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Coordinated misinformation in mainstream media

January 30, 2025 — BarryK

I have posted about this plenty of times in the "ethos" tag of my blog. I was reminded a few days ago of what major organizations get up to, this video posted by "The Electric Viking":

He is quite brave, an individual guy making these statements. It doesn't matter if he is telling the truth; the truth doesn't have much to do with it if challenged by a huge organization with enormous legal team and deep pockets.

Sky News has been prosecuted for "misleading information", but it seems that they just pay the fine, then don't change. Or so it seems to me. One thing I have noticed is that Sky News is quite cunning, or again so it seems to me; they will interview someone who fits their agenda. That's cunning, because it is not Sky News saying it directly, just the interviewees opinion.

This for example, one of their pet "experts":

...quite a few statements made there, that I would contend are misleading, but just picking out one; that Chinese solar panels are "garbage".

Actually, yes, the Chinese make solar panels for many different types of buyers, probably including questionable quality. Panels that are used in Australian commercial or industrial projects must meet Australian standards. They are tested in Australia and certified to meet the standard. There are Chinese panels that meet the standards, right up to standards not yet formalized officially in Australia. In other words, the panels are of very high quality.

The minimum requirement is that the glass must withstand "golf ball size hail", and I think from online reading that usually means 25mm (1 inch) diameter. However, the standards go up from there, see here:

Recent Australian solar projects have featured bifacial panels with 2 mm-thick front and rear glass. Typically certified to minimum International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) test standards, for 25 mm ice ball resistance, they can usually pass 35 mm hail impact tests. Severe Australian hailstorms have always had 35 mm-plus hailstones and climate change means such events are more frequent and more damaging.

Some laboratories have introduced more stringent, bespoke tests beyond minimum IEC requirements. As a result, some manufacturers are offering customised bill of materials featuring 2.5 mm glass front and rear. This increased glass thickness comes with a weight penalty, but in many cases, the modules can pass a 45 mm hail impact test.

Manufacturers have also released “hail- resistant” modules with 3.2 mm front glass and either 2 mm or 1.6 mm rear glass that can pass 50 mm, and in some cases 55 mm hail impact tests.

Sky News and their pet expert are attacking the green revolution, but the building of solar panels on agricultural land, or using panels that meet appropriate standards for hail expected in the area, are administrative issues.

Yes, if what the interviewee states, that approvals have been bull-dozed through without proper consideration, then he has a point. But again, it comes down to an administrative issue. Any authorities doing the wrong thing should be attacked, not Chinese solar panels, nor the green revolution. The project should be built on degraded land not prime agricultural, and solar panels must be certified to withstand extreme hail events expected in the region.

Awhile back, I was reading about world-leading hail-resistant solar panels made in China. Just now doing a quick search... Chinese SunTech panels are certified to withstand 45mm diameter hail, and are sold here in Australia:

In testing, Suntech panels withstand impacts from 45mm hail travelling at 30.7m/s (111km/h).  This is superior to many panels which are only certified to withstand 25mm hail travelling at 23m/s (83km/h).

I don't normally watch Sky News; however, stumbled upon the above on YouTube, watched most of it, and it just reconfirmed what I already know about them. The host, the interviewer; to me she looks "sly". I got caught by the click-bait title. Of course, everything posted above is just my opinion; make what you want of it -- that's my disclaimer.    

Tags: ethos

The USA has a new President

November 09, 2024 — BarryK

Here in Australia, we were watching from the outside; the election was a time to sit in front of the TV with drink and snacks. Entertaining, but very serious implications.

I rarely make a political blog post. Once or twice a year. Well, there was one about the US economy, in May 2024:

"The US economy and de-dollarization"

Not political exactly. There was a political post about misinformation on YouTube, in August 2023:

"Misinformation and more misinformation"

Making political posts is going down a rabbit hole. Better to stick with my custom trike project and EasyOS development posts.

However, I am motivated to post an observation, just before the US election. The media that we get here is, apart from Fox News, just about all pushing that the Democrats are the Good Guys. But, a strange thing happened...

I was watching Donald Trump being interviewed by Tucker Carlson on YouTube, then the next day, it was all over the news that Donald Trump was inciting violence against Liz Cheney. Kamala Harris announced that Trump should be barred from running to be President and prosecuted. Liz Cheney and others echoed the same.

