Easy Help overhauled
August 08, 2017 —
In Quirky, and all pups, there is a "Help" entry in the menu, clicking on which launches the web browser and brings up a local web page, /usr/share/doc/index.html
I have overhauled the help mechanism. index.html has javascript in it, which HelpSurfer cannot handle.
index.html is now removed, and clicking "Help" in the menu runs /usr/share/doc/easy/help.sh, which launches a language-translated file 'help.htm' in HelpSurfer.
This has to work without being online, so there are translations of major languages for help.htm, in /usr/share/doc/easy.
This replaces 'welcome1stboot' and launches a translated 'welcome.htm'. Again, has to work offline.
index.html had pull-down menus to select a package, application or utility, and launch local or online help. That uses javascript, so there is now a script, /usr/sbin/doc-launcher.sh.
help.htm has a link to launch doc-launcher.
There has been a major cleanup of /usr/share/doc, old help files thrown out. Much of it is better suited to be online.
HelpSurfer 0.3
August 07, 2017 —
I posted about HelpSurfer 0.2 a few days ago:
There was something else that I wanted HelpSurfer to be able to do: execute local executables.
This is not a web browser, it is a local help viewer, so I can justify doing things that would be unacceptable in a browser.
Although it is not legitimate html, HelpSurfer 0.3 supports hyperlinks to
"exec:<executable>[ <parameters>]"
For example:
<a href="exec:leafpad /usr/share/doc/home.htm">EXECUTE LEAFPAD</a>
I have a requirement for this feature.
Announced on the Puppy Forum, with source and PET links:
New welcome window
August 07, 2017 —
With Quirky, at first bootup, QuickSetup displays, followed by 'welcome1stboot'. The latter is a window with some introductory information, such as about the desktop icons and tray applets, and links to further help.
In woof-CE, that welcome1stboot is a web page, in Quirky it is a binary executable (written in BaCon).
For Easy, I have created /usr/share/doc/easy/welcome.htm, and this now replaces welcome1stboot.
As easy has the lovely new HelpSurfer html viewer enhanced by SFR, this is used to view welcome.htm
Technical note: welcome.htm is launched from /usr/sbin/delayedrun, which in turn is launched from /root/.xinitrc when X starts up.
I used Google Translate to create welcome_de.htm, etc.. After the user has chosen a language in QuickSetup, delayedrun will look for a matching welcome_*.htm and if exists will launch it.
Tags: linux
SeaMonkey heavy writes to drive
August 06, 2017 —
Forum member tallboy posted about this, for Firefox:
SeaMonkey does the same thing, updates the session information every 15 seconds. This is only useful in case of a crash. Setting it to 15 seconds causes Flash memory to be pounded.
tallboy posted a link, with a fix. It can also be done by editing /root/.mozilla/*/seamonkey/prefs.js, this line will set it to 30 minutes update:
user_pref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 1800000);
I reckon that I will modify my SM PET with this.
Tags: linux
ROX-Filer Home icon
August 06, 2017 —
The icon bar along the top of ROX-Filer file manager has a "Home" icon. Click that, and it takes you to /root.
In Quirky and Easy, I want to differentiate between the /root and the user's preferred working home. When I click the "Home" icon, I want to go to that alternative path.
This question has been asked a few times on the Puppy Forum, for example here:
I have created a patch for the source code, 09-rox-filer-easy-home.patch. hard-coded for the home path in Easy Linux.
The source that I am using for Quirky and Easy is:
And these patches have to be applied:
09-rox-filer-easy-home.patch really should be generalized to suit any desired home, so it will work in any pup, as my todo note here:
...if anyone wants to do that, go for it!
After patching, compile:
# ./ROX-Filer/AppRun --compile
Which will create 'ROX-Filer' executable, copy that to /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/, or where ever ROX is in your pup, then restart X.
How to compile SeaMonkey 2.48
August 05, 2017 —
I have received a request, how to compile SeaMonkey 2.48.
