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Testing interaction between XBPS and PKGget

March 08, 2024 — BarryK

Previous post:

Looking good. I can run 'xbps-install' and 'xbps-remove' in a terminal, and changes appear in PKGget. One thing needed fixing; I found that alias settings, as set in /etc/profile.d/xbps-aliases, are not recognized in a bash script. So I edited /usr/bin/vpm, now that works also. Here is an example:


Then started PKGget, and it shows 'epdfview' as installed:


I have implemented an enhancement in PKGget when install a package, for example, Abiword:


...extra information is shown how to run the app as either non-root or root. Clicking on the help-button:


PKGget also works inside the containerized desktop, but installed apps to run as "crippled root", not as a unique user.

I will probably upload a pre-alpha build of easyVoid, version 240308, tonight.   

Tags: easy