NOTICE 14 September 2011If you reckon Puppy Linux (and siblings and derivatives) is great and want to get involved, and you have a clue or two about programming (C, C++, Bash/Ash, GTK, BaCon, Vala), but want suggestions on what to do, please look at this new page:http://puppylinux.com/development/projects.htm |
Programming languages
This page describes how to setup Puppy as a program development environment. That is, you will be able to compile C, C++, Vala, Genie, BaCon (and in some cases Fortran) source code.I have also written another page that introduces the languages themselves, and helps you to make a choice if you want to get involved in coding for Puppy:
Running Puppy with a "pupsave" file
Booting Puppy from live-CD has hardly any limitations compared
a full hard drive installation. You can even compile source packages.
That is, you do not have to install Puppy to a hard drive to compile
source packages. Come to think of it, what other distro can compile
when just running off the live-CD? ...none that I know of.
Ditto when running Puppy from a USB Flash drive, and what we call a
"frugal" hard drive installation.
These modes all store the personal
data in a "pupsave" file and the instructions here apply to all these
modes of running Puppy...
Puppy has an incredibly simple system for converting into a full
C/C++ compiling environment. A single file, *devx*.sfs, is all that
is required. The "*" in the filename is optional extra information, for example the version number -- for
example, Puppy 4.3.1 could be devx_431.sfs.
Running Puppy from live-CD, you will have a personal storage file,
named pupsave.2fs, on the hard drive -- you will find it in /mnt/home
All you have to do is download *devx*.sfs to the same place, that is,
into /mnt/home/. Run the BootManager (see "System" menu) and select the *devx*.sfs file, then reboot, and that's it, you're ready to do all
that 'configure', 'make' and 'make install' stuff.
'devx' SFS file
Introduced above. SFS files are a powerful feature of Puppy. Read
this overview of package management to find out more about SFS files:
Introduction to Puppy package management
Where to download this 'devx' file from? Usually the same place that you got the main Puppy live-CD ISO file from. For example, for Puppy 4.3.1:
...but usually you would go to the main download page and choose the best mirror site (ibiblio.org is very slow):
What about Vala and Genie?
If you haven't kept up with the latest in cool languages then you won't
know about these. A couple of places with more information:
Multisession CD/DVD
This is when Puppy is run from a CD or DVD but instead of having a
"pupsave" file for personal data, the personal data is saved back to
the CD/DVD. This mode does not need a hard drive at all. A PC with
256MB of RAM is required, but if you want to do source code compiling
then heaps of RAM is needed -- this has yet to be determined, but I
recommend 1GB minimum.
In this case, download the *devx*.sfs file to "/' then reboot.
What will happen is that it will get saved to the CD/DVD, then at next
bootup Puppy will recognise it and load it. That's
it, you are ready to go.
Note however, this only works for Puppy version 4.00 or later.
Full hard drive installation
This is a conventional Linux installation.
Currently, installing the "devx" file in a full
hard drive installation (as opposed to a "frugal" installation) is slightly more complicated, and you can't undo it. It
involves some steps (assuming that full installation currently running)....
1. Click on the devx_xxx.sfs in a ROX-Filer window to mount it.Note, the '--remove-destination' option is essential. If you only use '-f' to force overwrite, it will follow (dereference) a symlink, that can cause unexpected overwrites.
2. Open a terminal in the mounted directory.
3. # cp -a --remove-destination ./* /
4. # sync
5. Close the terminal.
6. Click on the devx_xxx.sfs file to unmount it
Warning about SFS files SFS files are great, see the Package Management Overview page. However, they have a limitation, cannot be loaded and unloaded with the BootManager if you have a full hard-drive installation of Puppy. In that situation, read the above instructions given for the "devx_xxx.sfs" file. |
Extra technical notes
One thing I do recommend. You really do need
a hard drive partition with Linux filesystem (ext2, ext3, ext4 or
reiserfs), as the working area for compiling. This is where you expand
the source tarballs and compile them. It is highly recommended to do
this, as it is outside the "layered filesystem" -- /root for example is
inside the layered filesystem.
Perhaps if you have a hard drive with only a Windows partition on it
(Windows NTFS and FAT filesystems must not be used!!!) and do not want
to risk resizing it to make room for a Linux partition on the hard
drive, consider using a second internal or USB hard drive.
Also, your hard drive should have a Linux
swap partition, as Linux can use this extra storage space if it runs
low on physical RAM. Compiling does tend to use a lot of RAM space.
To find out how to compile the Linux kernel: How to compile the kernel
a note on the side about hard drive partitions. Windows XP uses the
NTFS format for partitions, and Microsoft keeps the format a secret,
like every other format and protocol -- which is the main reason
Microsoft keeps its monopoly. Therefore, Linux support of NTFS is not
perfect. If you really want to embrace open standards, and really give
Linux a go, you do need to create a Linux partition and a Linux swap
partition, on your hard drive. There are tools to do this -- these
tools can safely (no guarantees though!) reduce the size of the NTFS partition and create the
new ones -- checkout GParted, to be found in the "System" menu.
Recently a free native ext2 driver
has become available for Windows NT/XP, so Windows can use a ext2
partition just like any other NTFS or VFAT (the older Windows 9x
partition format) drive. Link: http://www.fs-driver.org/
If you take the trouble to do this, your play with Puppy will be so much more fruitful.