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Puppy version 2.10 releasedA massive upgrade of most package versions. Abiword 2.4.5, Gnumeric 1.6.3, Seamonkey 1.0.4, GTK 2.8.17, Xorg 7.0, etc., etc. Most of the packages now compiled using the T2 build system. T2 is a set of build scripts for compiling a distro from source. The "devx" module, file devx_210.sfs, is a simple method of converting Puppy into a complete C/C++ compile environment. There is now a more formal construction of this file, compared with previous ad-hoc approach. Squashfs now has LZMA compression, allowing us to put more packages into this release, yet the live-CD iso file is smaller. Thanks to the SLAX guys for paving the way for this. Many more building-block libraries and utilities, particularly for multimedia, such as dvdauthor, ffmpeg, lcms, libdvdplay, libdvdread, libsamplerate, libsndfile, madplay, readline, bc, sqlite, reiserfsprogs, rutilt, vamps, and vobcopy. The Smartlink and Lucent soft-modem drivers and support utilities are now in the 'standard' live-CD. Sweep replaces mhWaveEdit sound recorder and editor. WishCD CD burner replaces Graveman, for now at least as Graveman has bugs. InkLite vector editor replaces the full Inkscape. PuppyROX filemanager replaces ROX-Filer 1.2.2, now with partial font-antialiasing. Many more PupGet packages that can be installed later, such as NVU, Firefox and Thunderbird. Many Puppy-enthusiasts have contributed to this release. Jason Pline has created Xdvdtool, for ripping video DVDs. There are other "unsung heroes", such as Dougal, Puppian, Raffy, Lobster, GuestToo ...well, the list goes on, and I plan to create an acknowledgement page soon. Regarding bugs, there are some that we know of, that will be fixed later. For example Gxine, the multimedia player, cannot switch to full-screen video playing -- this is due to a limitation in JWM. XfreeCD, audio CD player, hangs if a CD is not inserted before the application is started. Puppy 'standard' 2.10 live-CD iso file may be downloaded from various sites. See the Download page for links: http://www.puppylinux.com/download/index.html The matching file for compiling C/C++ source packages is devx_210.sfs and this is to be found at http://www.puppylinux.com/test/ I am no longer selling the "Puppy Sourcerer" CD. Instead all source packages are online. See the Download page for links: http://www.puppylinux.com/download/index.html There is a new page, titled "Puppy From Scratch", that introduces T2 and how Puppy utilises T2, plus how Puppy Unleashed fits into the overall picture: http://www.puppylinux.com/pfs/ For more information about this release, please read down this blog. List of packages included in the 'standard' live-CD 2.10: 0rootfs_skeleton-2.1.0 abiword-2.4.5 afpl_ghostscript-8.54 agenda-2.0 alsa_lib-1.0.11 alsa_utils-1.0.11 atk-1.11.4 audiofile-0.2.6 autocutsel-0.7.1 autologin-1 axel-1.0a bash-3.0.16 bbc_provided-2003 bc-1.06 bcrypt-1.1 betaftpd-0.0.8pre17 blinky-0.8 boehm_gc-6.6 bubbles-1.0.2a busybox-1.01 bwidget-1.3.1 bzip2-1.0.3 cairo-1.0.4 cdp-0.33.13 cdparanoia-3.a9.8 cdrdao-1.2.1 cdrtools-2.01.01a10 cgtkcalc-2.1.6 combobox-2.3 coreutils-5.2.1 countdown-2003.10.27 cpio-2.6 cramfs_tools-1.1 curl-7.15.3 db1-1.85 dhcpcd-1.3.22 dialog-0.9b dict-1.4.9 didiwiki-0.5 diffutils-2.8.1 dillo-0.8.6teki-mu disktype-8 dnotify-0.18.0 dosfstools-2.11 dotpup_downloader-mu05 dotpuphandler-3.1 dvdauthor-0.6.12patched dvd+rwtools-5.21 e2fsprogs-1.38 e3-2.7.0 ed-0.2 edid-1.4.1 eject-2.1.0 expat-2.0.0 eznet-1 ffmpeg-2005-11-20 file-4.17 findutils-4.2.22 fragger-0.0.5 freememapplet-1.2.1 freetype-2.1.10 fribidi-0.10.7 ftp-1.2 fuse-2.5.3 gaim-1.5.0 gawk-3.1.5 gbase-0.5 gcc-3.4.4 gcrontab-0.8.0 gdbm-1.8.3 gdk_pixbuf10-0.22.0 gdkxft-1.5 gdmap-0.7.5 geany-0.8 gemgame-2003 gettext-0.14.5 gftp-2.0.18 gifsicle-1.40 gimp_print-4.2.7 gkdial-1.5.14patched glib12-1.2.10 glib-2.10.2 glibc-2.3.5 gnumeric-1.6.3 goffice-0.2.1 gparted_STATIC_GTKMM-0.2.4 gpasman-1.3.1 grabc-1.1 grep-2.5.1 grub-0.97 gsview-4.7 gtail-0.5a gtimer-1.1.6 gtk+12-1.2.10 gtk+-2.8.17 gtkcat-0.1patched gtkdialog-0.58.8 gtkdialog-0.59.8 gtkdiff-0.7.0 gtkfind-1.0.1 gtkfish-1.0.1 gtksee-0.6.0b-1 gtk_shell-1.03 gxine-0.5.7 gxset-0.3 gzip-1.3.5 hdparm-6.6 ical-2.3.1patched ifplugd-0.18 ifplugd-0.28 img-1.2.4 imlib-1.9.15 inkscapelite-0.36.2 iptables-1.3.5 isomaster-0.1 jwm-1.7 jwmconfig-0.2.1 kbd-1.12 kp-1.0 lame-3.96.1 lcms-1.14 leafpad-0.8.1 less-382 libao-0.8.6 libart_lgpl23-2.3.17 libdaemon-0.8 libdvdcss-1.2.9 libdvdplay-1.0.1 libdvdread-0.9.6 libexif-0.6.13 libexif_gtk-0.3.5 libghttp10-1.0.9 libgif-4.1.4 libglade-2.5.1 libgnomecanvas-2.14.0 libgnomeprint-2.12.1 libgnomeprintui-2.12.1 libgsf-1.14.1 libhardware-20060723 libid3tag-0.15.1b libidl-0.8.6 libidn-0.6.2 libieee1284-0.2.8 libjpeg-6b libmad-0.15.1b libmng-1.0.9 libogg-1.1.3 libpng-1.2.8 libsamplerate-0.1.2 libsigc++-2.0.17 libsndfile-1.0.16 libstdc++-5.0.6 libtiff-3.7.4 libusb-0.1.11 libvorbis-1.1.2 libxaw95-1.1.4 libxml-2.6.26 libxslt-1.1.15 libzvt-2.0.1 linneighborhood-0.6.5patched linux_firewall-2.0rc9 ltmodem-2.6.8alk-k2.6.16.7 madplay-0.15.2b memtester-2.93.1 metamail-2.7 mimencode-2.7 mini_volume-0.3 minixcal-1.1 mktemp-1.5 ml-2000 modem_stats-1.0.1 module_init_tools-3.2.2 mp-3.3.7 mpcb-0.4.2 mtools-3.9.10 mtoolsfm-1.9 mtpaint-3.01 mut-0.1.1 ncurses-5.4 ndiswrapper-1.16 nenscript-1.13.3 netpbm-1.0.33 net_tools-1.60 ntfs_3g-20060714beta ntfsprogs-1.13.0 nullhttpd-0.5.1 openssh-4.3p2 openssl-0.9.8b orbit2-2.14.0 pango-1.12.2 parted- pciutils-2.1.11 pcmcia_cs-3.2.8 pcmciautils-012 pcre-6.6 pdq-2.2.1 perl-5.8.8tiny perl_digest_sha1-2.10 perl_html_parser-3.51 picocom-1.2 popt-1.7 ppp-2.4.3 pptp_linux-1.5.0 psmisc-22.2 pstoedit-3.44 puppybackground-2.1 puppyserialdetect-1.0 qiv-2.0 rdesktop-1.4.1 readline-5.1 regexpviewer-0.1 reiserfsprogs-3.6.19 remotedesktopclient-0.1 rexgrep-1.2 ripperx-2.6.7 rox_puppy- rp_pppoe-3.7patched rubix-1.03 rutilt-0.12 rxvt-2.6.4 samba-3.0.22 scale2x-2.0 seamonkey_SVG-1.0.4 sed-4.1.4 setserial-2.17 setvol-1.1 slmodem-2.9.11patched-k2.6.16.7 sockspy-2.5 sox-12.18.1 sqlite-3.3.5 squashfs_tools-3.0.lzma_patch ssh_gui-0.7.1 stat-5.0 sudo-1.6.8p12 superscan-0.8 sweep-0.9.1 sysfsutils-2.0.0 syslinux-3.11 tar-1.15.1 tcl-8.5a4nothreads test-1 tightvnc-1.2.9 time-1.7 tinylogin-1.4 tk-8.5a4nothreads tkconvert-1.3 tkdvd-4.0.1r1 tkfont-1.1patched tkgamma-1.0 tkmines-1999 transmission-0.5 turma-0.1 unclutter-0.8-11 unionfs-1.2.0-20060503 unrar-3.4.3 unzip-552 uri-1.1.3 usbview-1.0 util_linux-2.12q uxplor-0.26patched vamps-0.99.2 vobcopy-1.0.0 wag-0.3.2 wavemon-2002 wavplay-1.4 wget-1.10.2 wireless_tools-28 wishcd-2006ez wmpower-0.3.1 wmsm-0.2.0 wvdial-1.53 wxbasicscript-2.2k-puppy xarchive-0.2.8-6 xcut-0.2 xdialog-2.1.1 xdvdtool-0.4.2 xfinans-5.9y2k xfreecd- xine_lib-1.1.1 xlockmore-5.20.1patched xnetload-1.11.3 xnetstrength-0.4.2 xorg-7.0 xproc-1.2 xrun-0.2.3 xtmix-0.4 xvesa-4.3.0v2-xkbd xwconfig-0 xwget-0.4.1 xwhois-0.4.2 xwifibar-0 ycalc-1.09.1 zip-231 zlib-1.2.3 MU
Great work Barry, already the Alpha was so stable after some minor bugfixes, that I still use it :)Mirror (still uploading): http://puptrix.org/Puppylinux/2.10/ Mirror 2 (available tomorrow): http://htb65.de/puppylinux/puppy-releases/2.10/ To install optimized drivers for your graficscards: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10834 I tested it in the Alpha-version only, so report if it works in the final version. To install additional software, try the new program "PSI", that came too late to go into the Iso: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10960 To use KDE: this one from the Alphatest might work too in the final release: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10546 I will move the folder to the new location tomorrow. OpenOffice 2.03 is available as a Dotpup: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=9102 Wine: use 0.9.17, that is more stable than 0.9.20: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=9536 Mark MU
ok, both mirrors online.I used a PHP-script to copy from puptrix to htb65, that takes just 1 minute instead of 1 hour The devx is available in 15 minutes if the upload was ok, I rebuilt it with the folder /usr/lib/qt renamed to avoid conflicts with KDE. Mark Lobster
Wonderful job Barry - am in 2.10 Puppy Gold Now :)Have added Mu's mirrors here: http://puppylinux.org/wikka/Puppy210 added to wiki news and forum announcements Bittorent required ted dog
would you need another link for puptrix.org it is also in the http://www.puptrix.org/isos/ Billcnz
Distrowatch says the iso is 4,265MB (If they knock off about 4 Gig they'd be closer).Bill St. Clair (billstclair<at>gmail.com)
Working for me, though it wouldn't shut down when I selected "No" on
the save dialog after booting without a pup_save file. It restarted
JWM. I had to "Exit to prompt" and "halt".I'm running a frugal install on an NTFS file system. Haven't tried it from a burned CD. I set /etc/puppyversion to 209 before booting with the pup_save file (was using the 2.10 beta). /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit was restored, as expected, but my modified version was NOT put in /tmp/versioncleanup Would still like some way to preserve my desktop icons, e.g. don't restore /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin in the upgrade process, but offer a command to restore it to the default. Or the opposite. Restore by default, but provide a menu item to revert to the saved version. ISO and devx, with torrents, mirrored at http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/index.html André
Gret work Barry!But could you post witch packages I need for setting up BareBone Puppy ? Thanks! Dougal
Bill St. Clair,Is it possible that you tried to shut down with a NTFS partition still mounted? I had this problem with the alpha, but it disappeared in the beta. When it goes back to JWM, kill X (ctrl-alt-backslash) and see what the messages on the screen are. I had something in the “unmounting stray filesystems” about trying to unmount a NTFS partition followed by a list of numbers… Walt H
Has anyone tried to actually burn an ISO to disc with Wish CD? I tried
it in Zenwalk 2.8, and while it burns data files just file, it only
seems able to copy an ISO to disc, not actually make it a bottable
disc. Just curious. |
Improved CD remaster scriptSomeone else who works quietly in the background testing and fixing things in Puppy is Dougal. Recently Dougal has been going through the CD remaster script and the shutdown script and finding odd things and making improvements and reporting them to me. Dougal has been analysing the 'remasterpup2' CD remaster script in great detail and has come up with his own enhanced version. I have made improvements to my own script based on feedback from him and now Pup 2.10 is "frozen", but Dougal's enhanced version can be installed by anybody if you require any of its special features: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10922 Lobster
these pages in particular the first (though out of date) list contributors to Puppyhttp://puppylinux.org/wikka/ContributedProjects http://puppylinux.org/wikka/FoundationPuppy archwndas
The remaster scripts do have a long way to go though. Great thanksto anybody who is doing all the dirty work for us. I would like to mention though, that this method of remastering, will always be troublesome until the day Barry or one of the "silent" Puppy Gurus find a way to make that script handle the dependencies of the packages automatically, such that the user who runs the remaster script doesn't have to worry about them. I hope this day will not be far away ... Gentoo Linux, FreeBSD, Crux Linux e.t.c. all of them can handle dependencies. Why Puppy shouldn't ? Billcnz
archwndas - don't confuse package management with remastering, they two
seperate things. I'm sure Puppy's package management will continue to
improve.I can also reccommend Dougal's modded remasterpup2 script - works well. Bill archwndas
I do not confuse anything with nothing. The first time I tried to use this remaster script of Puppy 2.01 it warned my that for each package I wanted remove I should make sure that it is not a dependency of other packages I would like to keep. How to check those dependencies manually. There is not simple way. So remastering and package dependencies go together like love and marriage and like the horse and carriage. :) That is why I am saying that if someone would like to make those scripts really useful he should try first to help Barry develop a package dependency management system(PDMS). When this PDMS is integrated in the remastering scripts remastering will be a piece of cake. The user will not have to worry about dependencies and all that nusty stuff. Dougal
Archwndas,You **are** confusing the two. The remaster script doesn’t remove anything – hence it doesn’t need dependency checking – it just takes a snapshot of your current system. If your remaster has broken links, so did your original system. |
Puppy sources now onlinehttp://www.puppylinux.com/download/index.html A great many Puppy packages are to be found at http://www.puptrix.org/sources/ courtesy of Ted Dog, and probably to be mirrored by MU. Kernel source is also at puptrix, but there is a very peculiar situation, so do read How to compile the kernel page: http://www.puppylinux.com/development/compilekernel.htm ...you have to compile kernel and/or modules in Pup 2.02. And be sure to get the right kernel source for 2.10, the one with the squashfs-lzma patch. If you look around my site, www.puppylinux.com, many pages are updated -- nice new FAQ also. But not the front page yet. Todd
know I am missing something, but. . .why are you posting the source
files online? Is Puppy Unleashed going away? Will Puppy Unleashed now
use source files rather than pre-compiled packages? Todd JohnMurga
I think you'll find it is all explained here :http://www.puppylinux.com/pfs/ Cheers JohnM Todd
All I can say is. . .Wow! Todd MU
I will mirror everything when 2.10 final was released.Will take some hours to copy all the 500 MB ;) Mark BarryK
You'll notice on the download page, I have removed the referral button
for Servage hosting. For every successful referral we got 2 months
added onto our account (we host puppylinux.org on Servage), and this
has been very successful -- we are now paid up until 2011!Therefore, I have substituted a referral button for Netfirms, which is the host for puppylinux.com, puppylinux.com, puppylinux.com, etc. (I have their "Big business" account). These guys also have a referral system, they reduce my next account fee by a certain amount. archwndas
Barry,when do you think puppy 2.10 will be officialy out? I have some issues with 2.02 mostly related to WAG (wireless stuff). As for the T2 thank you for all that the work you have done (for free). I am extremely grateful. To be honest I am afraid to dive in there until 2.11 is out and all the remaining issues with T2 are fixed. Raffy
I guess with the sources ready, an account at sourceforge (SF) will be
easy to get. Someone who understands kernels and sources will have to
do it, though. :) As SF requires a 255-byte description of the project,
it can be something like "a tiny, speedy Linux system for desktop and
new portable systems like the woopwoop" (woopwoop as a device is
uniquely asociated with Puppy Linux).
