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Easy Buster running in container

September 15, 2024 — BarryK

I am prompted to revisit this mechanism after reading this post by forum member Stogie:

One of the reasons for creating Easy Containers was to be able to run other Linux distributions. There was a blog post in 2018 showing how to run XenialPup:

Quite a while since I tested this, so having a go with installing Easy Buster 2.6.2. Firstly, click on the "pkg" desktop icon and choose SFSget:


Now choose the buster SFS:


It downloads, then click on the "NEW" button:


And that's it, now have "buster" icon on the desktop:


Click on "buster" and it works:


...what I have done as shown in the photo, is clicked on "petget" icon, then updated the package database, then installed Eye Of Gnome image viewer. It appears in the menu as "Image Viewer" but I ran it from a terminal to check that it didn't output any error messages. Yep, eog works fine.

Simple to flip back to the main desktop with Alt-F6, or on some keyboards the function keys require another key, like Fn-Alt-F6. On the main desktop, can click on "buster" to flip back, or "buster" in the tray.

As running in a container has security restrictions, this may impede some applications. What you can try is to run Buster with minimum security settings. In the menu "Filesystem -> Easy Container Management" you can choose "A container with absolute minimum security" for buster.   

Tags: easy