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EasyVoid version 240308 pre-alpha

March 08, 2024 — BarryK

If anyone feels like they would like to try it:

If you already have 6.0.1 or 6.0.2, you cannot update to 240308; they are completely different.

Previous blog post about the woofV project:

We are discussing easyVoid and woofV development in the forum:

With 240308, you can see how PKGget (PPM) is a GUI for XBPS, and either the PPM or the XBPS utilities can be used to install and remove packages.

Note that the "current" containerized desktop works; however, the other two container icons, "www" and "term", don't.

woofV is at /usr/local/woofV, and anyone who wants to try it, go for it. You will need to open a terminal in /usr/local/woofV/rootfs/0rootfs-skeleton, then run these scripts in sequence:

# ./create-skel
# cd ..
# ./1update-pkg-dbs
# ./2dl-start-pkgs
# ./3create-start-rootfs
# ./4create-wip-dep-order
# ./5populate-rootfs
# ./6post-process-rootfs
# ./7create-easy-sfs
# ./8create-drive-img

There is not yet an overall GUI. The end result will be 'easy-<date>-amd64.img', in /mnt/wkg/data/woofV/export

A reasonably fast Internet connection is required, and first time through will take awhile as over 1000 packages have to be downloaded.   

Tags: easy