My reaction was surprise. "Huh? that's not what Trump said." He was taken completely out of context. I saw why they did it; right before the election, they wanted to sway enough people to get them over the line. But it was low, a dirty shot.

Elon Musk commented on this, reiterating what Trump actually said. Can't find that right now, but this was the interview with Trump that caused the big stir:

And here is CNN's reporting:


While campaigning in Arizona, former President Donald Trump told Tucker Carlson that former Rep. Liz Cheney is a "war hawk" and said she should be fired upon.

That is a complete misrepresentation of what Trump actually said, and is another contribution to me reconsidering everything that I had been fed by the media that dominates our news feeds in Australia.
I could post more about other observations that have put "chinks in the armour", so to speak, of who are "the good guys".

Ah, found it, Elon Musk's response to Trump's Liz Cheney comment (9:55 in):

Yeah, I know Trump is a narcissist, and lot more colourful words apply. He is going to shake things up; it is certainly going to be an interesting four years ahead.

While I'm in the mood of political commentary; I was shocked by the banning of all Russian contributors to the Linux kernel. Mostly I objected to the manner in which they did it, and the, what I thought to be disgusting, post in support of the ban given by Linus Torvalds. Some details posted here:

What worries me about this is that the USA is even able to weaponize open source GPL software. This is in addition to weaponizing the Dollar and control via various alliances. Oh yeah, and ...Barry, you had better stop, right now! Ending this post.

Ha ha, one final comment; there are hats available for sale in the US with "Kamala can be Indian again" printed on them. That is very funny. You would have to watch certain YouTube channels to understand that one.    

Tags: ethos

Kindness with Amy

August 25, 2024 — BarryK

I have been watching some of Amy's podcasts about veganism, on her "Kindness with Amy" YouTube channel:


I recently had a blood test. Don't like going to doctors, but wanted to get a professional opinion about my itchy skin. The skin is very sensitive, and if I scratch an itchy spot, it flares up. He prescribed a couple of products -- which didn't have any effect -- and also had a blood test. On the follow-up visit, he went through the test results and it was mostly very good.

I was quite impressed with the comment he made, "the test results are good, as expected from someone on a vegetarian diet". Not a comment that I would get from most doctors. I've been a vegetarian for over 50 years, a "lacto vegetarian"; that is, someone who also eats diary products such as milk and cheese. Also eat eggs sometimes.

There was just one test result that needs attention; cholesterol is a little bit high. We talked about what can be done to lower cholesterol, and first up, I decided to cut out the store-bought iced coffee. I had become addicted to this, drank it every day; apart from containing milk it is also has a lot of sugar. Went cold-turkey on that, now drinking just black coffee, one small cup per day.

We also had a discussion about causes of skin itchiness. Our water is heavily chlorinated and is a possible cause of skin irritation:

He also showed me that my skin is very dry, a possible indication of chlorine sensitivity.

He recommended water filters, both under the kitchen sink and also attached to the shower-head. I said that I could buy spring water in bottles, and he replied no, don't do that, as they are plastic bottles.

My place has an outside water tank, with runoff from the roof, but that tank is plastic. Sigh... But if the tank is flushed a few times, perhaps that will reduce plastic chemicals migrating into the water.

Anyway, regarding diet, reckon will move more toward the vegan end of the diet spectrum.     

Tags: ethos

Ten reasons not to move to China

July 10, 2024 — BarryK

I have posted about foreigners living in China, showing what it is like from the inside.

Lizzie is one of those. She is from South Africa and is teaching English in China. Her posts in channel "Because I'm Lizzie" are very positive about China; except for this one, "10 reasons NOT to move to China!". Ha ha, very frank, and I can relate to some of her posts. This is the link:


It is going back awhile, I visited India many times, the longest stay about 3 months. In regional areas, foreigners always attract attention, you are always the foreigner. I stayed with some Indian people in a regional city, and as my habit back in Australia, I was going for a daily walk -- until my hosts told me not to, as I was attracting attention. Like, people commenting, why is that foreigner snooping around, or words to that effect.

Lizzie has learnt Chinese. Ha ha, easier said than done! Mandarin is said to be one of the most difficult languages to learn. I'm reminded of an American living in China who posts business-related topics on YouTube. His channel is "Inside China Business". He gave up trying to learn Mandarin; said that no one could understand what he said. Here is his post "Welcome to Inside China Business":


...a short distance in, he explains about the language problem. Very interesting channel.   