ibiblio.org URL changeI was testing the PupGet package manager and it connected and CWD worked but the package did not download. It seems that they have phased out the FTP server and the URL is now: http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... uppylinux/ If this is the case, I'll have to fix the 'pupget' script ...what else? BarryK
I will have to change the URL on my download page also.I'll fix 'pupget' this evening, probably upload Pup 2.10rc tonight. G2 reported a problem with 'wish' (the Tk command shell) using up resources. Pup 2.10beta has the same binary Tcl/Tk packages as used in 2.02, so I recompiled them in T2. Testing now, I started tkpppoe and watching wish ...resources are not increasing. I'm not using tkpppoe to actually connect though. BarryK
Or maybe Ibiblio is just having teething troubles, as they moved to new hardware on the 8th.Whatever, as release of 2.10 is imminent, I may have to change PupGet over to the Ibiblio HTTP server. J_Rey
would recommend using ibiblio's web server since I found this: "Some of
our services ([snip] distro.ibiblio.org [snip]) will remain unaffacted."See also the (international) mirrors of ibiblio's Linux archive. pakt
I believe the 'Chooselocale' script also uses Ibiblio.Raffy
Will it be possible to place the workstation name in the external CFG
file? Many people are beginning to use Puppy in LAN. Thanks.BarryK
Okay, pupget, chooselocale fixed.Raffy, 2.10 is frozen, I won't do anything unless its a bug that needs fixing. But, your request can be added for 2.11. archwndas
I have problems with wireless stuff. From the moment I installed3DStudio OpenGL libraries WAG couldn't find my ESSID. Everything worked fine until I decided that I should install OpenGL. Gentoo Linux and Windows do not have any problems with wireless. They work as they used to. GuestToo
tkpppoe allocates exra memory only when adsl is connectedso you may or may not have fixed the problem it's not critical, a simple workaround is to connect with tkpppoe then shut it down ... start tkpppoe again if you want to disconnect ... it may be the connection graphs and monitor lights that are the memory hogs GuestToo
i don't know if tkpppoe a problem with 202 or noti didn't notice, it takes time before it allocates enough ram to be noticable Jus407
dont forget MU's pupbegone, all the older dotpup downloaders (hopefully
no one uses them anymore but if they do) basically all the .pups that
use ibiblio (i noticed they changed the url by adding a
distro.ibiblio.org instead of ibiblio.org i jsut kept forgetting to
inform someone (thankfully it was noticed by someone else before 210
was released.) although i doubt you will change the .pups you should
atleast pup a .txt file on the servers (or where ever hosted at) saying
some dotpups might not connect to ibiblio (this is especially needed
for the pupget and dotpup downloader as some of those might use ibiblio
not sure but they might)
Updated web pages soon, improved T2 soonI'm also working on the T2 build system. This is introduced in my Puppy From Scratch page. Again, an updated T2-Puppy build package will be uploaded about the same time as 2.10 final is released. Most of the source packages used in Puppy are in the T2 repositories. Extra packages used in Puppy will be uploaded somewhere. The objective is that all source packages used in Puppy will be online and I will stop selling the "Puppy Sourcerer" CD. The sources are expected to be uploaded about the same time as 2.10 final is released. And when will 2.10 final be released? As I'm going on holiday on the 23rd of September, it will definitely be before then ...how much before I cannot yet say. MU
can mirror the source at htb65.de , and puptrix also has a lot of space
left, after writing with Ted Dog I'm shure it is ok to mirror there :)Ted is somewhat handicaped at moment by his muscular desease, so he gave me almost free hand to upload to puptrix (thanks again, Ted :) ) Mark Ted Dog
MU is correct, please feel free to use the large excess of space &
bandwidth available on puptrix. I have also changed the former dotpup
directory on puptrix, so I hope Mark will mirror his fine collection of
dotpups on puptrix.org. Started my new medication today. I hope to be
back in the mix soon Ted rarsa (rarsa<at>yahoo.com)
If you need help updating the pages just let me (us?) know. I don't have much time but I still may be able to help.How may I be of assistance, other than my usual -- I broke something again (can I glorify it as QC) self? doc Raffy
Please take note of the meeting for Sept 16: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10812Feel free to add your notes there if you can't make it. Also, has anyone toyed with the idea of version 2.10-only discussion board in the future, to help overcome our forum problems? Version 2.10 has wonderful fonts! Also works well in my old Celeron 400. (The only bug I know in the 2+ versions is CD burning - perhaps a kernel issue with older CD-RW drives, as 1.09 has no such problem. I have to change this old Sony 1611 16x/10x/40x CD-RW!) Raffy
Sorry, Barry, I changed the CD-RW to an older Samsung 8x/4x/32x writer
and all is well - you can now remove these two posts of mine. Cheers!
Puppy version 2.10beta releasedhttp://www.puppylinux.com/test/ The package selection is the same as the alpha release, except there has been a return to the Seamonkey Mail&News module instead of Sylpheed. Also, the Lucent and Smartlink softmodem drivers are included. Most of the differences from the alpha release are bugfixes. All of GuestToo's Service Pack 'SP210a' are applied, so do not install that. One outstanding bug is that Gxine cannot switch to full-screen. We will not be able to fix that bug until JWM version 1.8 is released. For details on what has changed since the 2.10alpha release, please read prior posts in this News Blog. If you already have a pup_save.3fs file from testing 2.10alpha, I recommend change the content of /etc/puppyversion back to '209' before booting the new CD. Alternatively, and probably preferrably for now, start with a clean slate, no prior pup_save.3fs file. Billcnz
Posting from the beta now, running very smooth with no obvious bugs to report yet.Don't spend too much of your holiday coding Bill St. Clair (billstclair<at>gmail.com)
Mirrored the ISO and devx at http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/index.html , at the end of the "Puppy 2" section.MU
other mirror:http://puptrix.org/isos/Puppy-2.10-Alpha/ I'm uploading the devx-qt-renamed for KDE-users, to. The folder still is called "Alpha", to avoid that I have to rewrite links in forum-messages for the other packages in there. I'll do that for the final version. Mark archwndas
> One outstanding bug is that Gxine cannot switch to full-screen. > We will not be able to fix that bug until JWM version 1.8 is > released. Barry, I never understood why you are using JWM window manager. If your philosophy is, "Linux as small as possible" why don't you try CTWM, with some nice theme. There are quite a few. CTWM is a very light window manager with a minimal memory footprint about that of rxvt. Even less than xterm. Of course you know better than anybody else, but I believe that the more experienced with Linux a user becomes the more he agrees with the philosophy "Linux: the more simple the more stable less troubles less bugs". That means that no unexperienced Linux user will go for puppy; he is most likely to go with a more Windows-like Linux Distro. This suggest that highly experienced Linux users when they finally discover Puppy they will not bother if they have to use CTWM instead of JWM. What do you think? Leon
made big progress along with Puppy and I belive that many of Puppy
users love it despite all his small bugs. I tried a few other window
managers but none of them seems to me as nice, small, simple, quite
enough Windows-like, as Jwm.roger
Congratulations for the distrowatch award! Could we please have the latest ntfs-3g included? It fixed all the important problems: http://mlf.linux.rulez.org/mlf/ezaz/ntf Btw, NTFS read-only fallback works with ntfs-3g as well if the 'ro' (read-only) option used. ntfs-3g denies only read-write mount if the journal file is unclean, not the read-only mount. ted dog
The background image has copywrite label on the upper left.What does it say? Raffy
Congrats for this and the distrowatch award. Perhaps we can have a small link "About Sources" here? It's about questions like this: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10740 BarryK
Regarding the ntfs-3g driver, I will take a look at upgrading, but
can't guarantee that I will do it for 2.10-final as they have made one
change that breaks my scripts -- they have changed the mounted device
name from /dev/fuse to the actual device. I need to look at my scripts
and decide if a fix for this is simple enough to do at this stage.Regarding sources, this will be much more clarified when Puppy 2.10 is released. I will provide links to the T2 repositories, and any extra source packages not in T2 I will host elsewhere. Then I will probably stop selling the "Puppy Sourcerer" CD. The short answer to anyone asking about sources is that up to now it is available on the Sourcerer CD. From 2.10 it will be all online. Billcnz
I just tested a remaster of the beta after adding kdelibs and k3b. Everything worked as expected. New ISO was 92 Mb.http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/billchr1 Billcnz
There is maybe a small correction required in the remaster script
relating to the Xserver. When I boot the original 210beta CD the
Xserver setup in both Xvesa and Xorg work correctly but when I boot the
remastered CD there is a problem: If I choose Xvesa the xserver will
start but only in 16 colour mode and without the dialog for choosing
the resolution. If I choose Xorg, I can choose the resolution but then
the screen goes black when trying to start the server. However if I run
the xorgconfig script and then try the xorgwizard again it works fine
in both Xvesa and Xorg modes, so something in the xorgconfig script
seems to fix it (maybe it's an X11R6 / X11R7 path thing). Apart from
that minor glitch, everything else I've tried seems to be working well.Bill Izzy
So glad you decided to keep the Seamonkey mail & news, it just feels a lot more professional.By the way, I'm one of the Win98 users you hoped to attract, I can't believe how well Puppy Linux performs, and I admire the way the community all mucks in. Three cheers to all of you. lestkozc
Gxine - I've changed /usr/local/bin/defaultmediaplayer to MPlayer,now Gxine works in fullscreen without problem.Puppy 2.02 booted with Pup4DOS |
HOWTO pages in live-CD updatedSome of my pages on puppylinux.com/puppylinux.com are also outdated and I'll tackle those soon. archwndas
Is this the T2 we are all waiting for?Or is it the one based on Unleashed? Anyway a link would resolve any inquiries. thanks anyway for the effort ... |
Xarchive updatedThe desktop icon labelled 'PupZip' invokes Xarchive when any file is dragged onto it. Note, however, I designed PupZip as a generic desktop frontend and it can use other archiver programs such as guiTAR and TkZip (both available as PupGet packages) -- PupZip looks to see what is installed. |
InkLite bugfix and improvementThis is where the fun begins. I descended into Perl-dependency-hell -- although the script needed just two modules, they in turn had dependencies. I ended up with about 2MB of extra Perl modules, just to support one small extension feature of Inkscape. InkLite is supposed to be very small, and this defeats the purpose. Solution: I have removed the Dropshadow feature. Unfortunately I have had this experience before. Recently it was with 'Zim', an outliner app written in Perl. Even after installing all the modules required for Zim, it still didn't work -- the author thought that I must have some subtle mismatch of Perl module versions. A comment on this, just a personal off-the-cuff comment: If you want to write a major app., do not write it in any script language, write it in C or C++ -- there are so many advantages to this, such as small size, speed, and you won't need all those 'binding' modules, just directly access the libraries in the distro. Ha ha, while I'm at it, don't use Gtkmm either. The Gtkmm FAQ page describes Gtkmm as a "thin layer over the GTK libraries" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Don't take these comments too seriously -- if you can write an app in a script language without needing heaps of extra modules -- especially if it's something like Tcl/Tk that has the GUI functionality built-in and in a compact library -- fine. In particular, a script language may be an excellent choice for small utility up to medium-size GUI apps. Okay, back on track. The 'standard' Puppy live-CD will have InkLite, but the full and latest Inkscape will be a PupGet package and indeed you will be able to compile it yourself. I have taken steps to ensure the two can co-exist. InkLite installs to /usr/local and I modified the "home" directory to ~/.inkscapelite. This is still not perfect, as InkLite has directories /usr/local/lib/inkscape and /usr/local/share/inkscape. I compiled the full Inkscape with '--prefix=/usr' configure option to avoid a clash. Lobster
interesting comments. I am using inklite in Puppy Gold (2.10). Very
quickly I noticed the dropshadow facility caused a crash. Stop using
it. However it meant I did not trust the rest of the package to work.
