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The mystery of Bullseye wi-fi device not ready

August 24, 2021 — BarryK

I posted about building Easy Bullseye, built with Debian Bullseye (version 11) binary packages:

...and commented that NetworkManager cannot detect the wi-fi device. Yet, it is working and was able to use ye olde SNS to connect. In the network-manager-applet (also named network-manager-gnome), the "Wi-Fi Networks" entry in the menu of the tray applet says "device not ready".

Would really like to solve this!

What about other Bullseye-based pups? Puppy Forum member 'josejp2424' has created DevuanPup, built with the Chimaera release of devuan -- which is the same as Debian Bullseye, just without systemd. Forum discussion:

I downloaded the iso from here (dated 2021-06-13):

Booted it, got a desktop OK. Network connection uses Frisbee, that works OK. Installed 'network-manager-gnome' and all of it's dependencies, then ran 'nm-applet' ...ha ha, the Wi-Fi menu category shows "device not ready".    

Tags: easy