Tags: ethos

The US economy and de-dollarization

May 10, 2024 — BarryK

The last political post to this blog was in August 2023, and a little bit before that I puzzled over why the USA hasn't become bankrupt:

However, there was a more recent post about spin in YouTube channels that touches on international politics:

I'm still immensely puzzled over how the global economy works, and in particular how the USA survives given the huge foreign debt and budget deficit that just gets bigger year after year.

I've taken to watching Lena Petrova. She is a Chartered Accountant, so does have a few clues about what is really going on. She is predicting, basically, that for ordinary Americans there is going to be a steady decline in their buying-power, also infrastructure will continue to crumble, and social services will dry up.

A big question; do the leaders in the US Government understand the economic dangers they are facing? Lena posted this quite shocking interview with Jared Bernstein, the President's chief economic advisor:


I don't understand everything she says, but do try and pick up the salient points. I never came across her predicting a marked collapse of the US economy, or maybe I missed that video. However, recently she posted a talk by a Chinese economist, that not only predicts likelihood of financial collapse, but also sets a date; about 4 years from now.

Hmmm, I can't find that video. The talk is probably still there in one of her videos. What particularly interested me about the talk were the factors that might affect the outcome of the US economy; he said it depends on the the ability of the US to continue to "harvest" foreign countries.

That word "harvest" is startling. But yes, that is how the US survives, or so it seems from my understanding so far, the Dollar being the main medium of international transactions. Many countries and foreign entities are trying to de-dollarize international transactions.

On the topic of de-dollarization, here was another video, Lena again I think, quoting what Donald Trump will do if he becomes president. He has stated that he will go all-out to sanction any country that tries to de-dollarize. Found this though, from Palki Sharma:

There is something else that shocked me a little bit, though it shouldn't have. I have posted previously that George W. Bush committed war crimes by invading Iraq under the false pretext of "weapons of mass destruction". After that, amazingly, he got re-elected, which spoke volumes about the lack of truth in US media. Anyway, President Bush covered himself from being charged with war crimes by the International Court in Brussels:

...yikes again!

You might have contrary viewpoints to what is presented above. OK, I'm just posting this as something to think about, viewpoints that are probably different from what you get in the mainstream media.

EDIT 2024-05-11:
I found a YouTube video where that Chinese economist is giving a 4 year timeline for USA economic collapse, subject to various conditions:

While searching for it, I stumbled across "Double Down News" channel. This Australian guy is posting how the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, was caught telling lies to President Biden, that Biden then repeated publically:

Reminds me of another Aussie guy, Jerry Grey, residing in China, who has "Jerry's Take on China" channel. He got upset by ongoing Western media misinformation about China, so started the channel.

He counters the many who have accused him of being a "Chinese shill" on the pay of the CCP: 

EDIT 2024-05-17:
We have to be so careful; take everything we read and see online with a grain of salt.

I received an email from Paul. He carefully studied the video of the interview with Jared Bernstein, frame by frame, see Lena Petrova's video link above. He determined that it is clips cut out from some longer interview. It seems these clips have deliberately been done to show Mr Bernstein in a bad light.

I found a video where a guy said that yes, that is what has been done. However, I have not been able to locate the original longer interview.

The clipped video went viral and Lena found it somewhere. She has used it, which somewhat lessens my opinion of her. She doesn't show sources either.   

Tags: ethos

Spin, spin and more spin

December 26, 2023 — BarryK

I was browsing on YouTube today, and came across a video by MGUY, who claims to "put a realistic perspective on the mad dash to EVs". In this video, he shows the appalling conditions of child labor mining cobalt in Africa:

"The SHOCKING Human and Environmental Cost of EVs"

I am disappointed with MGUY. I have watched a couple of his other videos and found them to be quite good. Unfortunately, there is obvious spin in this video. MGUY must surely be aware of the spin. The commenters, though, these are the people he is targeting, and I don't expect balanced understanding from them.

Anyway, I read through the comments, and there are some with interesting information; contrary to MGUY's spin. And I found one guy who posted about EV batteries moving away from cobalt. I replied:

I sometimes watch "The Electric Viking". He is the opposite to MGUY, and unfortunately I find pro-EV spin in Electric Vikings videos. Though, in his case it is more a case of being overly-enthusiatic sometimes and not carefully checking before pumping out another video; I do continue to watch his videos.

Just to clarify, the word "spin" is an indirect form of telling lies, usually by omission.