It is good to know I can - something I found from experience but am
still wary of Inklite.Xara are working with the inkscape team and in the past have worked with modular, small partial programs as well as the larger and complete package. With Inklite, the Inkscape developers have the possibility of adding Xara Xtreme code, as well as producing something unique. Something simple and easy to use. You can be sure there is no Perl in Xara code. Inkscape should be developing and planning now and Inklite show they are. Good job BarryK
Well, InkLite is really just an older version of Inkscape,v0.36, with some small modifications. The Inkscape developers gave me some advice which version would be most suitable but they are not in any official way supporting this as a new project. It is just me who coined the new name "InkLite". So, whether InkLite will be developed any further is unknown at this point in time. rarsa (rarsa<at>yahoo.com)
I second the comments about the scripting languages. They have their place but not everything is a nail.I've found that as perl is very popular, people have built all kind of extensions. That in itself is not bad, on the contrary. The problem comes when developers use a fat distro without realizing that their application has many dependencies. If you are building an application intended to go cross distro, try using something that is more likelly to be cross distro. I found this problem when trying to have the VNC server running in Puppy. It was easier just to rewrite it in Bash than to try to have the original running under Perl. After I was done I wondered why the developers had used Perl if Bash was good enough. |
Gxine, XfreeCD, Sylpheed bugs statusI did a quick test of spam filtering in Sylpheed. When I highlighted an email then chose it as spam, Sylpheed output a error message that '/tmp' directory does not exist (the default directory that spam is sent to is /tmp). So, I've posted a bug report. XfreeCD has a bug. If you start it without a CD inserted, the program hangs. The author has known about this bug since 2004 and hasn't fixed it, so he seems to have lost interest in the project. It is easy though, to do a quick check if a CD is inserted (for example, use the 'disktype' program, which can also tell us if it's an audio CD), so this is on our to-do list. Anyone interested? bodigi (bodigi<at>asparuhovo.net)
What about mplayer has same problem.I like JWM and don't wont to change.Why dont you change gxine? maybe kaffeine? BarryK
apologies to the Sylpheed developers, it isn't a bug. I somehow entered
'/tmp' as the directory to send junk mail, whereas a relative address
is required, achieved by clicking on a button placed right beside the
text field.Pierre
I think that code would fix the bug in XfreeCD (but I have no machione to build test at the moment)in cd_control.c linee 122 if( ( fd = open( cd_device, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK) ) < 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG3 g_print( "device = %s\n", cd_device); #endif perror("CDROM device" ); return -1; } /* Read the cdrom's header information */ if( ioctl( fd, CDROMREADTOCHDR, &cdinfo->tochdr ) < CDS_DISC_OK ) { perror("cdrom_init(CDROMREADTOCHDR-2)" ); return -1; } anyone willing to build and test. Pierre BarryK
Pierre,Thanks for that, I'll try it! Perhaps we will adopt it as a Puppy project, as the author has lost interest. BarryK
Pierre,I tried your patch. XfreeCD no longer hangs, but when a CD is inserted stderr output gives "Illegal seek" msg and it doesn't work -- same error if CD is inserted before starting XfreeCD or after. Pierre
Thanks Barry.I guess I need to get hold of a machine with Linux and debug it the proper way. Should be achievable then. |
Puppybackground updated, goodbye xlihttp://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=7283 The Unleashed package was previously puppybackground-2.0 and I've now made it puppybackground-2.1. As Puppy background has the equivalent functionality as 'xli' (an image displayer), in the form of 'xlipuppy', xli package is now removed and xli is now a symlink to xlipuppy in case any scripts or apps still call xli. Puppy 2.10 also has another image displayer, 'qiv', which provides a bit of choice. It's so tiny (36K) so no problem throwing that in also (whereas xli is bulky which is partly why we wanted to get rid of it -- it also has some limitations in displaying of images). |
Sweep sound recorder/editorHome page for sweep: http://www.metadecks.org/software/sweep/ Barry Kauler
I compiled Sweep without speex (audio compression library), but is there a great advantage to having speex support?zygo
Sweep looks good. It supports LADSPA plugins. But I hope the Audacity
package will still work. It supports VST and, more particularly,
Nyquist plugins as well as LADSPA. Dougal
zygo, I don't think Barry compiled Sweep with LADSPA support. However,
I will probably be compiling it soon with LADSPA and all the rest (I
have a version I compiled on Puppy2.0.0 ready as a dotpup, I can post
it on the forum).Nathan Fisher
haven't checked on the Ladspa support, but it would be a shame if it
wasn't compiled in. Especially since all it takes is including the
single file Ladspa.h and is hardly going to affect the size of the iso
at all.And really no reason why you can't have Sweep and Audacity together on the same box. I do all the time, along with Ardour, Hydrogen, Jamin....... Barry Kauler
Er, can you please tell what LADSPA is? I probably excluded it because I don't have a clue what it is.Regarding speex, I would like to know about that. I compiled Linphone (commandline version only) and that uses speex. My guess is that speex would enable more compact sound recordings to be made when recording from microphone or whatever in Sweep? Dougal
LADSPA is a sort of "standard" for plugins, look here:http://www.ladspa.org/ you need to install the "ladspa-sdk" package and then you can compile apps with support for ladspa (using the header file). This just means that Sweep will be able to recognise such plugins if they exist (but will not require any in order to run -- it's optional). |
ffmpeg package in next PuppyThe first reason is that plinej wants it for his Xdvdtool DVD ripper application. The second reason is that XINE needs it. I previously thought that the ffmpeg module in XINE was standalone, but found that it needs libavcodec.so, which is part of the ffmpeg package. Note, the ffmpeg package was compiled in the T2 build, which is how XINE was able to compile with it as a dependency. As 2.10alpha does not have the ffmpeg package, the 'xineplug_decode_ff.so' plugin will not work. Dan Bachmann (nospam<at>danbachmann.com)
love Puppy Linux, but I wonder if things are going in the right
direction... I look to Puppy as something that boots fast to give me a
SeaMonkey browser and the potential future to control the serial port
for a project.What I'd really like to see is the Puppy distro with just the networking support and package managers (DotPup) to download ONLY what I need. In my case, I'd be lean and mean with Puppy and Firefox. If this were an option, then there would be less people asking about adding this or that instead of this or the other. Just an idea I'm sure you've heard before, but just wanted to voice that as my view as well. I have been enjoying Puppy from a Live CD for awhile now, but since Puppy 2 is now installed on my hard drive, I boot it more than Windows - great work! Barry Kauler
Yes, you want to browse the web, like the rest of us, and we all want
the Gxine web browser plugin to just work. We don't want it to startup
then report that "the XINE engine failed to start" or that there is no
suitable plugin module available for the audio/video type that you want
to hear/watch.So, adding that kind of functionality is important, but it doesn't mean that Puppy is becoming more bloated. As we are now using LZMA compression, Puppy has become considerably smaller, giving us a bit of slack in which to put in some things we consider important, like better multimedia support. Dougal
With those apps that have a lot of codecs it's always a good idea to check their dependencies. A one-liner can easily do it:for BLA in /usr/X11R6/xine/codecs/1.1.1/* ; do ldd $BLA | fgrep 'not found' ; done |sort | uniq (the path might not be right... is it now X11R7??) |
Warning, Puppy 2.10alpha is *alpha*Most important, as we are finding bugs, forum member GuestToo is updating a "Service pack". When you boot Puppy the very first time, please choose the simpler Xvesa X server. After bootup, connect to the Internet and download GuestToo's Service Pack from here: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10541 Raffy
Good to hear - if you think Puppy is ready for other platforms, see this http://www.gumstix.com/index.htmlrarsa (rarsa<at>yahoo.com)
I was also surprised by it showing in DistroWatch.I appreciate that some people thing that it will increase the visibility of puppy. The only problem I see is that some people cannot differentiate between an Alpha, beta and a Final release. Some people will try it and will say "that's crappy" and that's going to be their first impression. Comming from a development background I would say that - An alpha is intended for the internal development group and people that wants to know what the direction of the project is. - A beta is intended for a limited audience that understands the shortcommings for the version - A release candidate is for a "user beware" wide audience. Of course Puppy does not have an "Internal development group" but I think that forum members can take that place. Having more visibility is not allways better. |
WishCD instead of GravemanSo, I've substituted WishCD. This is written in Tcl/Tk and is fairly simple, but at least it works. It's not quite as good for Linux beginners, as the CD-reader-burner drive(s) have to be entered manually. Also, the dialog for selecting to burn a ready-made .iso file is not quite there. These things could quite easily be improved though -- we could very easily substitute a dialog for selecting the CD drive, like is done in the burniso2cd program. Since it's a script, it's very easy to hack. A plus point, WishCD is very small. Home page for WishCD: http://www.geocities.com/pa_mcclamrock/ Maybe we will go back to Graveman when we have a working version. Sage
the one hand, small is beautiful. On the other, it would be retrograde
to make things more difficult for regular users unless a script or text
popped up. Speaking as a dumb user, I never object to following a text
menu, providing it is explicit in every detail. Text is cheap on bytes,
isn't it?gliezl
Good choice Barry! I sometimes have trouble burning with Graveman. I prefer burniso2cd. Anyway, I just use Graveman to create ISOs from CDs. marksouth2000
current crop of problems with Graveman is not limited to Puppy, either.
There are multiple reports of it having difficulty detecting drives
correctly in BLAG 50001 on the BLAG forums.klhrevolutionist
Here is my opinion. I believe since there is already a great burn iso
script, that there should be a couple other scripts to do the regular
jobs people need. Such as burning mp3's, creating a data disc.Puppy has been so successful because of the great scripting, making chores easier & using less space. This is puppy has been & great & will continue to be great. Click, choose & done = puppylinux Thanks Barry K. & God bless Burn iso
I use magiciso to burn iso file to cd or dvd. http://www.magiciso.com/tutorials/miso-burnwin.htm
fine (and fun) to create your own "flavour" of Puppy. With regard to
naming, however, there does need to be some thought. If you have
created what I call a "flavour" of Puppy, perhaps by using the
remaster-CD script or Unleashed, it's okay to use "Puppy" in the name,
for example "MeanPuppy". However, if you want to go that extra step and maintain your creation as a separate distro., then there is a requirement for product differentiation. I have been in discussion with Ladislav (from Distrowatch) and John Murga and we have agreed on a basic requirement. It is thought that people may become confused seeing multiple distros listed on distrowatch with the name "Puppy". Nathan has created "Grafpup", Hacao has created "Hacao Linux", and as John would like to list his 50M Puppy on distrowatch he has agreed to name it "MeanPup". We agree that the string "Pup" is adequate product differentiation. An exception to this will be the "Puppy Community Edition", which is managed by the not-yet-in-existence Puppy Foundation, and is not to be thought of as a separate distro to "Puppy" but as a flavour. That is, it is puppy re-dressed by the inner development committee of the Puppy community. Perhaps ultimately the "CE" edition will replace my own. gplsoftware.org
about PuppyLite? I like to think of it as a "flavour", being that I am
adding nothing, just taking away. (And I don't want to list it on
Distrowatch.)Todd gplsoftware.org
more I think of it, you are talking to me and anyone after me. The only
problem is that I do not agree. It is as if Microsoft were asking
AbiWord to change their name because it includes "Word". Well, it's not
going to happen. Sorry! Todd guest
Well TodYou are the one that has been rushing to release your not fully tested 'Puppy' and had released several versions with weeks. (and the latest one is still not working !) It is giveing PUPPY a BAD name !! You should be releasing ALPHAs and BETAs instead. Raffy
Todd. You're not the only one remastering Puppy, so let us also hear
what others have to say about this suggested policy. Am sure you'll be
happy coining a more appropriate name for your remaster in due time.
Building a track record as contributor to Puppy's development is
perhaps more important than disputing a naming policy. As you've
already seen, the community is supporting your efforts, so let's be
patient and wait.Since the announcement of grafpup, this has been an unspoken policy, and I tried to also name my RELOAD SCORM player remaster of version 1.08r1 as "LodPup" (for "the Reload SCORM package used in the Puppy"). Adding the Wikipedia static webpages to Puppy would have resulted to a "WikiPup" CD. (See: http://bexa.org/pup/LodPup1b.iso and ftp://puppy:linux@ftp.servage.net/wpcd/wpcd_notes.htm ) The community used to refer to such remasters as "puplets", and having the "pup" appended to the name followed naturally. The authors of remasters that fall outside this convention will have something to say, and Todd has already said his piece. Todd
name is Todd, not "Tod". I think what bothers me is that I was
following the current naming convention. The first post 2.00 Puppy
release that I was aware of was MeanPuppy. It seems to me at the time
that the "pup" convention of naming had gone by the way. So, I spend
the money to register and host "puppylite.com" and then I am told that
I can't use it. Lobster
I had
decided to create a distro (from a parralel dimension) for release in
2008. It is called Linux Tmxxine (rather than the conventional Tmxxine
Linux) and is completely based on a future Puppy.I of course asked Barry if I could create this distribution and he kindly agreed. It has already been mentioned and reported briefly on Distrowatch. Some people go giddy just by visiting the website . . . http://tmxxine.com/tmx/ It will be a voice activated Puppy, most likely running on a cell processor and perhaps a phone. It will also be a lite / barebones / mean based distribution allowing modular customisation right up to unleashed megapup status and beyond. It might be the first version of Puppy on DVD only - who knows. Certainly not me. Amazed
I wonder if I live to see the 2008 version.As to Todd, you do have a tad of impatience. ![]() guest again
Sorry Mr Richardson for miss-spelling your name.Before spending your money to registrer you should have consulted with Barry the legal OWNER of Puppy Linux. BarryK
Yes, I understand that you are upset Todd, having registered puppylite.com.There is some legal stuff on the main Help page in Puppy, which states that any distro based on Puppy needs my permission. This is a precaution, to prevent anything weird from happening. The reason this blog announcement was posted was not because of you Todd, but because John approached Ladislav to list MeanPuppy on distrowatch, and Ladislav didn't think it was right. They contacted me, and I agreed, there does need to be product differentiation if it gets to the stage of being listed on Distrowatch. We do have other domain names with "puppy" in them, so I guess "puppylite.com" is okay, but the distro itself, if it goes mainstream, that is, gets to the point of being setup as a distinct different product from Puppy and/or gets listed on Distrowatch, then it should be called something like "PupLite". Is this acceptable? If you feel that you would like to change your domain to something else, like "puplite.com", let me know the cost of registering "puppylite.com" and I'll reimburse you. BarryK
Um, in
case what I have written is confusing, an extra clarification. Yes, the
name "PuppyLite" is okay for your flavour of Puppy, and "puppylite.com"
is okay.The name of the "distro" can have "puppy" in it as long as it is very clear that this is a custom build of the main Puppy distro and is not promoted in any way as a separate distro. I think that is reasonable... anyone want to comment or throw in some ideas on this? For anyone in the future, please contact me first before naming your Puppy, if there is similarity with the "Puppy", "PuppyOS" and "Puppy Linux" names. Raffy
me add scope to Barry's last post - the scope is only about building
and/or distributing distros that are based on "Puppy" as originally
started by Barry.I try to mention this to help avoid extra discussions about the use of the general name "Puppy". Sage
is, of course, an exact parallel. Klaus Knopper introduced
ground-breaking concepts with Knoppix. Since that appeared, very many
versions have arisen based upon it. Then there was Kanotix - a
thoroughly competent derivative which many prefer, without necessarily
denigrating the original. Barry is the visionary and originator; John's
derivative is very polished and professional.Notwithstanding, if folks are to be wooed away from a thoroughly reprehensible marketing operation which masquerades as an operating system, then a large measure of consolidation needs to be accomplished in the Linux community. Bit like the EU - firstly, every tiny little landmass wanted to become an independent nation, Czechs even split from Slovaks, now they all want to join the Community. Strength comes from cooperation. BigD
Guys,I think this discussion is really important for newcomers to Puppy. I think it is a great distro and have been using it for a couple of years, but I'm getting confused with all the options. How about we have a revised homepage as entry point, written according to needs. I.e. scaled according to weight from Mean to Chubby or Do you want to do Graphic Design? Choose Grafpup Do you need live bootable office environment? Choose Puppy Office etc etc or According to technical competence ie, for those using it as network server or desktop Dougal
Barry,I think this might be a good place to raise another point: pup_save naming; People try using several flavours/variants at once and they tend to use the same pup_save.3fs which is a source of trouble. Maybe have the creators of those other pups change the name their Puppy uses? Murga can use pup_mean (or mean_save), Nathan pup_graf (graf_save) etc. It would be easy to change (just a few scripts that need modifying) and I'm sure you're the best person to tell them how to do it... Todd
fact is that I don't want my own distribution. I only created PuppyLite
because I was finding major problems with Barebones 2.01r2. Barry had
fixed these problems in 2.02 but had never released a barbones version.
I simply wanted a barebones version so that I could install Firefox.
