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Inkscape compiled in OpenEmbedded

April 10, 2021 — BarryK

As already posted, I have recompiled everything in OE:

Also added 'pngoverlay-cairo':

Cross-compiling can be a challenge with some packages, and some of the big ones, such as SeaMonkey, LibreOffice and Inkscape, I have compiled in a running EasyOS (with the "devx" SFS loaded).

I have previously compiled LibreOffice in OE, see the Pyro series. But it was a lot of work.

Today I have imported Inkscape into OE. Had to import these dependencies into OE:

double-conversion potrace gdl

Then inkscape compiled, no issues. Good, I congratulate the developers on a well-behaved build. It is version 1.0.2.

My latest OE, based on the Dunfell release, is available as a tarball. It is really just the Dunfell release of OE with my "meta-quirky" layer. The tarball has some documentation. Available here:

...there is no git repo, just these tarballs, that are snapshots of my local system. My host OS is EasyOS Dunfell-series 2.6.2 x86_64, with "devx" loaded. You need a partition with at least 350GB free -- my build was done on a new 1TB SATA SSD (connected via USB3), and so far using 326GB. If I was to do another build, for a different target, say i686, then the used storage would jump way up -- so good to have 1TB drive.    

Tags: oe