This is a useful read:
Get the 'hotfix.patch' from here:
This is what I did:
# patch -p1 < ../hotfix.patch
# EXTRA_FLAGS=" -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse -fno-schedule-insns2"
This is my mozconfig file. Note that I used system pixman, however pixman spits out error messages, non-fatal, but you might want to consider using SM's internal pixman library: "--disable-system-pixman"
I did not use system nspr and nss, as in Quirky 8.3 (based on Ububtu 16.04.2 DEBs) they are too old.
Here is 'mozconfig':
mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS='-j1'
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=suite
ac_add_options --enable-application=suite
ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell
ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
ac_add_options --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
ac_add_options --disable-dbus
ac_add_options --disable-accessibility
ac_add_options --with-system-bz2
ac_add_options --disable-updater
ac_add_options --disable-parental-controls
ac_add_options --disable-system-sqlite
ac_add_options --disable-system-cairo
ac_add_options --enable-strip
ac_add_options --without-system-jpeg
ac_add_options --with-system-zlib
ac_add_options --disable-tests
ac_add_options --with-default-mozilla-five-home=/usr/lib/seamonkey
ac_add_options --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2
ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx
ac_add_options --enable-gio
ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi
ac_add_options --disable-gconf
#ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
#ac_add_options --with-system-nss
ac_add_options --enable-ldap
ac_add_options --with-system-icu
ac_add_options --disable-pulseaudio
ac_add_options --enable-alsa
ac_add_options --enable-system-ffi
ac_add_options --disable-gnomeui
ac_add_options --with-pthreads
ac_add_options --enable-system-pixman
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --with-system-libevent
#ac_add_options --disable-libjpeg-turbo
Just put 'mozconfig' into top-level of source code, then off you go:
# make -f client.mk
Before installing, if you already have /usr/lib/seamonkey-2.48 and seamonkey-devel-2.48, /usr/share/idl/seamonkey-2.48, and /usr/include/seamonkey-2.48, rename them to something else. then:
# make -f client.mk install
Make sure that /usr/lib/seamonkey is a symlink to seamonkey-2.48, and check that /usr/bin/seamonkey is a symlink to /usr/lib/seamonkey/seamonkey or /usr/lib/seamonkey-2.48/seamonkey
Then run "seamonkey".
Or, if you want to make a pet, use 'cp -a' to copy out all of those target directories, before running seamonkey (when seamonkey runs, it actually writes into /usr/lib/seamonkey-2.48, or at least it used to, so grab the pristine files before first run of seamonkey).
Tidy up: if creating a PET, good to use an existing PET, such as mine, as a template. Note, delete the dictionary files, as all pups have hunspell, and delete the 'modern' theme -- again, look in my PETs.
Get my PET from here:
If you have Quirky and maybe a very recent pup, it will have 'pet2dir' utility, so just do this to expand the PET to a folder:
# pet2dir seamonkey-2.48-xerus64.pet
If your pup does not have this utility, then do it this way, which will give an error message, but works:
# tar -xf seamonkey-2.48-xerus64.pet
SeaMonkey 2.48 final
August 05, 2017 —
Quirky 8.3 has SeaMonkey 2.48-beta1.
Now, the final has been released. I have compiled it in Easy (Ubuntu 16.04.2 Xenial Xerus compatible).
PET (45.9M):
I was astounded how fast SM compiled. I am running Easy on the "innostor" 16GB USB3 Flash drive that I bought recently for AU$7. It is plugged into a USB2 socket, but that doesn't slow it down. Plus, 'q.sfs' is in RAM. 'devx' sfs is mounted in the aufs layer and that is mounted from the flash stick. In all, very fast.
Tags: linux
HelpSurfer 0.2
August 03, 2017 —
HelpSurfer is at version 0.2.
Forum member SFR posted a patch for Surfer, see my blog post yesterday:
Hey, it is like I am a little kid again, on Christmas morning!

I put in another request, for a "Quit" icon in Surfer, and SFR posted another patch:
Here is the latest source, with both patches applied:
And a 64-bit PET, compiled in Easy (built with Ubuntu 16.04.2 Xenial Xerus DEBs):
Yes, Easy, I am excited like a little kid about that too, 'coz it is coming along very well. For those who don't know, Easy is the "next generation" after Quirky Linux.