The only reason I registered the domain name was so people had a
permanent portal for downloading. "Sage" seems to be refering to what I
am getting at. I feel that if Puppy Unleashed was used to create it an
image, that image should remain loyal to Barry's Puppy Linux and should
not be considered it's own distribution. The only reason I created a
news section on PuppyLite was because Raffy requested it. (By the way, I gave the domain name "gplsoftware.org" to my web hosting company.) MU
Muppy-Linux ok for a distro based on Puppy 2.22 with KDE-base and
Konqueror, Gnome-libs, Icewm-ultra, MU-traybuttons, Wine, OpenOffice,
Java, Xfe, wxBasic and Quake? ;)ar
That's sounds more like a st. Bernard.. :PBarryK
Muppy-Linux ![]() Raffy
Sounds more like "Murga" (no offense to John) - people were already used to "MegaPup". Cheers!Ah, the news section of Puppylite - it will be great if Todd will consolidate efforts for a "lite" flavor of Puppy, so I suggested it. An old habit: give away trust hoping to collect loyalty later. Sage
No, not Muppy, Mark. Sounds like Muppet, which is now used as a derogatory term in the English-speaking world.MU
*grin.. yeah, was not meant too serious ;)I think megapup would be my favourite. So it would be a change away from these huge .sfs to a huge Iso, offering the contents too in smaller .sfs like KDE-only.sfs. But actually I work so much on small details like enhancing the widget used in the backgroundsetter to be more flexible. So I would not mind at all, if someone else build a "megapup004", I think PuppyOfficeCE is a good approach in that direction. There were times, when KDE and Gnome fit on a single Knoppix-CD, would be nice to have such a system again based on Puppy. Not complete, but with the basic libraries and desktop integrated in Puppys environment, so that you easily can add single programs of your choice yourself then. Oh, and I really start loving 2.10 now. New xcompmgr for Xorg7 (shadows) works fine I think Barry gave us a very good set of libraries, so I'm happy I can concentrate on programming tools again, instead of testing libraries :) Mark JohnMurga
Yeah, all this my fault ...I don't just add and remove ... I change the init/etc scripts and make many other customizations. And the only thing I wanted to do was have something on DistroWatch that could bring the Puppy experience to more people and compete with DammSmall on an equal footing. The point about the "pup_save" is well taken, and will implemented for the next version, which as discussed will be named MeanPup. At this rate even murgaPup Cheers JohnM Sage
We like 'compete', John!! How about getting scsi working?! I'll buy you an ice-cream!Todd
So, how about "Todd’s Scalable Linux Distribution"http://www.puppylinux.com/news/interface/emoticons/raspberry.pngTodd
How about Todd's only linux distribution - offered for friends (TOLD-OFF for short).Todd
Enough sarcasm. . .does anyone want the domain puppylite.com? Set up
and account with planetdomain.com and I’ll transfer it to you. Todd Barry Kauler
Todd, as you don't want to make PuppyLite into a standalone distro, such as listing it on Distrowatch, why not keep thename, and the puppylite.com domain? Nathan Fisher
Might I suggest putting the breaks on this before things get too
caustic, guys? This could very well go on indefinately. I think it's
clear that Barry did not intend to offend Todd and using Puppylite as a
name would be fine.I'm guessing that this has a lot to do with what happened in this weeks issue of Distrowatch Weekly, especially after reading John's comments. So please excuse Barry here for reacting to some pretty strong external pressures, and let's drop it as soon as possible. If our correspondence about Puppy starts getting as political as Debian I for one will be truly unhappy. RR Koothady
Dear ToddI am a three months old puppian from India. I was one of the very first guys to download your work. I felt happy while running all your three versions and felt great about how every one here are working alone as well as co-operating with each other. (I feel sorry for Guest's comments here). Jus407 and darkerror are in the process of creating their own versions and soon they will be sharing them with us. From whatever you had shared in the forum, we all LOVE you so much. Please don't get dejected and discontinue your Puppylite.com or your work on Puppylite. We all need you as we newbies need every BRAVE hacker who will be able to thrill us and thus make our learning Puppy a real fun. RR Koothady RR Koothady
Dear ToddI find www.puppylite.com directing me to www.puppylinux.com . See dear friend! This really makes me ( and probably people like me (I mean newbies to Linux) SAD. Please don't make anger over take you; Do cool down and let everything pass. We want your WILL to HACK Puppy back again. We understand you completely. As Barry had suggested, please bring www.puppylite.com back to life. RR Todd
read his weeks issue of Distrowatch Weekly. I hear what RR is saying.
How does one contribute without creating controversy? Creating cd
images seems to create controversy. Having a website creates
controversy. I updated the Firefox Wiki. (That didn't create
controversy.) When I started with my first comment, I cared. I don't
care anymore. If nobody wants the domain, that's fine. I just thought I
would offer it. Todd Barry Kauler
Dear oh dear, this really is a "storm in a teacup"!I want this News Blog to focus on technical discussion of Puppy development, and this thread has become way off. Todd, basically you are behaving in a very childish way. I'm giving notice that most of the comments in this thread will be deleted soon, with only the essential legal and technical information retained. JohnMurga
Hi,I'd advise anyone looking to continue on this topic to move to : http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?p=66218 I have posted the conversation so far so that no-one's thoughts are lost, and that Barry can remove the crap from here. Cheers JohnM rarsa (rarsa<at>yahoo.com)
Tod,I thought that Barry's original post was clear and didn't have a particular person in mind. Actually I am sure it came out from (or prompted) a recent comment on distro watch about having too many 'distros' and how to differentiate a distro from a flavour. I don't understand why you take this personal. It is not personal. The clarification was for people that want to fork Puppy into it's own distro. Taking your own words, that's not you. So why do you still take it personally? You are doing the right thing using the tools that Barry has created to remaster Puppy. That is the intention for those tools. Chill out and be happy. Open Source
I am upset by this thread in Ubuntu forum:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php? They said there is a true open source spirit behind DSL, but that spirit is not behind Puppy. Their argument is base on the answer to the question, May I release my own distro based on Puppy?, on your FAQ page http://www.puppylinux.com/faq.htm Puppy is built upon the Linux kernel. Linux kernel is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Puppy also contains other GPL'ed software. According to section 6 of GPL, http://www.linux.org/info/gnu.html 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. The GPL FAQ, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyUseGPL Why should I use the GNU GPL rather than other free software licenses? Using the GNU GPL will require that all the released improved versions be [b]free software[/b]. The Free Software Definition http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free beer. Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. you should be free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications, either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other things) that [b]you do not have to ask or pay for permission[/b]. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.htm Does the GPL allow me to require that anyone who receives the software must pay me a fee and/or notify me? No. In fact, a requirement like that would make the program non-free. If people have to pay when they get a copy of a program, or if they have to notify anyone in particular, then the program is not free. See the definition of free software. The GPL is a free software license, and therefore it permits people to use and even redistribute the software without being required to pay anyone a fee for doing so. If the creator of a Linux distribution has to ask permission before he can include a GPL'ed package in his distribution, we would not have so many good distributions like Puppy. Therefore, please edit your FAQ page to fulfills the obligations under the GPL. Instead of requiring them to ask your permission before releasing their own distro based on Puppy, ask them to release the modified source code to avoid the risk of having to compete with a proprietary modified version of your own work. This is the right GPL grants you. It exhibits the true spirit of open source and GPL. BarryK
Puppy FAQ does not violate the GPL or even the spirit of the GPL. All
the GPL software used in Puppy is freely distributable, no permission
is required from me. ...that statement does not conflict with the FAQ
in the slightest.Open Source
According to section 6 of GPL,http://www.linux.org/info/gnu.html 6. Each time you redistribute the Program ([b]OR ANY WORK BASED ON THE PROGRAM[/b]), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. Let's substitute the words to make it easier to understand, 6. [b]Each time you redistribute the LINUX KERNEL (OR ANY WORK BASED ON THE LINUX KERNEL)[/b], the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. The GPL'ed software and Linux kernel you used don't require you to ask any permission before you can use or modify them, because the license won't allow it. However if you choose to use them, your work (Puppy Linux) MUST also be released as FREE SOFTWARE and be released under the GPL license. Anyone can copy, distribute or modify that work (Puppy Linux) WITHOUT ANY RESTRICTIONS. You can sell your work, but you CANNOT put any restrictions on its distribution and modification. Open Source
Please read my comment again, carefully.BarryK
What you are saying is quite correct. It applies to GPL software.However, Puppy is a mix of licences, not just GPL. For example, the Adobe Flash Player is bundled in Puppy. It is closed source but free. However, it's licence states that to be used in a distro permission is required from Adobe. I had to register with Adobe. I also needed permission to include the Softmaker Office suite. There are scripts in Puppy written by me that are not attached to any specific GPL licence. The above are free but with their own licence conditions. These are separate products and including these with GPL licenced products is not illegal. Many distros do it. Probably the key statement in the FAQ and in the main Help page in Puppy: [blockquote]Programs in Puppy are open source (except where noted above), and licences of individual products are duly acknowledged. The creation of the composite product named "Puppy", also known as "Puppy Linux" and "PuppyOS", is copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005,2006 Barry Kauler and all rights are reserved [b]if not in conflict[/b] with other licences.[/blockquote] So, I repeat, Puppy does not conflict with any of the statements that you have quoted. Open Source
Puppy Linux IS a work based on the GPL'ed Linux kernel and the GPL'ed
GNU system (or collectively called the GNU/Linux system). It is a work
derived from them.Section 0 of GPL, [i]The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and [b]a "work based on the Program" means[/b] either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, [b]a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications[/b] and/or translated into another language.[/i] Does Puppy Linux contains GPL'ed software or a portion of it? The answer is yes. Thus it is a work based on GPL'ed software. According to section 2b) you must cause a work based on GPL'ed software to be licensed under GPL, [i]2. b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.[/i] You may say the 'script' used to build Puppy is not a derivative work. This may be true, if you distribute it SEPARATELY, for example in a book, like the Linux from Scratch that teach people how to built their own distro. According to section 2 of the GPL, [i]These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then [b]this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License[/b], whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.[/i] As said Puppy Linux as a whole IS a derivative work, it is bounded by the GPL and you cannot put any restrictions on its modification. Puppy Linux not only contains the Linux kernel, it also contains other modified GPL'ed components, and it is compiled under the Linux environment. No one is going to believe 'Puppy Linux, a Linux distribution listed at Distrowatch.com, compiled from the source code of GNU/Linux under the Linux environment, is not a work based on Linux.' I have never seen any Linux distro claiming that the distro, or the code used to build it, is propretary and is not a work based on Linux. It is OKAY to protect the trademark however and it is what most distro do. The inclusion of proprietary binaries like the Flash plugin is another story and is not under the scope of the license, since they do not contain the kernel or the GNU components and therefore are not work based on them. At the end of section 2 of GPL, [i]In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.[/i] It is alright to include proprietary binaries in your distro so long as you have got the permission from their authors. However I do not think you can grant redistribution rights of these binaries to others who create their own Puppy based distro. Instead of asking you for permission, they will need to get licenses from the different license holders to redistribute the binaries. Let alone the legal stuff, the idea of free software is good. It encourages collaboration. Others can modify your work and you can incorporate that modificaton into your next version. It encourgaes competition, with the result of a better product. It also eliminates the risk of having a propietary non-free derivative of your work, which you can not modify and compete with later on. It is good for the image of Puppy too. Being accused of not open source by spirit is bad. It is ugly if new comers and users of Puppy learn that Puppy is built from and consists mainly of GPL'ed kernel/software but it is released as a propeitary work. The ethical way to do it is to pass along the freedom you have been granted generously. There are many other ways that I can bring up this issue. I decided to bring it to your attention and post comments in this old blog entry of your website but not anywhere else because I repect your contribution to the Linux community. I do not believe it is your intention to restrict the freedom granted by the GPL. It is merely a misinterpretation of the license. I do not want to damage the reputation of Puppy and its creator. I do not want others to do that either. Therefore, please consider making ammendments to your FAQ page. Even if you do not, the restrictions you put on the modification of Puppy do not have any legal grounds and can be ignored by anyone. The restrictions can do nothing except violating the GPL, discourage contributors and giving people a bad impression towards Puppy. Open Source
just realised in another thread on this blog you said that particular
requirement has been removed from the FAQ already. Thank you. Now Puppy
is truely open source and free :)
XorgWizard fixed, my holidayHowever, I have fixed it. The script is /usr/sbin/xorgwizard and G2 will add it to his "Service Pack" -- see links in the Comments for the 2nd posting below this. A note about Geany. It defaults to automatic correction of scripts, which is something I am very doubtful about, given that geany doesn't get the color syntax highlighting right. So, I am also posting a ~/root/.geany/geany.conf file for G2 to add to the Service Pack, that defaults to this feature turned off. Changing the subject entirely. Just to let everyone know in advance, I'll be on holiday from September 22 until October 8. I plan to put Puppy on a laptop -- I have not yet purchased a new laptop, but I have an old Toshiba Satellite Pro 430 CDT. The CD drive can't read any CDs that I burn, which is a problem, so it looks like I'll have to take out the hard drive, install Puppy then return the hard drive. I've got one of those 2.5inch-hd-to-ide adaptors. So, I'll be working on Puppy, just won't be on the Internet, well probably not, maybe I can drop into a library or Internet cafe somewhere. Raffy
