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QCAD 2D CAD application compiled

November 18, 2019 — BarryK

I posted earlier about FreeCAD provided as an SFS:

I have been exploring other CAD applications. QCAD has been around for a long time, and is very easy to use. It is only 2D, though does have isometric views. There is a paid-for version, also a free open-source GPL version.

I compiled the open-source version in Easy Pyro 1.2.8. Note, QCAD is not available in the Debian repositories, however the SFS that I have created will work in both Pyro and Buster.

It requires 'qtscript', so I had to compile that:

Downloaded from here:

# export OE_QMAKE_AR=ar
# qmake PREFIX='/usr' LIBDIR='/usr/lib' PKG_CONFIG='/usr/bin/pkg-config'
# make
# make install

...had to manually create the PETs.

Downloaded QCAD source from here:

# export OE_QMAKE_AR=ar
# qmake -r PREFIX='/usr' LIBDIR='/usr/lib' PKG_CONFIG='/usr/bin/pkg-config'

...errors, but go ahead anyway...

# make release
# cd release
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./qcad-bin

Created a PET and a SFS. The SFS has been uploaded, and you can get it by clicking on "sfsget" on the desktop. It will work in both Pyro and Buster, in the latter case in a container only.

Here is the QCAD home page:

If you go to YouTube, there are tutorials. 

Tags: easy