Kernel task_delayacct fix for ioptop-py
April 29, 2024 —
Iotop monitors input/output activity. In EasyOS and QV you will find it in the System menu. I wrote about it in 2023:
This is what it looks like:
...see the message along the bottom of the window. "CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT" is actually enabled in the kernel; however, disabled by default, and has to be turned on, either on the kernel commandline or by 'sysctl' after bootup. The reason for disabling it by default is that it imposes a i/o performance hit.
I have modified the wrapper, /usr/bin/iotop-wrapper:
if [ -e usr/bin/iotop-py ];then
sysctl kernel.task_delayacct=1
urxvt -bg '#f0f0f0' -fg black -name iotop -fn 'xft:Roboto Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=14' -fb 'xft:Roboto Mono:style=Bold:pixelsize=14' -e ${IOTOPEXE} -o -a
sysctl kernel.task_delayacct=0
Now, iotop-py displays all information. Here is the project homepage:
This fix applies to both EasyOS and QV.
Tags: easy