Sure a lot of people will be busy and excited with P2T2 (Puppy2 with T2) even while you're away - have fun!We'll see if you can get a working CD drive (and laptop with it :) in time. Any donor - first-come-first-taken? Guys, this is what Barry has: http://www.iaaf.uwa.edu.au/toshiba.html BarryK
No, no, don't give me a laptop!The old Toshiba is fine for now. It'll be fun to play with installing to it. Once installed, the specs are enough -- Puppy doesn't need much! Also, I've got a PCMCI-USB2 adaptor and want to play with that. BarryK
Regarding the Mail & News program used in the 'standard' Puppy
live-CD, I would like feedback on which one users like best... maybe
Lobster can setup a poll? The choice is between Sylpheed and Seamonkey Mail&News. Regarding Sylpheed, if someone can test Bogofilter, that would be great. Basically, I would like to know if it works, if not what changes are required to get it to work, and how well it works (like, is it slow?). Regarding T2, I haven't publicized the Puppy-T2 "Puppy from scratch" page much, as want to do some more work on the T2-build package this week. Hope to get that done by end of the week and also update the webpage. MU
holiday, yes.. did'nt you plan 3 month first?Well don't worry, we have so much unfinished stuff, that the time you're away will be used to continue all that... packaging stuff, or I really have to integrate all my small addons in 1 pack with a list to choose from... expose, traybuttons, ticker... all spread over dozends of dotpups, not very userfriendly yet. Enjoy that trip Mark Lobster
"Lobster can setup a poll? The choice is between Sylpheed and Seamonkey Mail&News." I am on it Considering it is an Alpha 2.10 is generating a LOT of interest I will do a simple logo in Puppy InkLite and maybe mtpaint using 2.10 Gold . . . (I knew my interest in alchemy would prove useful . . .) Have a great holiday BarryK
Um, yes, 3 months, it has shrunken a bit...But, I do plan another holiday toward the end of the year. |
Package list for 2.10alpha0rootfs_skeleton-2.1.0 abiword-2.4.4 afpl_ghostscript-8.54 agenda-2.0 alsa_lib-1.0.11 alsa_utils-1.0.11 atk-1.11.4 audiofile-0.2.6 autocutsel-0.7.1 autologin-1 axel-1.0a bash-3.0.16 bbc_provided-2003 bc-1.06 bcrypt-1.1 betaftpd-0.0.8pre17 blinky-0.8 boehm_gc-6.6 bogofilter-1.1.1 bubbles-1.0.2a busybox-1.01 bwidget-1.3.1 bzip2-1.0.3 cairo-1.0.4 cdp-0.33.13 cdparanoia-3.a9.8 cdrtools-2.01.01a10 cgtkcalc-2.1.6 combobox-2.3 coreutils-5.2.1 countdown-2003.10.27 cpio-2.6 cramfs_tools-1.1 curl-7.15.3 db1-1.85 dhcpcd-1.3.22 dialog-0.9b dict-1.4.9 didiwiki-0.5 diffutils-2.8.1 dillo-0.8.6teki-mu disktype-8 dnotify-0.18.0 dosfstools-2.11 dotpup_downloader-mu05 dotpuphandler-3 dvdauthor-0.6.12patched dvd+rwtools-5.21 e2fsprogs-1.38 e3-2.7.0 ed-0.2 edid-1.4.1 eject-2.1.0 expat-2.0.0 eznet-1 file-4.17 findutils-4.2.22 fragger-0.0.5 freememapplet-1.2.1 freetype-2.1.10 fribidi-0.10.7 ftp-1.2 fuse-2.5.3 gaim-1.5.0 gawk-3.1.5 gbase-0.5 gcc-3.4.4 gcrontab-0.8.0 gdbm-1.8.3 gdk_pixbuf10-0.22.0 gdkxft-1.5 gdmap-0.7.5 geany-0.8 gemgame-2003 gettext-0.14.5 gftp-2.0.18 gifsicle-1.40 gimp_print-4.2.7 gkdial-1.5.14patched glib12-1.2.10 glib-2.10.2 glibc-2.3.5 gnumeric-1.6.3 goffice-0.2.1 gparted_STATIC_GTKMM-0.2.4 gpasman-1.3.1 grabc-1.1 graveman-0.3.8 grep-2.5.1 grub-0.97 gsview-4.7 gtail-0.5a gtimer-1.1.6 gtk+12-1.2.10 gtk+-2.8.17 gtkcat-0.1patched gtkdialog-0.58.8 gtkdialog-0.59.8 gtkdiff-0.7.0 gtkfind-1.0.1 gtkfish-1.0.1 gtksee-0.6.0b-1 gtk_shell-1.03 gxine-0.5.6 gxset-0.3 gzip-1.3.5 hdparm-6.6 hexedit-1.2.10 ical-2.3.1patched ifplugd-0.18 ifplugd-0.28 img-1.2.4 imlib-1.9.15 inkscapelite-0.36.1 iptables-1.3.5 isomaster-0.1 jwm-1.7 jwmconfig-0.2.1 kbd-1.12 kp-1.0 lame-3.96.1 lcms-1.14 leafpad-0.8.1 less-382 libao-0.8.6 libart_lgpl23-2.3.17 libdaemon-0.8 libdvdcss-1.2.9 libdvdplay-1.0.1 libdvdread-0.9.6 libexif-0.6.13 libexif_gtk-0.3.5 libghttp10-1.0.9 libgif-4.1.4 libglade-2.5.1 libgnomecanvas-2.14.0 libgnomeprint-2.12.1 libgnomeprintui-2.12.1 libgsf-1.14.1 libhardware-20060723 libid3tag-0.15.1b libidl-0.8.6 libidn-0.6.2 libieee1284-0.2.8 libjpeg-6b libmad-0.15.1b libmng-1.0.9 libogg-1.1.3 libpng-1.2.8 libsamplerate-0.1.2 libsigc++-2.0.17 libsndfile-1.0.16 libstdc++-5.0.6 libtiff-3.7.4 libusb-0.1.11 libvorbis-1.1.2 libxaw95-1.1.4 libxml-2.6.26 libxslt-1.1.15 libzvt-2.0.1 linneighborhood-0.6.5patched linux_firewall-2.0rc9 madplay-0.15.2b memtester-2.93.1 metamail-2.7 mimencode-2.7 mini_volume-0.3 minixcal-1.1 mktemp-1.5 ml-2000 modem_stats-1.0.1 module_init_tools-3.2.2 mp-3.3.7 mpcb-0.4.2 mtools-3.9.10 mtoolsfm-1.9 mtpaint-3.01 mut-0.1.1 ncurses-5.4 ndiswrapper-1.16 nenscript-1.13.3 netpbm-1.0.33 net_tools-1.60 ntfs_3g-20060714beta ntfsprogs-1.13.0 nullhttpd-0.5.1 openssh-4.3p2 openssl-0.9.8b orbit2-2.14.0 pango-1.12.2 parted- pciutils-2.1.11 pcmcia_cs-3.2.8 pcmciautils-012 pcre-6.6 pdq-2.2.1 perl-5.8.8tiny perl_digest_sha1-2.10 perl_html_parser-3.51 picocom-1.2 popt-1.7 ppp-2.4.3 pptp_linux-1.5.0 psmisc-22.2 pstoedit-3.44 puppybackground-2.0 puppyserialdetect-1.0 qiv-2.0 rdesktop-1.4.1 readline-5.1 regexpviewer-0.1 reiserfsprogs-3.6.19 remotedesktopclient-0.1 rexgrep-1.2 ripperx-2.6.7 rox_puppy- rp_pppoe-3.7patched rubix-1.03 rutilt-0.12 rxvt-2.6.4 samba-3.0.22 scale2x-2.0 seamonkey_SVG_NOMAILNEWS-1.0.4 sed-4.1.4 setserial-2.17 setvol-1.1 sockspy-2.5 sqlite-3.3.5 squashfs_tools-3.0.lzma_patch ssh_gui-0.7.1 stat-5.0 sudo-1.6.8p12 superscan-0.8 sweep-0.9.1 sylpheed-2.2.7 syslinux-3.11 tar-1.15.1 tcl-8.5a4nothreads test-1 tightvnc-1.2.9 time-1.7 tinylogin-1.4 tk-8.5a4nothreads tkconvert-1.3 tkdvd-4.0.1r1 tkfont-1.1patched tkgamma-1.0 tkmines-1999 transmission-0.5 turma-0.1 unclutter-0.8-11 unionfs-1.2.0-20060503 unrar-3.4.3 unzip-552 uri-1.1.3 usbview-1.0 util_linux-2.12q uxplor-0.26patched vamps-0.99.2 vobcopy-1.0.0 wag-0.3.2 wavemon-2002 wavplay-1.4 wget-1.10.2 wireless_tools-28 wmpower-0.3.1 wmsm-0.2.0 wv2-0.2.2 wvdial-1.53 wxbasicscript-2.2k-puppy xarchive- xcut-0.2 xdialog-2.1.1 xdvdtool-0.3 xfinans-5.9y2k xfreecd- xine_lib-1.1.1 xli-1.17.0 xlockmore-5.20.1patched xnetload-1.11.3 xnetstrength-0.4.2 xorg-7.0 xproc-1.2 xrun-0.2.3 xtmix-0.4 xvesa-4.3.0v2-xkbd xwconfig-0 xwget-0.4.1 xwhois-0.4.2 xwifibar-0 ycalc-1.09.1 zip-231 zlib-1.2.3 -------------------------------- And the rest of the packages in Unleashed, which will become available later as PupGets: abs-0.908 alicq-0.8.8 amaya-8.8.51 arts-1.4.2 bar-1.10.4 bash-3.1 beaver-0.2.7 bluefish-0.7 busybox-1.1.2 cdmio-0.03 cdrdao-1.2.1 cdtar-50 cheops-0.61 cutecom-0.13.1 dia-0.94 dialog-1.0 dlume-0.2.4 dvdauthor-0.6.11 dvd+rwtools-6.0 eddi-1.0.1 elinks-0.11.1 elinks-0.11.1js1.5 esvn-0.6.11-1 fig2dev-3.2.5a7 figurine-1.0.5 firefox- freecell-1.2 fsresize-0.08 fvwm95-2.0.43f gaby-1.0.6patched galculator-1.2.4 gcombust-0.1.55 gimp-2.2.11 glibc_locales-2.3.4 glibmm-2.10.3 gnetconfig-0.1.5 gnome_ppp-0.3.23 gparted-0.2.4 gphone-0.5.2 gphoto-2.1.6 gplaycd-0.1.0 gpm-1.20.1 gprename-1.7 gqview-2.0.1 greyboard-0.7 grisbi-0.5.7 gtkam-0.1.13 gtkftpd-1.0.4 gtkgraph-0.6.2 gtkiptables-0.4.2 gtkmathview-0.7.5 gtkmm-2.8.8 gtksamba-0.3.2pl1 guitar-0.1.5 gvidm-0.8 gxhost-0.8.4 gyach-0.9.8 hostap-0.4.9 imposter-0.2 impress-1.1b9 inkscape-0.43 inkscape_STATIC_GTKMM-0.43 java_jamjikescairo-1 kazehakase-0.3.9 knowde-1.0.2 lesstif-0.94.4 libgphoto-2.1.6 libosip2-2.2.2 libsdl-1.2.9 libsdl_console-2.1 libsdl_gfx-2.0.13 libsdl_mixer-1.2.6 libsdl_sound-1.0.1 libt1-1.3.1 libwmf-0.2.7 lighttpd-1.4.11 link_grammar-4.1.3 links-2.1pre21 linphone-1.3.5 linpopup-1.2.0 ltmodem-2.6.8alk-k2.6.16.7 lua-4.0.1 madwifi-20060128 makebootfat-1.4 masqman-1.4 mc-4.6.1 medit-0.6.97 mhwaveedit-1.4.8 mhwaveedit-1.4.8sndfile mirdir-2.1 morizot-1.15 mozilla-1.8b1.5 netwag-523 nmap-4.03 nvu-1.0 openoffice_CUTDOWN-1.1.4 openoffice_dict-1.1.4 openoffice_gallery-1.1.4 openoffice_help-1.1.4 openoffice_MISSING-1.1.4 opera-9.0 pb_debianinstaller-alpha09 pciutils-2.2.3 perl_compress_zlib-1.35 perl_extutils_depends-0.205 perl_extutils_pkgconfig-1.07 perl_glib-1.100 perl_gtk2-1.100 perl_uri-1.35 perl_xml_parser-2.34 phv-0.9.8 planmaker-f.e. puppysearch-1.0 python-2.4.3 pyxml-0.8.4 qhacc-3.3 qt-3.3.6 qtparted-0.4.5 quisp-126 rox_filer-1.2.2patched rxvt-2.7.10 sane_backends-1.0.17 sane_frontends-1.0.14 scite-1.63 scribus-1.2.1 scribus- seamonkey-1.0 seamonkey_SVG-1.0.4 seamonkey_SVG_ACCESS-1.0.4 skype- slidedraw-20011026 slmodem-2.9.11-k2.6.16.18-dist slmodem-2.9.11patched-k2.6.16.7 smalledit-3.17.14 smm-1.0rc1 snack-2.2.9 sodipodi-0.34 speex-1.1.12 squashfs_tools-3.0 subversion_client-1.3.1 sylpheed-2.2.4 tcl-8.5a4 tea-10.0 ted-2.14 textmaker-f.e. tgif-4.1p43 thunderbird- ticker-006 timidity-2.13.0 tix-8.1 tk-8.5a4 tkcon-2.4 tkcvs-8.0.3 tkhtml-2.0 tkmasqdialer-1.12 tkvnc-2003 tkworld-1.4.0 tkzip-1.1.5 tuxcards-1.2 vym-1.6.0 wmnd-0.4.11 wvdial-1.42 wxwidgets24- xbubble-0.2.4 xcalendar-4.0 xcdroast-0.98 xchat-2.6.2 xdialog-2.2.1 xdiskusage-1.48 xfmedia-0.9.1 xfprot-0.24bpatched xgalaga-2.0.34 xhippo-3.3 xi810-4.3.0v2-xkbd xine_extra_codecs-1 xorg_DRI_MODULES-7.0 xorg_OPENGL-7.0 xpaint-2.7.0 xpuyopuyo-0.9.8 xsane-0.991 xtar-2001 ytree-1.84 zoinks-0.3.8 kirk
Very exciting!!There is a newer version of the ntfs-3g driver. See the post in the How to section of the forum. I'd post it here, but I'm out of town using my crackberry :) PupUser12345
Barry will MurgaLua be in puppy?
And the firewall in puppy, would it be possible to upgrade it,
http://lfw.sourceforge.net because my family uses the computer and
sometimes they think the firewall is off and re-run the wizard, and it
goes back to rc.firewall 2RC9, instead of the rc.firewall - 2.0 (final)
that i installed instead of the default rc.firewall 2RC9. Barry Kauler
MurgaLua is extremely interesting, but I haven't had time to consider
whether to put it into the live-CD. For now, it's a DotPup, so there's
no problem with users getting access to it. However, if people start to
write applications then we will certainly have to consider putting it
into the live-CD.punkmexic (lic.guzman<at>gmail.com)
i highly suggest to include the Smartlink and Lucent soft-modem driversin the last puppylinux distro because this BareBones Puppy version 2.01r2 have it but this one Puppy Linux 2.02 Puppy Linux Main Release, puppy-2.02-seamonkey.iso DON'T |
Puppy 2.10alpha live-CD iso availablehttp://www.puppylinux.com/test/ The "devx" module, devx_210.sfs is also at the above URL. If you have an earlier one, please update. This is basically what version 2.10 will be, with bug fixes and some packages upgraded. For example, I expect JWM will be upgraded from 1.7 to 1.8 for the beta release. The kernel is, same as Pup 2.02 and will remain that for the 2.10 final. To find out what is in this release, read the Developer Notes in this blog. There are some unannounced things, like ISOMaster, that you will find in the Multimedia menu. This is now the recommended environment for compiling packages for Puppy. regarding upgrading from 2.02 or earlier, I need to do a bit of work on that. It will probably work, but I recommend making a backup copy of your save_202.3fs file beforehand. Seamonkey is now v1.0.4 and is using a different "home" directory, so you lose your old bookmarks, history, mail, etc. The old stuff will still be there, and if anyone wants to look into how to copy across any old stuff to the new directory, please do! This release doesn't have Mail&News module of Seamonkey, so all mail is lost -- instead have Sylpheed -- don't know if mail can be imported into Sylpheed. Regarding Sylpheed, I've installed Bogofilter (for intelligent spam filtering), but haven't attempted to use it. If anyone wants to test that and work out what configuration to do if it doesn't work, please do! I've put in latest packages that some of the guys have been developing, but not all -- there are some things happening on the forum that I haven't had time to catch up with yet. GuestToo's updated DotPup installer is there. Xdvdtool is also -- but only v0.3 as I didn't put in ffmpeg due to the pkg compiled in T2 has many dependencies -- I think XINE could be used instead. If you have any other scripts in Puppy, please check them out. Installing and booting from a SATA hard drive partition is supposed to work. Anyone want to test that? Note, I went back to Bash 3.0.16, from 3.1. There were script issues, and 3.0.16 is very mature, the last of the 3.0 series. There's probably a lot more to say. When I think of it, I'll add comments... Barry Kauler
I was going to tell forum member 'plinej' about Toxine, but the forum is down, so I'll post the URL here:http://toxine.sourceforge.net/ -- this looks like what he needs for Xdvdtool. A possible problem though is it was last updated in 2004, so there could be difficulties with the library API of XINE 1.1.1 used in Puppy. Note that readline library and everything else Xdvdtool needs is in pup 2.10alpha. MU
tested the DRI/DRM-modules (Radeon) from Puppy 2.02 (they are in the
Kernelmodules-addon). They work, as well as the ones from Puppy 2.01.Only 1 issue: Rox crashes. Solution: In the beginning of .xinitrc, add these 2 lines: XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS They fix several problems with Xlib, so I would suggest to add them to the next beta, as in 2.10 the same might happen with this kernel. Mark Lobster
Glad to see Puppy Gold aka 2.10 is coming together. I liked the previous alpha wiki page here http://puppylinux.org/wikka/Puppy210 Just released this new script which is a simple recorder - now with gain to 'normalise' the volume http://tmxxine.com/dogbone/dogbone16.pup I am still seeding PuppyOffice for the 3rd day - over 900 downloads from that one bittorrent . . . Hacao has done well with the coding - just talking with someone using it over the weekend - new to Puppy and she is delighted . . . now to download new alpha - thanks Barry :) MU
mirror will be availabe in ~1 hour here:http://puptrix.org/isos/Puppy-2.10-Alpha/ I also will upload a devx.sfs with renamed /usr/lib/qt folder. Mark MU
sh-3.1# mount -o loop devx_210.sfs /root/mountmount: Mounting /mnt/sda6/puppy2/2.10-alpha/devx_210.sfs on /root/mount failed: Invalid argument sh-3.1# md5sum devx_210.sfs ac6fd9293845afe18e66a84b408800de devx_210.sfs I can mount the devx from 2.02 without problems. Any ideas? Mark MU
ah, I see, it must be the lzma-compression.I tried it in Puppy 2.02, so I must try it from Puppy 2.10. What is the command to re-create a .sfs then with lzma-compression? Is tha a new syntax? Mark BarryK
The new Puppy has /usr/bin/mksquashfs, which is actually a link to mksquashfs-lzma.This will automatically create a .sfs with the lzma compression. Note, I have a DRI PupGet, taken from the Xorg pkg, that will be available when 2.10 is released. MU
can't it mount old .sfs -files like megapup? See:http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10525 This would mean I had to rebuild megapup (or better smaller ones containing only KDE or OpenOffice, must do it anyway). Mark BarryK
Also, thanks to pizzasgood, as that's his artwork on thedesktop, I just made it into monochrome. Bill St. Clair (billstclair<at>gmail.com)
put up a mirror of the 2.10 alpha ISO and devx, including the standard
S3 torrents at http://s3/amazonaws.com/puppy/index.html . Look below
the 2.02 and 2.01 links.Bill St. Clair (billstclair<at>gmail.com)
Oops. That's what I get for typing, instead of copying, a URL. The real links is http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/index.htmlzigbert
Thanks for 2.102 Rox-bugs * Rox-filer doesn't support local chars. In my case, - Æ,Ø,Å * Unable to click on dotpups in rox to install. zigbert
xsaneshell doesn't work for mecat: /etc/sane.d/dll.conf: No such file or directory /usr/bin/xsaneshell: line 38: exec: xsane: not found MU
Problems with existing dotpups:http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10527 Good news: Gimp (Gtk 2.8) works great without installing any additional libraries Get it here: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=9626 Mark Billcnz
troubles with xorg for bothe the pre pre and the alpha that weren't
there in 2.02. I need to use xorg on my old laptop but the start menu
and JWM panel is all black until I mouse over and highlight something.
