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Final changes before releasing EasyOS 3.4.5

April 07, 2022 — BarryK

I have been doing some final testing before uploading Easy 3.4.5.

Problems were encountered flipping between ROX-mode icons-on-desktop and JWM-mode icon-free-desktop. I tweaked /root/.xinitrc and had to modify JWMDesk -- the PET is now version

Firefox has been bumped to version 99.0, and youtube-dl updated -- the youtube-dl in Easy 3.4.4 no longer works -- though the GUI does have an update button.

I reported on rts_bpp kernel driver:

...which doesn't work. The 'dmesg' utility reports failure to initialise the MMC interface. So, I still don't have a working SD-card reader on my baby laptop.   

Tags: easy