Flatpak compiled in OE
Yesterday I posted about generating the gnupg signed-key-pair required by Flatpak:
...though, it didn't really have to be done in the initrd. That's how
I did it in 2018, so left it like that, maybe there was a reason. But
later on will probably generate the signed-key-pair after switch_root to
the main filesystem.
I did compile Flatpak in OE, the Pyro-series, in 2018, posted about it here:
Now on the OE Kirkstone-series, have create a recipe:
...this is an experiment; have removed dependency on seccomp and polkit. I want it to be as basic as possible, initially anyway.
Good, Easy 5.2.1 already has all the dependencies, except for 'ostree', so added that to the package-list.
Will be testing it soon.
Note, there is a "meta-flatpak" layer for OpenEmbedded/Yocto:
...which looks overly complicated, to my eyes anyway. Using my own
simple recipe, derived from the recipe in 2018 that resulted in a
working Flatpak installation.
If you want to know what Flatpaks are all about:
Tags: easy