Also I can't run rxvt so I had to drop out of X to get to a command
line until I installed another terminal emulator. When I type rxvt in
the new terminal I get this message:sh-3.00# rxvt rxvt: can't load color "Black" rxvt: can't load color "Black" rxvt: aborting The problem with the black menu's in pre pre went away after installing the patches and a bunch of other stuff while I was testing but it's back in the alpha and rxvt still doesn't work. I tested on another pc and I don't have these problems when using Xvesa but xorg didn't work at all: can't open display, dc stack underflow. Xorg worked in 2.02 on this pc. BarryK
Xsane/SANE will be PupGets, they aren't in this liveCD.MU, note, there is also 'unsquashfs' utility. BarryK
DotPups... well, I just put G2's new pkg in, haven't used it. can you debug it?BarryK
Here is a forum thread discussing the dotpup problem:http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10527 The gettext app is now needed for the dotpup installer: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10538 A problem with Geany and named pipes: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10536 There's a problem with the XorgWizard: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10534 A report that locales don't work: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10544 Gsview is broken: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10537 GuestToo has solved some of the problems and posted a "service pack": http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10541 This blog is not the optimum place for reporting bugs and general discussion of Pup 2.10alpha. Lobster has christened this release "Puppy Gold" and started a feedback forum thread here: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10483 Billcnz
wanted to mention here that the problems I mentioned above regarding
xorg, black menus, rxvt were all fixed by running the xorgconfig script
after selecting the xorgwizard. I'm glad that scripts there, it's a
good one to fall back on if the autoconfig fails. It's looking much
better now BarryK
Try the new xorgwizard script that I posted to G2's Service-Pack forum thread.fletch229
ok i
have have a thinkpad 600e i usually run 109ce thought i'd try 2.10 gold
when i try too boot it starts then says unsupported compression format
=err22 it's not the cd because it boots fine on my gateway desktop
Universal Installer, GxineGxine (v0.5.7) full-screen is broken again. It doesn't crash, just outputs an error message and does nothing. I tried various configure options, no go. So, have sent a bug report. BarryK
Test comment.The software driving this page is SimplePHPBlog, and despite the graphical spam prevention, I've been getting more spam, so much so that I realised it had to be automated. So, I went to www.simplephpblog.com and found they have turned off their blog comments due to spamming! I looked in their forum and found a report that there is a security weakness in one of the scripts, and a bit of code was posted to fix it. So, I've pasted in the code, now hope comments still work! Test comment 2. Let's see if it works darkerror (darkerror{At}gmail[dOt]com)
I personally dont like gxine. I should suggest using a different frontend. Like xine-ui.Raffy
Test of no email: look at this future device, Barry! http://linuxdevices.com/news/NS9843804074.html Billcnz
tested xine-ui on pre pre 210, it had much better performance than
gxine with hardly any frame dropping in full screen mode on my low spec
celeron 400. Install added about 3 mb uncompressed. Of course gxine is
handy for the browser plugin.Bill Kal
issues with full screen on gxine-0.5.6 seem to be with JWM only. Both
KDE 3.5.4 and IceWM don't seem to have the problems. Tested with both
JWM 1.7 and 1.8 rc. 1.8 did fix the problem with the hidden tray,
blinking out when you rest the mouse over the volume icon or any
swallowed item. When trying to fall back to the older 4.9, as I used in Puppy 2.02 with no problems, it compiles, but then I hit seg false in trying to run it (which kills me dead with my limited knowledge). Kal darkerror05
xine-ui has a browser plugin just make a symlink to it. I use puppy
1.09 and opera and the plugin doesnt work well. But i may be doing
somthing wrong or just need an update.
Squashfs with LZMA compression![]() Testing it right now. Thanks to GuestToo and alienX who gave me the links, and thanks to the SLAX developers for doing the hard part. What this means is that the pup_210.sfs file is much smaller. My Puppy 2.10alpha is currently somewhat fatter than he should be (and I'm in the process of reducing the fat, which will continue), so pup_210.sfs is 72M, or rather was 72M as it has now shrunk to 62M. The liveCD will be bigger of course, because of the initrd.gz and vmlinuz and misc. small files. Any downside to this higher compression? So far no problem. Seems at least as fast as before. GuestToo
i don't deserve any credit ... i knew nothing about this until today, when AlienX sent me a PMi also haven't heard of aufs before either from: http://www.slax.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=64923#64923 [quote]Aufs seems very similar to unionfs but with less bugs and more simplicity...[/quote] from: http://www.slax.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=64945#64945 [quote]yes there is official squashfs 3.1 release, the project page is not updated but the filesystem has been released already, see sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=63835[/quote] ftp://ftp.slax.org/SLAX-6.x/testing/technology-preview/devel/ melmo
Doesnt the *.sfs file need to be extracted to be executed?wouldnt this mean that no matter how small the iso is, it will still require the same amount of ram to run? cheers Melmo Nathan Fisher
short answer, no. The long answer, files are uncompressed on the fly,
as needed. That's one of the things that makes squashfs so appealing
(and it seems like every distro under the sun used it as a selling
point for a while, making it sound like their own invention).So basically, even though a file still has to uncompress in memory to be used, there is still a significant reduction in memory usage. If this was not the case then Puppy would never have been as fast as it is, or been able to run on such limited hardware. Ted Dog
is a patch for using LZMA compression on the kernel image, its in my
guppy project (from GeexBox). It will reduce the size of the kernel
image. GeexBox kernel config builts-in most common modules directly
into the kernel image since they compress well.darkerror05
is there anyway i could do this to my remaster. I would love to srink my iso.
Sylpheed, Bogofilter, Sqlite3, InkLite, puppyROXI did try Sylpheed Claws, mostly because I wanted the integration of Dillo for embedded HTML viewing, however I was very dissapointed as Claws is unstable and the Spam Assassin filter used by Claws is a disaster -- incredibly slow. But then, Spam Assassin is written in Perl, whereas Bogofilter is written in C. Which leads to another point. I compiled Bogofilter to use Sqlite3, meaning that Slite3 will also now be in Puppy, which opens the door to other products that I had previously excluded, such as Ian's PuppyMoney -- though note, I haven't included the Tcl binding for Slite3 as there is currently a problem with that, but can do it later, probably for Pup 2.11. But wait, there's more! I've been communicating with the developers of Inkscape, and with their help we now have "InkscapeLite", or just "InkLite". Total size of the package uncompressed is 2M, compared with the full Inkscape over 6M (even that figure is after trimming the fat) -- also InkLite doesn't need Gtkmm, saving another 4M. And yes, InkLite has a conventional menu, not the separate type as in Sodipodi. Not finished yet. The Japanese guy, Teki, modified our ROX-Filer v1.2.2 to support Xft, and I've now forked this to a new project, "puppyROX". It's currently a very half-assed font antialiasing as the desktop icon labels aren't, nor are the GTK dialog boxes. Teki did modify the code to antialiase the desktop labels, howver I can't get a transparent background for the fonts, so have disabled that (it's the file 'pinboard.c', have kept the original version). o
Inkscape is an example for an application that should remain optional:
It is specialized enough to be of little importance for many users.
Also, I hope antialiasing it ROX will be optional, because unlike many
fonts in linux, the one used in ROX is very readable as it is.GuestToo
[quote]Puppy is bulging with all the package upgrades and I'm fighting to get the size down [/quote] well, you may be interested in a note i received from AlienX [quote] how about using lzma compression and aufs (in place of unionfs) on Puppy ? http://www.slax.org/todo.php http://www.slax.org/forum/viewtopic.php [/quote] [quote] SLAX compressed with LZMA algorithm will be 160MB instead of 200 (tested). All modules will be smaller and faster [/quote] GuestToo
70 mb * 160 / 200 = 56 mbLobster
t2 version 6.00 outhttp://www.t2-project.org/ summary of 2.10 http://puppylinux.org/wikka/Puppy210 puppian
Puppylinux.org site issueshttp://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10471 Raffy
are all welcome, as the "lightness" issue is always here because of the
128-MB hardware/memory fix on most configs, a good example is the
recent tests of a device from Bangkok, see all tests done via
http://puppylinux.org/fiesta/node/8Am hoping they will send you a unit soon for your tests (did not ask them for anything except this hardware donation and only for you). Nathan Fisher
googled around and found an archive from the inkscape mailing list, and
lo and behold Mr BK was a bit active there lately. Am I right in
assuming that 'Inkscape Lite' is currently a bit of cleaned up code
from Inkscape 0.36 then? Sounds very interesting, I might give it a go
myself. This has been a major sticking point in Grafpup for quite a bit
as well so your novel solution is kind of interesting to me.One of the consistent problems has been the gtkmm requirement. Inkscape is the only app in Grafpup that needs it, along with libsigc++ and gc. libsigc++ and gtkmm have always been very difficult for me to get compiled in Puppy also, and it's actually impossible to do in Grafpup thanks to the addition of libstdc++.so.6. So really, a reversion that gets away from gtkmm makes a lot of sense to me. I'll have to give it a try, is there a certain place to get the source? Billcnz
if Puppy needs to grow a little in size it will still be much trimmer
and offer more apps than distro's 2 to 5 times it's size. There's no
fat in Puppy only lean protien.Barry Kauler
Nathan,I've modified the source of Inkscape 0.36, as it wouldn't compile as-is. Or rather, it compiled with '--without-gnome-print' but then crashed when I wanted to print. With '--with-gnome-print' I had to modify some files to get it to compile. -- now it doesn't crash! "InkLite" can be a fork of Inkscape and we can keep developing it. Are you interested in maintaining it? We can put it on a svn host site. I'll tarball the source and send it to you if you like. Colin (colin<at>colino.net)
If Sylpheed-Claws is unstable, would you care filing some bugs athttp://thewildbeast.co.uk/sylpheed-claws/bugzilla/ ? Because us Sylpheed-Claws developers are unaware of such instabilities. BarryK
haven't got Claws installed now, so can't tell you exactly. There was
only one thing that caused it to crash, always. Choosing the
Preferences dialog, then choosing one of the first items on the left
side -- I don't recall which one, it may have been the very first
sub-item -- immediate crash.Regarding Spam Assassin, it must work for others, it can't be that bad for everyone. It installed okay, but when I highlighted an email then clicked on the Spam icon, I waited several minutes, while the CPU worked furiously, bogging down everything so that the user interface was almost dead. When it had finished, I highlighted another email and clicked the Spam button again -- this time it made the CPU so busy that I couldn't even kill the program nor kill X -- had to do a hard reboot. I was running Claws from a terminal, and saw a message about "very deep recursion" when the Assassin was running. Joe
have never used an installed mail reader. I use online mail reading
exclusively. I let those servers filter out the junk before I read it.Nathan Fisher
Yes, I
would like to have a look at what you have done on Inkscape. But I
don't know how much maintaining I could do on it, truth to tell. My C
skills are very rudimentary, just enough to do a few dirty hacks here
and there. But I'm pretty excited about the possibilities, as between
this and the LZMA compression in your other post I can probably fit a
few other neat things into Grafpup like Blender or Povray. Then just
offer the full Inkscape package (latest version) through Pupget.You can email it to me if it's not too large, nathan at texasangel dot org. Thanks. |
Very Mean Puppy v2.02 releasedhttp://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10427 Lobster
DSL have put MurgaLua into their latest release - any interest in adding to Puppy 2.10?
