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Meanderer trike project intro video

March 22, 2025 — BarryK

Previous blog post in the new "Meanderer" leaning full-suspension build-from-scratch DIY tadpole trike project:

The intention is to make videos on YouTube as the project progresses; to get the ball rolling, I have created a brief intro video, that outlines what the project is about.

Don't expect much though; this is the first time that I have video-ed myself. Used my phone selfie-camera, and when played back, realised two main faults; firstly that I should have been looking at the camera not at the screen, and secondly shouldn't have wobbled my head around so much.

Anyway, here it is:

"Meanderer leaning full-suspension tadpole trike PART1"

I'm not bothered about my photogenic lack, nor faulty technique, as this is introducing a technical project, and in future videos most of the time the camera will be pointed at the work underway, rather than myself.

Did start to learn how to use Flowblade video editor, but haven't progressed very far.   

Tags: light