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Thunar filemanager compiled in OE

June 29, 2024 — BarryK

I posted earlier today about PCmanFM and Midnight Commander:

On a run with file managers, and have now added Thunar. This is part of the XFCE package suite.

In PKGget, you will need to click on the Configure button and update the package databses. Then in PKGget, in the "oe-scarthgap" repository, in "Filesystem" category, you will find Thunar. Also two plugins, 'thunar-archive-plugin' and 'thunar-media-tags-plugin'.

I have briefly tested Thunar, seems OK. Haven't tried the plugins.

We are discussing file managers in the forum here:

Thunar homepage here:

Try it out, let me know in the forum.

Note, there is an optional dependency 'gvfs' that when installed will add some extra functionality.   

Tags: easy