Loading wireless driver at startup, GTK2 XdialogI've recompiled Xdialog for GTK2, to get the antialiased fonts. It looks nice. There are some scripts that mix gtkdialog (and gtkdialog2) with Xdialog windows, and they looked odd as the former displayed with antialiased font, the latter didn't -- now it looks consistent. Anyway, it does raise another issue. People who have tackled using Xdialog may have encountered difficulty with the width and height setting parameters -- they didn't seem to work right. Apparently that has been fixed, but that means some scripts that use Xdialog will now display slightly differently. So, when I release the next Puppy, as well as checking the script for syntax errors, also check the dimensioning of the Xdialog windows. I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not, but the default font used for menus and dialog boxes in GTK2 apps in Pup 2.10-pre-x looks a bit more "condensed" than the earlier Puppies. Like, it has defaulted to a different font. As far as I know, all of that side of things is as before. Anyone knowledgeable in customising of fontconfig (I presume that's the culprit?). As already mentioned, expect the next Puppy on the weekend, maybe it will even get upgraded to 'alpha'. EXTRA NOTE: GuestToo advised in the previous post that he has developed a new version of his dotpup installer. I have converted it to an Unleashed package, named 'dotpuphandler-3' and it will be in the next Puppy. BarryK
Some of my scripts are broken with the new GTK2 Xdialog.So, I went to the Xdialog homepage and found this: [blockquote]the GTK2 version of Xdialog (this version is still seriously broken: DO NOT use it in production projects)[/blockquote] So, I'm going back to the old GTK1 version. MU
yes, it is broken. I tried it some weeks ago with Pupget, but this 2 list - widget did not work yet.In my newsticker I use Xdialog (Gtk2, but not the latest version yet) because it supports Unicode, but only for some very simple dialogs, that work ok (radiolists, checkbuttons). Mark MU
I would suggest this change in line 411:from: ALIENFILE="`Xdialog --title "$MSG9" --stdout --no-buttons --fselect "/root/*" 0 0`" to: ALIENFILE="`Xdialog --title "$MSG9" --stdout --no-buttons --fselect "/root/*" 0 0 | tail -n 1`" Tail will remove errors, if a gtk.rc -theme throws errors on stderr concerning missing icons or fonts. Without tail, you can not install alien packages in such a case (most external themes throw such errors, as they are cut down in size). Xdialog is somewhat problematic in this concern, as it uses stderr to return the results of its elements clicked. Mark rarsa (rarsa<at>yahoo.com)
Barry,Please edit your post. You said that my patch is "so that wireless settings setup in WAG will be reloaded at subsequent bootups." It should actually say: "so that wireless settings setup in the [b]ethernet/network connection wizard[/b] will be reloaded in subsequent bootups" |
Bash scripts in Puppy 2.10For example, forum member 'plinej' has written a great little DVD ripper GUI named 'Xdvdtool', which works fine for him, but I got lots of syntax errors. For example, something like this: Xdialog <stuff here> "text string here "yes" more text" gives me a syntax error (the quotes inside the string have to be excaped with back-slashes). Another example. I haven't investigated this one closely yet. GuestToo's dotpuprox.sh script is broken in 2.10. When I was testing plinej's xdvdtool.pup it did not install. So, I ran it from the commandline and it reported an error about not being able to find the file to unzip it. A path problem it seems, but the installer apparently works for plinej. So, if you have a script, either something that you wrote awhile back or currently developing, please test it in the new 2.10-pre-pre-alpha Puppy (I'll probably upload the 'pre-alpha' on the weekend). Another tit-bit of information: Puppy now has 'nohup'. This is a very useful little utility. MU
I use bash 3.1 in Puppy 2.01/2.02 since some weeks without problems.Puppys compiler-errors are gone, Xdialog works, GuestToos new Dotpuphandler works. It is the binary from this thread: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=9108 Mark GuestToo
i added gettext localization support into my dotpup handler scriptsee: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10250 i fixed a few minor bugs that i found, and also restored the md5sum check (probably taken out when Busybox was upgraded and md5sum did not like the -b binary option) i have not tested it in 2.10, but apparently MU has so far, MU is the only one who has translated it (to German) there may be bugs, or not ... it's a pretty simple idea, basically a 3 line script, but adding error handling and sanity checks and user interfaces adds complexity so it might be a good idea to put the new version in 210 i'm not sure if the text strings i chose are easily translated in every language, but i won't know that until there are more translations GuestToo
also, i tested my script using sh -x and there were no error messages, and it seems to run ok in Busybox's ash tooi split it into 2 scripts, rather than use bash subroutines, because Busybox sometimes doesn't like them ... i have tried to be very cautious in cleaning up the temp dir ... rm -rf can be dangerous ... i think this version should be even safer than the last version i renamed this script dotpuprox3.sh ... if you put it in 210, you would probably rename it to the old name, dotpuprox.sh if there are any problems with it, it can be patched after with a dotpup as easily as any other minor bugfix ... it's really supposed to be just an experiment at this point, but it should be useable and serviceable ... there have not been any problems with it reported so far GuestToo
ran it from the commandline and it reported an error about not being
able to find the file to unzip it. A path problem it seems"oh, that's not a bug ... i only intended dotpups to be installed by being clicked in a Rox window, and Rox always supplies the absolute path as a parameter (which Firefox 1.0x could not handle due to a bug which they never bother to fix) however, while i was working on version 3 of my script, i added a few lines to convert relative paths to absolute paths, so you can use the command line with the new script ... you could with the old script too, but the file name had to have to full absolute path to the file, relative paths would not work so that's taken care of in version 3 too |
NTFS read-only fallbackThis is "playing safe", but what if you really must mount it, for example, to recover files off a broken Windows system (and that's not so uncommon is it ![]() Consequently, I had to modify /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown to detect if a partition is mounted ro, so that you don't try and create a pup_save.3fs file on it. In an X terminal, if you type: # mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 'mount' is actually now a script, which will detect that you are mounting a ntfs partition, try to use ntfs-3g, then if that fails will mount ro. In other words, you just use 'mount' and all the details are taken care of. Ditto for 'umount'. My 'Pmount" utility calls 'mount' and 'umount' to mount and unmount partitions, so Pmount also automatically has this new feature, however Jesse's MUT does not yet support this fallback system -- that will be up to Jesse, as maintainer of MUT, to implement. |
DVD ripping, growisofs problemhttp://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10364 While I was testing it, running the 2.10-pre-pre, I found that 'growisofs' utility doesn't work. Sigh, the problems I'm having with upgrades, I'm only mentioning the tip of the iceberg in this blog. Dvd+rw-tools version 6.0 was compiled in T2 for Pup 2.10, whereas earlier Pups use dvd+rw-tools package version 5.21. I tested the 5.21 version in Puppy 2.10 and it works fine. So, off to the developer's home page: http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/tools/?M=D where I found this message: IMPORTANT NOTE for 6.0 users! Newer Linux kernels have ridiculously low default memorylocked resource limit, which prevents privileged users from starting growisofs 6.0 with "unable to anonymously mmap 33554432: Resource temporarily unavailable" error message. Next version will naturally have workaround coded in, but meanwhile you have to issue following command at command prompt prior starting growisofs: ...too much trouble. I'll just go back to version 5.21. |
Another little "patch" for 2.10-pre-pre-alpha# rm /usr/lib/libstdc++.la Also relink: # ln -sf libstdc++.so.6.0.3 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so pakt
Barry, these links are also missing:ln -s /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8 /usr/lib/libssl.so.0 ln -s /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0 After adding them, I got my modified CUPS install script to work in Puppy 2.10ppa. Btw, perl worked fine :) Barry Kauler
pakt,Okay, fixed. |
SATA support, lspci changesSATADRIVES='sda sdb' That is, a space-delimited list of SATA drives. If you have a PC with SATA drive, let us know if it works -- Jesse is into this and would like to know also. The 'lspci' utility comes in the 'pciutils' package. Executing it as 'lspci -n' outputs the PCI numbers only. Executing 'lspci' without any parameter and it will look for 'pci.ids' file and if found will display extra information about each PCI interface. Fine, but there's a problem. For the last few releases Puppy has used pciutils version 2.1.11, whereas in T2 I compiled version 2.2.3. Unfortunately, executing 'lspci -n' the information is output differently for each version. V2.1.11 has one extra column, the text string "Class", which is redundant information so the developer has dropped it. Problem is, this breaks all scripts and applications that parse the output from 'lspci -n'. After I had stopped mumbling curses upon the developer, I took Puppy back to the earlier version. A compiled application could be coded to work with the older version, or if more recent could be written for the newer lspci. Ditto for scripts. Either way, it's a headache, that could have been avoided -- it really does not matter that there is some "redundant" information in the output. Guest
I have a sata hard drive and it shows up under pupstate correctly as said.n8sin
Work, for meSATADRIVES= sda |
The /etc/mtab sagaThe problem is that some applications read /etc/mtab, for example 'eject' and the full versions of 'mount' and 'umount'. To get around that problem all prior versions of Puppy execute 'mount >/etc/mtab' everytime a filesystem is mounted or unmounted. Executing just 'mount' without any parameters doesn't do anything, it just outputs the current status. Writing that information to /etc/mtab satisfies 'eject' utility, however the full 'mount' and 'umount' complain that the information in /etc/mtab is incorrect/corrupted. Another problem is that the T2 build scripts call 'mount --bind <more stuff>' but Busybox 'mount' does not support the '--bind' option. To get /etc/mtab into a format that satisfies the full 'mount' and 'umount', I reconfigured Busybox with mtab support enabled. Unfortunately I then found that Busybox does indeed write to /etc/mtab everytime a filesystem is mounted and unmounted, however the information in the mtab file is incomplete. Perhaps this has something to do with unionfs? Note, Busybox gets the information about what is mounted from /proc/mounts, and this does have correct information. The end result of all of this is I have left Busybox without support for mtab. I solved the problem a different way. As Puppy now has scripts /bin/mount and /bin/umount, which was introduced in Puppy 2.02 to cater for the ntfs-3g NTFS driver, it is now easy to add extra code to write to /etc/mtab everytime a filesystem is mounted or unmounted. I created code that runs 'mount' without parameters but then massages the information into a format that is correct for /etc/mtab. Furthermore, the 'mount' script also detects if the '--bind' option is on the commandline and if so executes the full mount utility -- this is in Puppy as /bin/mount-FULL. I could probably go over to calling the full version always, but playing cautious for now. |
"Patches" for 2.10-pre-pre-alphahttp://www.puppylinux.com/test/ A symlink is required, as shown. Perl module perl_xml_parser-2.34 is required, and the lcms-1.14 package. The latter is a dependency of libmng, the lack of which causes it to be broken. Billcnz
Great work Barry! looks like it's all coming together. Sorry about the
false libtool report, I must have mis-interpreted something - consider
it another compiler test which passed All 23 of the XFCE packages compiled fine after adding the extra perl modules and I'm now posting from a shiny new desktop. |
Puppy version 2.10-pre-pre-alpha!http://www.puppylinux.com/test/ The reason for the "pre-pre-" is to emphasise that this is not a release version, nowhere near a release version. However, used with the 'devx_210.sfs' squashfs module, it is a C/C++ compiler environment, so developers will be able to compile packages that will be 100% compatible with Puppy 2.10 when it fianlly does get released. The iso is interesting, a bit big at 80M, but some interesting stuff in it, just to play with. For example, Xsane (as well as the full SANE package) and Gtkam (as well as the full libgphoto2 package). There are lots of issues with the iso, so don't flood me with bug reports, but I do want to know how the "devx" modules works. This iso and "devx" module are based on the complete recompile done in T2, as described in numerous postings below. Bill St. Clair (billstclair<at>gmail.com)
I mirrored these at:http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/puppy-2.1 http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/puppy-2.1 http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/devx_210.sfs?torrent http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/devx_210.sfs.md5.txt The "...?torrent" links are to Bittorrent files. If you don't have a Bittorrent client or can't make them work, remove the "?torrent" to download regularly. Billcnz
Hi Barry,compile enviroment seems good so far, it did complain of missing XML::Perl module when I did the configure for Graveman 0.3.12-5 but cdrdao, libvorbis and sox all compiled. I had to drop out of X to get to a console and my menu's all black until mouse over - oops sorry no bug reports :) BarryK
Billcnz,I've uploaded a Perl XML module to: http://www.puppylinux.com/test/ Can you try this? Download it to "/" then expand it: # tar -zxf perl-xml-parser-2.34.tar.gz There are some other Perl XML modules, let me know if I guessed right. I may have to put in some more modules, try and anticipate future requirements. Billcnz
Thanks Barry, the XML parser perl passed OK, now looking for libmng :)Kirk
Barry,I compiled a wifi driver with no problems. Compiled Rutilt and had this error: /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkx.h:33:22: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkx.h:34:23: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory The link from /usr/X11R7/include/X11 to /usr/include was missing. Added the link and it compiled fine. By the way, Rutilt (a wifi GUI)would make a nice addition to Puppy. See this post: http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic.php?t=9954 Puppy 2.10PPA seems to boot faster. My synaptics touch pad works much better too, and that's without the synaptics driver pup (which still works). Thanks, Kirk Bill St. Clair (billstclair<at>gmail.com)
tried the 2.10 pre-alpha in Qemu under Windows. Worked good. Updated my
pup_save.3fs volume without incident. Emacs works. The sbcl that I
built yesterday on my 2.01 server machine works (Steel Bank Common
Lisp) The sshd that I had from a dotpup didn't work. Needs an older
version of the libssl. I successfully compiled the newest openssh, and
that sshd worked good.kirk
oops! Left a X11 off that link path:from /usr/X11R7/include/X11 to /usr/include/X11 Billcnz
latest Graveman compiled OK after compiling a few more libraries first: libtool, libmng, lcms.libmng-1.0.9 uses an autogen.sh script to generate the config file but had a syntax error so grabbed the autogen.sh out of version 1.0.8. Billcnz
Hi Barry,I got a long way into compiling the XFCE4.4 modules through it's installer (was going great guns!) but looks like it needs a few more perl modules: checking for perl5... no checking for perl... perl checking for perl module URI::Escape... no checking for perl module URI::file... no checking for perl module URI::URL... no configure: error: Atleast one of the required Perl modules (URI::Escape, URI::file and URI::URL) was not found on your system !! Failed to configure exo, see the errors above !! for details on the problem. Bill BarryK
Something strange here.Puppy already has libmng (1.0.9) and libtool (v1.5.22) and the development portion of libmng is in the devx module, the entire libtool is in the devx module. Yep, I just checked. BarryK
'lcms', I don't recall Graveman needing that before. Do you know what it does?BarryK
The penny just dropped.I did this: # ldd /usr/lib/libmng.so ...and found that it needs libcms.so.1 So, libmng is in Puppy, just broken. I do have libcms, compiled in T2, just didn't realise it was needed in Puppy. ..okay will fix that. Barry Kauler
applied the "patches" as announced in news blog for Aug 19th, that is
the perl xml module and lcms, and then Graveman compiled ok.Why did you compile libtool? -- not necessary. Nathan Fisher
stands for Little Color Management System and is a library used for
color management in Graphics and publishing applications. I have no
idea why Graveman would need it, that makes no sense whatsoever.
However it is a good idea to have it in or at least readily available.
The version of Scribus in Pupget has always been slightly crippled
because of the lack of lcms, for instance.Currently there are only a few programs that use it (Scribus, Wine, Cinepaint, Krita, and the Gimp in cvs) but the list is steadily growing. Color management support is being added to Inkscape and Xara as well, but is not yet available in production releases. I expect it to become a 'core' library in Linux over the next year or two as the shift from server to desktop use continues. Linux just has to have it for graphics applications to work up to the standards they do in Windows or on a Mac. For one thing, you need it to get the colors on your monitor calibrated correctly. Incidentally, I noticed that the version in T2 is not up to date. The latest version is 1.15 and it has been out for quite some time now. I can't think of any benefit to using the older library and applications compiled against the older version always seem to run with the newer one from my experience. Bill St. Clair (billstclair<at>gmail.com)
wanted Subversion (svn) work in the 2.10 pre-alpha. It compiled and
works fine in 2.02. In 2.10, I'm missing some libraries that are in
pup_202.sfs:libdb (/usr/lib/libdb1.so.2 & links) libexpat (/usr/lib/libexpat.so.0.5.0 & libexpat.so.1.5.0 & links) Copying these libraries, and links, to /usr/lib in my 2.10 installation made my 2.02-compiled svn work. Barry Kauler
Yes, libdb1 is missing, but 2.10 does have libexpat, same version 1.5.0
that you need. libexpat is used by many apps, so it has to be there.I was thinking of including TkSVN in Puppy, not as a Pupget pkg but built-in. Well, not that small, 1380K. Well, even as a PupGet it is good, as the Qt libs not needed. Actually, it is called TkCVS, but the author has recently expanded it to handle SVN. Bill St. Clair (billstclair<at>gmail.com)
missed libexpat yesterday. My svn was looking for libexpat.so.0, which
is NOT there, but soft-linking that name to libexpat.so.1.5.0 works.
Recompiling SVN would probably also fix the problem.BarryK
Ah ha! Okay, I've created the extra symlink, it'll be there next time.
