.0.2
libstd-rs 1.73.0 1.75.0
linux-firmware 20230804 20240220
mbedtls 2.28.5 2.28.7
mdview 20160622 2023.12.12
openssl 3.0.12 3.0.13
perl 5.34.1 5.34.3
python3-aiohttp 3.8.5 3.8.6
python3-jinja2 3.1.1 3.1.3
python3-pyqt5 5.15.1 5.15.7
python3-urllib3 1.26.17 1.26.18
sudo-sh 1.2 1.3
tzdata 2023c 2024a
vim 9.0.2068 9.0.2190
new: xml2 0.5

Right now, the 5.15.157 kernel is compiling. There was a hiccup with the aufs patch; fixed, see:

Easy 5.8 shouldn't be too far away. There is a small to-do list, which hopefully will take a couple of days only. That's if I don't get distracted.   

Tags: easy

Improved support for btrfs

March 15, 2024 — BarryK

I posted earlier today about compiling 'btrfs-progs' linked-statically, as I want to include the 'btrfs' utility in the initrd:

I will also have the 'btrfs-progs' package in the main filesystem.

using Gparted, I created a btrfs filesystem in a partition in a USB-stick, but the icon for the partition did not display on the desktop.

Hmmm... I have never worked with btrfs before, despite it being around for so many years, and the choice for root filesystem of some distros such as Fedora. I looked through the scripts and found out what was wrong. Fixes committed:

For anyone interested in reading more about btrfs:   

Tags: easy

Bugfix easyVoid non-US keyboard

March 10, 2024 — BarryK

Caramel reported this problem:

The problem is that there are scripts that expect the Xorg keyboard layout files to be at /etc/X11/xkb. The normal path is /usr/share/X11/xkb, with extras allowed in /etc/X11/xkb; however, Puppy Linux from the very early days had /usr/share/X11/xkb a symlink to /etc/X11/xkb

easyVoid has installed the keyboard layouts to the normal path, /usr/share/X11/xkb, not a symlink, so some scripts are not working.

This goes back a long way... when the keyboard layout is chosen in the initrd, it writes the selection to /etc/keymap. At startup of X from the commandline, /usr/bin/xwin script runs, and one thing this script does is call "keymap-set --xopt", which edits /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev-puppy.conf with the appropriate keyboard layout.

It is that 'keymap-set' script that is broken, as it looks at /etc/X11/xkb only. Forum member shinobar wrote that script in 2010, minor mods in 2012, 2015, 2016 and one small change in 2023.

I really should fix those scripts to look at /usr/share/X11/xkb, but for now have just implemented the easy solution; made /usr/share/X11/xkb into a symlink. Here is the woofV commit:   

Tags: easy

Package uninstall fixes

March 10, 2024 — BarryK

Caramel has been performing some install and uninstall tests in easyVoid:

Yes, there are some issues; folders and icons getting left behind after a package is uninstalled. These issues apply to all Easy* variants. I have applied some fixes:



One issue was that you might create an icon on the desktop for an application, but after uninstalling the application, the desktop icon is still there. Sure, you can manually delete it, but now it is likely to get deleted automatically.   

Tags: easy

Bug in Client Manager

March 09, 2024 — BarryK

In a blog post posted yesterday:

...the last snapshot shows two ways to flip an app between running non-root or root. The second method, via Login Manager, doesn't work. Caramel posted about this:

...I posted a fix.

This bug applies to all recent EasyOSs, including easyVoid.   

Tags: easy

EasyVoid version 240308 pre-alpha

March 08, 2024 — BarryK

If anyone feels like they would like to try it:

If you already have 6.0.1 or 6.0.2, you cannot update to 240308; they are completely different.

Previous blog post about the woofV project:

We are discussing easyVoid and woofV development in the forum:

With 240308, you can see how PKGget (PPM) is a GUI for XBPS, and either the PPM or the XBPS utilities can be used to install and remove packages.

Note that the "current" containerized desktop works; however, the other two container icons, "www" and "term", don't.

woofV is at /usr/local/woofV, and anyone who wants to try it, go for it. You will need to open a terminal in /usr/local/woofV/rootfs/0rootfs-skeleton, then run these scripts in sequence:

# ./create-skel
# cd ..
# ./1update-pkg-dbs
# ./2dl-start-pkgs
# ./3create-start-rootfs
# ./4create-wip-dep-order
# ./5populate-rootfs
# ./6post-process-rootfs
# ./7create-easy-sfs
# ./8create-drive-img

There is not yet an overall GUI. The end result will be 'easy-<date>-amd64.img', in /mnt/wkg/data/woofV/export

A reasonably fast Internet connection is required, and first time through will take awhile as over 1000 packages have to be downloaded.   

Tags: easy

Testing interaction between XBPS and PKGget

March 08, 2024 — BarryK

Previous post:

Looking good. I can run 'xbps-install' and 'xbps-remove' in a terminal, and changes appear in PKGget. One thing needed fixing; I found that alias settings, as set in /etc/profile.d/xbps-aliases, are not recognized in a bash script. So I edited /usr/bin/vpm, now that works also. Here is an example:


Then started PKGget, and it shows 'epdfview' as installed:


I have implemented an enhancement in PKGget when install a package, for example, Abiword:


...extra information is shown how to run the app as either non-root or root. Clicking on the help-button:


PKGget also works inside the containerized desktop, but installed apps to run as "crippled root", not as a unique user.

I will probably upload a pre-alpha build of easyVoid, version 240308, tonight.   

Tags: easy