Of course, this blog post is me expressing my opinions; they cannot be guaranteed to be correct, just what I understand at this point in time. So, having expressed that disclaimer, read on...

A further note about cobalt used in lithium batteries; these are what is known as "lithium ternary" batteries, or "NMC" -- meaning lithium battery that contains nickel, manganese and cobalt. LiFePo4, also known as "LFP" batteries -- meaning lithium, iron and phosphate, do not contain nickel, manganese or cobalt.

You can buy EVs with LFP batteries, it is a consumer choice. I have posted about the recumbent trike I recently purchased from China. Unfortunately, it came with a NMC battery. Not only do LFP not contain cobalt, they are safer (higher ignition temperature) and last for many more charge cycles.

So, I have purchased a 48V LFP battery for my trike. There was no choice when ordering the trike, I got the NMC type, but now I have a problem; how to dispose of it? There is no place locally where I can take it. Not that I know of anyway; there are two local places, Battery World and Supercheap, but they only take lead acid batteries.

Question: why hasn't our oh-so-pro-green government, State or Federal, provided, or legislated to provide, local dropoff points to recycle lithium batteries? Even better, verge pickup?

Another question: why hasn't our pro-green government legislated to allay our fears about EVs catching fire? As well as take a stand against child-labour mining cobalt in China? One very simple temporary solution: legislate a minimum ignition temperature, which will force all vendors of cars, trucks, ebikes, scooters, not to use NMC type.

I'm just throwing out some questions, that seem logical to me.

On so many of these YouTube channels, the popular ones employ clickbait and bias to attract people with certain beliefs. They will pander to these beliefs, conveniently ignoring any contrary facts.

It is not just YouTube; in the USA, you have right-wing media and left-wing media doing the same thing. Even if media outlets and companies tell lies and get fined, that doesn't stop them. I could name organizations, but probably better not.

It is not just the USA, it is worldwide. There is a huge propaganda war between China and the USA, both sides spreading misinformation about the other.

For example, US officials announced that the Chinese government is commiting genocide against some muslim minorities. This, coming from a country that carpet-bombed North Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, killing hundreds of thousands of people, sprayed Agent Orange over vast areas knowing how dangerous it is to humans. Bombed Bhagdad on the false premise of "weapons of mass destruction".  Turned a blind eye to vicious dictatorships that were on "their side". Now standing by while Israel forces kill thousands of civilians in Gaza. Sent cluster bombs to Ukraine.

I investigated that "genocide" claim in China. My  tentative conclusion is that it is not genocide. It is an emotive word, that causes a certain reaction in those hearing it -- which is why the word is used.

It is a more mild example, but we had emotive words being used by the Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) here in Australia, during the recent "The Voice" referendum. This was whether to change the Australian Constitution to formally recognise the indigenous people. I posted about this:

...on the day, I voted "NO".

The Federal Government was pro-Voice, especially our Prime Minister. The language used by the pro-Voice people was very insulting toward the "no" proponents. Many of those within the ABC, despite supposing to be impartial, would use words like "misinformation" and "racist" in reference to those promoting the No vote.

Actually, misinformation and racial bias was rife in those campaigning for the Yes vote, but that was never mentioned.

It used to be, years ago, that I believed that the ABC was an impartial source of information. No more. I have come to realise that there is a lot of filtered news. Anyway, I will continue to watch the ABC, as the less-evil news outlet.

Reading this post, you recognise that I am in a bit of a down-mood, different from my usual blog posts. In this mood, I am wanting to withdraw from everything -- don't know what form that will take, should I decide to action it -- maybe throw away the TV and go offline. Anyway, I'm getting toward the end of this life-span, which is actually a feeling of relief.  But then, I believe, and I have what I consider good reason to believe, that I will continue beyond death, so the event of death is not a worry for me, more of a freeing from a prison.


I came across something very interesting. Our Federal Government is considering legislation to fine companies that spread misinformation:

Sky News Australia and the The Australian newspaper, part of the Murdoch empire (as are most of the daily newspapers in Australia), are strongly opposed to it.   

Tags: ethos

Brand new ebike catches fire

November 27, 2023 — BarryK

Poor guy. Going for the first ride on his new US$6,000 ebike:


...the bike starts smoking just past midway through the video.

We are discussing EVs and lithium batteries in the off-topic section of the Puppy Forum (requires login to see):       

Tags: ethos