Miscellaneous notesSo, Busybox v1.01 as been recompiled for Puppy 2.10 with the vi applet removed, and support for /etc/mtab added -- previously Busybox did not maintain /etc/mtab, which can cause problems for other utilities. The new "devx" module is solid so far. I plan to upload it tomorrow, along with a pre-pre-alpha of Puppy v2.10. This is not intended to be a preview or any kind of indication of what the final v2.10 will be like, it is simply an opportunity for Puppy developers to be able to compile packages. So, those packages that needed GTK 2.8 can now be compiled! I don't want any bug reports on this pre-pre-alpha, but do provide feedback on the "devx" module. Note, most of the old GTK2 Unleashed packages still work. I haven't tested them all yet. I'm running the old Seamonkey v1.0 in the 2.10-pre-pre-alpha right now. But, Gdmap crashed, had to recompile it. A note on Busybox. I compiled v1.1.2 in T2, but the 'umount' applet is buggy. Also, the busybox executable is very large. So, I went back to version 1.01, which works well. For those who like the 'less' utility, that will be included. There's so much going on, difficult to give comprehensive news. Just play with 2.10-pre-pre-alpha and find out! Lobster
Exciting.I am working on a new presentation / intro to Puppy (should be out in a few days) I am hoping this (or something like it) can be used and modified for each version of Puppy as they arise - including perhaps Mean Puppy, Grafpuppy etc Just double click and the HTML is revealed between double "" http://puppylinux.org/wikka/CommunityEdition Look forward to this pre-pre-Alpha kirk
Will the final release of 2.10 wait for the 2.6.18 kernel?BarryK
Actually, I'm thinking that as 2.10 has so many changes already, it
might be better to stick with the kernel, same as used in 2.02
-- the 2.10-pre-pre-alpha has this kernel.I'm annoyed about changes that occur in the kernels, even though they are only minor version number changes, 2.6.16, 2.6.17, 2.6.18. The changes cause all sorts of problems, cause software to break. As I'm up to the eyeballs with issues related to the complete recompile of all the libraries and apps in Puppy, I need to draw the line somewhere. I was very interested to read recently, one of the kernel developers has decided to fork the 2.6.16 kernel and keep maintaining it indefinitely. I don't know his reasons, but I can guess. |
New "devx" module workshttp://www.puppylinux.com/pfs/ ...notes on the "devx" module are at the bottom of the page. Having gone through the process of compiling packages with T2, then running my 'splitbins.sh' script to split the binary packages into 'exe', 'dev', 'nls' and 'doc' components, I was then able to follow a formal process of putting together a "devx" module. For those unfamiliar with compiling in Puppy, we have a very simple system, a single file, named devx_xxx.sfs, where the "xxx" is the Puppy version number. You just place this file in the same place on the hard drive as you saved-session file (pup_save.3fs), reboot Puppy and hey presto Puppy is converted into into a full C/C++ compiling environment. Up until now, the devx_xxx.sfs has been constructed in an ad-hoc fashion and performance is quirky. The new "devx" module works -- I've only compiled Geany so far, worked like a charm. praticles
hi barryare u tinking about a devjavaxxxx.xxx ? greetz Raffy
A really important development for Puppy developers! (redundancy intended )If only I was trained as a developer, I would package this thing called "sugar": http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Python_Environment Or maybe it is already staring me in the face like the snake that it is and I can't tell it's there already? http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=9558 Thanks, Barry. BarryK
No problem.I've compiled Python in T2, I'll also do PyGTK, the Python GTK bindings. I'll make them available as PupGets. But, someone could easily put them into the live-CD. Python is about 8M compressed, so won't increase the live-CD size by much. rarsa (rarsa<at>yahoo.com)
An automated build process is one of the signals of a mature development environment.It is great to see Barry moving in that direction. kirk
Puppy have a script to build T2 packages? I had a go at hacking T2's
Build-Pkg script, got it to compile a couple things, but I'm a bad hack.
PuppyLite 2.02, another tiny Puppyhttp://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=10137 klhrevolutionist
Barry another user implemented a puppy search. http://www.freewebtown.com/puppylinux/ Of course it is a little rusty, but with more usage the better the results. I of course being the terrible diplomat will try and coerce pups to use... “I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.” George W. Bush Read Transcript: http://www.hud.gov/news/speeches/presremarks.cfm |
Progress with booting from usb, sata, scsiSee these threads: http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic.php?t=9865 http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=9377 PaulBx1
this going to handle the problems some have been seeing with detecting
USB mice? I'm guessing some more delay is needed (slowing Puppy boot
Never mind.That latter thread showed where to get the new initrd.gz from. I got it and the USB mouse still wasn't detected. Jesse
Hi PaulBx1,I am atempting to integrate elspci with hwscan2 to combine usb and pci device detection at boot time... that 'new' initrd.gz only has elspci, which is only for some pci device detection. The trick for usb-mouse to be identified at boot requires several kernel modules to be loaded, usb-hid, usbcore, and usb controller file which varies on hardware present in any system. It would be great if you could send me output of '/initrd/bin/elspci -l' on the system that you are not getting usb mouse working on. Jesse Sage
view, Jesse, would be not to waste your valuable time on such trivia.
USB mice and keyboards are almost as much of a curse as their cordless
counterparts. Individuals and companies who are determined to pursue
inferior technology should be encouraged to build proper PCs and stop
supporting the greedy penny-pinchers pushing proprietary HW in the
expectation of even greater profit. All my friends who have tried
wireless and USB k/b & mice have reverted to PS/2 ports which are
cheap and reliable in all situations.PaulBx1
Sage, you forgot to put <end rant> at the end of that. ![]() While I too curse wireless mice and keyboards, that is a problem that is self-solving as people get fed up with them and replace them with... USB versions. You are wrong about the latter. We need to deal with these because Puppy is the best there is for weaning people from Windows, and we don't want them to go off disgusted because something as simple as a USB mouse can't be made to work. BTW, I've just booted 7 or 8 times, and unlike my earlier report, Jesse's initrd DID detect my USB mouse, and my mouse settings were preserved. Yay! Don't ask me why... I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. I will continue this on one of those forum threads. Good job, Jesse! Sage
Glad for you, PB, but my comment about USB stuff was not restricted to
Linux - we've had just as much trouble with them in 'doze. The problem
is that they confer no advantage. Mice operate in the kHz range and my
typing constrains my k/b to function in the infra sound region! PS/2 is
reliable. If all else fails, I use the serial port, although some
lunatic board makers are now dispensing with these, too. It's very
important that we encourage folk to damage such companies in the only
way they understand - sales, ie lack of.....JohnMurga
think a crusade against USB mice will get you nowhere ... Many of the
new PCs are so called "legacy free", the PS2 and serial ports being
considered "legacy" - And Puppy must work with these PCs just like any
may well be right, John. I noticed that a lot of M2 boards are
deficient. Frankly, it is quite outrageous that tens of millions,
possibly billions, of perfectly satisfactory mice and k/b should now go
to landfill because some greedy organisations want to save ten cents on
a PS/2 plug. It isn't necessary - take a look at the very latest lcd tv
s, there's a ton of plugs on the back when it suits manufacturers to
provide them. In one sense, we are all responsible for encouraging this
behaviour. Just say no!PaulBx1
I say, er? I doubt it saves money because one connector is simply replaced with another. Anyway, saving money is not a vice. That's free enterprise for you. If you don't like USB mice, don't buy 'em. I always thought those old mice were pretty crappy anyway. It cleans up a design to actually use a "Universal" bus as if it were universal, and simplifies maintenance. The days of different plugs for different ports are gone, and good riddance. But this is way off topic anyway, so I will post no longer on the subject here. |
First-draft of "Puppy from Scratch" web page
To whomsoever it may concern:http://www.puppylinux.com/pfs/ The linked page is preliminary instructions for anyone who wants to have a bash at using T2. You need prior compiling experience on Linux to play with this. BarryK
There is a problem with using T2. Package versions in the repository are not fixed. -- this is the repository for T2 version 6.0, and since I downloaded gtk v2.8.17 the repository has now gone up to 2.8.19. I probably have misunderstood how they do things, I thought that they would freeze the 6.0 repository and work on the 7.0 repository. But it seems not so. But as 6.0 is not yet officially released I suppose the repository can't be expected to be frozen. We will need frozen source packages for building puppy 2.10, so I may have to create an alternative T2 repository. Just so that anyone else wanting to do the same thing I did will get an identical result. As it stands now, they won't. I'll discuss this with Rene, the T2 project leader, get his suggestion on the best way to tackle this. JohnMurga
I am assuming that once this is complete it would be easy enough to self host the T2 build ?I might just give it a go under Debian and see what hapens PaulBx1
Very cool. It feels as if I will be able to get Enigmail or Truecrypt some day.Unfortunately I understand maybe half what you've written. <sigh> Don't know if I'm up to this, although I have done compiles in the misty past. I wonder if there is a way to set this up and do a sort of test run that allows us to see how the process works without investing 2 days. Picopuppy or One-bone or one of those very little ones, maybe? Work the bugs out of the process before tackling the larger ones... fitzhugh
looks like a great direction. I checked out the T2 site after your
previous news post about it and it seems like a great thing. I'm not
entirely clear on many aspects, not clear at all about others, but
that's what all that info on the T2 site is for... still, a few are
more puppy-oriented questions about this:What exactly does this mean as far as package management? We'll now be drawing from the T2 world of packages and using the t2 package manager; installer or whatever? Nomenclature, pedigree, etc: Does this make Puppy a T2 variant/derivative or something along those line? Is that an appropriate way to think of things? (This question is really to help me get the scope and range of this change) You mention building a t2 Puppy 2.1, if I understand correctly. Oh, that is 2.1 not 2.01... then the question becomes: does this indicate the jump in approach (jumping from 2.02 to 2.1 = switch to T2) or that this is a further off version with more to come between now and then? Why would this not jump to 3.00, since it seems like as large an overhaul as the 1.xx to 2.00 jump? You mention on the T2-project and Puppy page that it is in part to get developers on board so they can submit additional compiled packages: I noticed T2 has a good many packages already - would these we're adding be in a form now to add to that list for all T2s, or are we in a Puppy-only world with those still? Likewise, do earlier versions need to be recompiled for the T2 Puppy? Willing to tell what automatic creation of unleashed packages means? This looks great! fitzhugh
For pictures of my other scratch puppy:http://www.flickr.com/photos/irishwolfh (colors way off due to large red sheet covering window at that time, but you'll get the idea) Wolf Pup
Looks like the Linux Firewall has moved. Now its http://lfw.sourceforge.net/BarryK
No, Puppy will not be a T2 variant, Puppy will not be based on T2, T2 is not a distro., only a set of build scripts.Do not read too much into this, all we are doing is upgrading the core packages, compiling them ourselves whereas before we got them out of Vector. A change in version number to 2.10 is appropriate, not 3.0. Nathan Fisher
now about a third through the build process and things are going pretty
well. I did have to manually download a few packages that the script
missed somehow, but so far those are the only errors I've encountered.
It's looking very good so far.BarryK
Nathan, I'll upload a new T2-build-pkg soon, with some fixes.You will be able reto-fit it to your current T2 system. There were a dozen or so packages that did not compile, and I have now reduced that by half. The changes are in the target/puppy/ directory, so easy to update. There are still some that don't compile, I'll have a go at those tonight. It seems that Dia and Scribus need Python at the configure stage, even though not required in the final product, which is a nuisance. I don't want Python installed because some other packages might see it during configuration and might then want it as a dependency. ...but I know a way around this. I also want to compile Linphone, but it needs some extra packages and I'll try that tonight. I've created the new "devx", formally designed at last, based on the "dev" packages created by T2. Will create a live-cd soon and will test the devx_210.sfs, then announce it. |
Creating Unleashed pkgs from T2 binariesSo far I've compiled 629 packages using the T2 build system. I wrote a script to split these in "exe", "doc", "dev" and "nls" tarballs -- it works well. I'm now updating Unleashed and the "devx" module, and this has to be done manually, as Puppy's packages are very cut-down. It's straightforward, just takes a long time. Basically, a T2 "exe" pkg has the appropriate files copied out of it to the corresponding Unleashed pkg. Similarly, the "dev" pkg goes into the "devx" module. I don't know how long it will take me to do this, but when done I'll be able to use the Unleashed build script to create a new version of Puppy based on the T2 packages. Grbic Branislav
I cant wait for Puppy T2 or Puppy 2.03 !I try Kanotix,Mepis,DSL etc etc - but Puppy is best ! How beginers like me will see changes in new Puppy ? Sory for bad english Creating my Puppy version is so simply !! better then simply Mepis put on same CD both with Bart PE ( XPE ), Hiren`s ... Starting BCDW and simply press items Puppy 2.02 ! Barry big big thanks ! vimal
I am trying to get the package only for soundcard but i cant compile the package. Could you help me on how to get the package |
Improved USB drive detection at bootuphttp://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic.php?t=9865 I have implemented his suggestions, although not tested yet. The initial ramdisk will now have Jesse's elspci pci/modules detection program (statically compiled with Dietlibc), and the init script has been modified to use elspci, also the usbstoragefunc() function has been modified and a new function, usbstoragecompletionfunc() added. |
OperaPuppy 2.02 releasedRead more in these forum threads: MeanPuppy 2.02 and matching Wine sfs module: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=9764 An earlier thread: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=9510 Download link: http://www.my-plan.org/storage/puppyLinux/ |
T2 evaluation progressingMy computer has been churning away for the last 4 days, compiling source packages, using the T2 build environment. It's running right now, and I don't know how many more days it will take to compile all of Puppy's packages. What I intend to do, if I decide T2 is the way to go, is do a detailed write-up on how to use T2, in the context of compiling Puppy, and make available a T2 that is preconfigured for Puppy. I intend to upload all the source packages in one online repository, as well as all the compiled (binary) packages. These binary packages are "raw", that is, they are not cut-down as are the binary packages in Unleashed. It will be a huge collection, in fact as a starting point we can have any of the packages out of the T2 repository (see this T2 mirror repository: It is very easy to take any source package out of the T2 repository and compile it and add it to our "raw binary" collection. Having a raw binary repository, our challenge will be to create Unleashed packages and the "devx" module. As a starting point, what we need is a post-processing script that can accept as input any raw-binary package and split it up into 3 packages: a "user" package (that will be the candidate for Unleashed), a "dev" package (which will go into the devx squashfs module) and a "locale" package which will have the international language component. For example, if we have abiword-2.4.5.tar.gz, the output will be abiword-2.4.5.usr.tar.gz, abiword-2.4.5.dev.tar.gz and abiword-2.4.5.nls.tar.gz. Um, it would probably also be a good idea to split out the documentation component, so we get a abiword-2.4.5.doc.tar.gz. ...anyone game to write a generic script that can do this for any package? Note also, anyone developing packages for Puppy, instead of compiling different versions of libraries, using different configure options, by going via the T2 system we will all be harmonised, working together. The approach will be to first find if a raw-binary exists in our repository, if not, see if a source pkg exists in the T2 repository -- if the latter, then we compile it and add it to the raw-binary repository for all to access. Barry Kauler
Amazing, this blog is getting spammed regularly. Considering that
posting has the graphic security thing, they must be doing it manually
-- incredible that someone is going to so much trouble.I'm deleting them of course. T2 is compiling in the background ...it just did Sylpheed 2.2.4, Gaim 1.5.0 ...wonderful to just watch. As those T2 guys have worked out all the details, patches and config options and so on, mostly I just sit back and watch -- although some packages have failed to compile and will need to be looked at later. Nathan Fisher
sounds like a good workable system. So is the plan to create a repo
that multiple people can upload to then? Or will everything still have
to run past the Puppy master? Fine either way of course. It might make
sense to assign certain people as package maintainers then, the way
Debian does it.I'm way too busy right now to write any code for splitting the packages but have a good idea how to get it done. If nobody beats me to it I'll give it a try when I do get some time. And I believe there is a special corner in hell for spammers and botmasters, BTW. BarryK
Another point: The T2 source repository does not have all the source
packages that the T2 build-system supports. For example, it supports
XaraLX and will download direct from the Xara website.The T2 build script first looks in the T2 source repository, if it isn't there then looks at the original pkg download site. Regarding various extra kernel modules such as Smartlink and Madwifi, T2 supports those. T2 compiles the kernel, plus whatever extra kernel drivers are wanted. This is going to make life much easier when we upgrade a kernel version. Lobster (ed.jason<at>gmail.com)
:)Very exciting news. I had a hard disk and computer just for t2 and Puppy. There are two full CD ISO's for T2 and was not quite sure whether to procede. I will await Puppy t2 I am glad Nathan has expressed an interest as hopefully we can regain and retain compatibility between GrafPup and Puppy. Linux Tmxxine will (all going well) be nothing more than Puppy with a few meaty add ons but compiled on another processor (not yet available). Schedued for release 2008. It will of course always remain Puppy compliant. I am very pleased with this development as it expresses Barrys continued empowerment of Puppy users ricstef
Barry,This T2 thing sounds like a very interesting development. I am looking forward to reading more about your vision, how this will impact puppy development procedures and how the community can help in the transition phase. Do you see a place for people who have some technical competence but need experience in the linux/puppy realm to hone their skills? I am looking for pointers to starting points that might lead to familiarity and understanding of this environment. Richard. Raffy
This is
really good, although as a non-compiling user of Puppy, am more
interested in the description of the final product, which I've been
thinking about as "K2", for "Kauler Kore". :)Maybe some enthusiasts can try a brief but accurate description? Thanks! |
(c) Copyright Barry Kauler 2008. All rights reserved. http://puppylinux.com |