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Puppy version 2.11 releasedhttp://www.puppylinux.com/download/release-2.11.htm To download, go to the main Puppy download page: http://www.puppylinux.com/download/index.html The primary download host is Ibiblio: http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... uppylinux/ There is also puppy-2.11-seamonkey-xorgdrvrs.iso, 73.9M, that includes the extra Xorg basic video drivers. The other smaller iso has a slightly more cutdown Xorg with only 'vesa' and 'i810' drivers and this may have teething troubles on some video hardware. Feedback will be welcome on this, on the Forum. As usual, there's lots going on that did not make it into this release, such as MU's new package installer. Some of these should make it for 2.12. debernardis
Thanks for making also a version with complete Xorg. I am going to work
on it to make my new rudy edition. Please have a look to abiword
plugins too, because it seems they are lacking a library and break
abiword (details on the bugs section of Murga's forum)... but maybe
only in my hands Lobster
Congratulations BarryUsing it now Wiki news, front page, 2.11 all updated Please mirror and run bit torrents http://puppylinux.org/wikka/DownloadLatest :) BarryK
I have also setup another forum, for when John's forum is down http://www.puppylinux.com/forum/ Those of you who have been around awhile will know that I have setup a few forums in the past, but always had trouble with them. The Perl forums seemed to overload the server. There was one PHP forum that used mySQL, but I had trouble with the mySQL database repeatedly getting corrupted. So, this one is yet another, and it is just an experiment, something to play with, and may not last long. It is AZbb, written in PHP and using it's own flat file data storage. Excellent security features. But who knows, if it works reliably I might let it stay there... John's forum remains the main place to chat about Puppy: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/ floordog (floordog<at>yahoo.com)
Thanks Barry, Puppy 2.11 is the fastest yet! linom
Congratulation for your valuable work!I tried puppy-2.11-seamonkey-xorgdrvrs.iso: it works fine until you try to reboot or halt the system. In this case puppy restart and I have to switch off my computer unplugging the main. All previous version rebooted correctly on my machine. Thanks Pjotr
job! Only one criticism. Slimming down Xorg is not a good idea, I
think. A pleasant screen experience is essential and should not be
dependent upon a download.I hope this will be corrected in the next release. Greeting, Pjotr. |
Last chance to fix Xorg driversSo, if you want to fix something, get in quick or wait until v2.12. One thing that has had limited testing is the new reduced 'xorg_BASIC-7.0' package used in the 'standard' live-CD. This only has the 'vesa' and 'i810' video drivers. The rest of them are in a PupGet package, 'xorg_VIDEO_DRVRS-7.0'. The 'vesa' driver (not to be confused with the Xvesa X server!) should be okay for most video hardware, besides, the extra drivers can be installed later and the Xorg Wizard rerun, if need be. However, there may be cases in which Xorg's 'vesa', 'i810' or Xvesa do not work at all. Those cases I would like to know about, and exactly what Xorg driver does work and any extra library files needed for it. The clock is ticking though, so it has to be done fast. For further info., see this Forum thread: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=11688 xorg_VIDEO_DRVRS-7.0 package is to be found here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... ackages-1/ It can be pulled apart and the required driver tested, as described in the Forum thread. BarryK
Correction, the 'i810' driver is not in 2.11BETA, I added it later.
Specifically, I added 'i810_drv.so' and 'libxaa.so' to the base package.floordog (floordog<at>yahoo.com)
line 206 in xwin needs to be changed from:if [ ! -f $DRVRSPATH/$DRVRCURR ];then to something like: if [ ! -f $DRVRSPATH/${DRVRCURR}_drv.so ];then i don't know if that would work with any driver name my video card also needs libxaa.so BarryK
G2,already done. Pakt told me about that bug in xwin. lurker
Impossible to get in quick, cause http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=11688 could not be found!Bill St. Clair (bill<at>billstclair.com)
Forum's down now, so I'm commenting here. The built-in 2.11 beta xorg drivers work fine on my Dell Inspiron 600m laptop.xorg still doesn't work in qemu, but that's not new. xvesa works fine. Everything else looks good to me, except I hope the pup_save.3fs update works in the final. I didn't try it in the beta since you said it wouldn't work. GuestToo
it might be nice to e2fsck -p the save file before mounting itto add this line would require remastering initrd.gz Raffy
Am glad that the i810 driver is there. About xvesa, so far it works in all new PCs (even with LCD monitors) that I've tried.--------------------- This release will likely be the one exhibited in the late November big event here - hope I can feature you (with a presentation?) in this exhibit, and possibly also Ted Dog who worked hard on multisession. Raffy
So shall it boot straight to Xvesa unless user inputs some X parameter at boot-time? Thanks.Lobster
On the Xvesa res selection box (on the wizard)I would like to see a 1024 x 1280 button.I would also like auto ethernet DHCP connection Maybe for 2.12 |
"devx" module for Puppy 2.11-finalhttp://www.puppylinux.com/test/ Bill St. Clair (bill<at>billstclair.com)
Mirrored at http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/devx_211.sfs and http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/devx_211.sfs.md5.txt
Unionfs "bug" workaroundWhen upgrading from Puppy 2.10 to 2.11, I observed one of these problems. Unionfs creates a whiteout file, '.wh.__dir_opaque', to cause all files and subdirectories in layers below the current layer to be ignored. This whiteout file will be in some directory, and only the files and subdirectories on that layer will be used. However, '.wh.__dir_opaque' seems to be created when it shouldn't, or maybe left behind when it shouldn't. The result is, there were some directories that appeared to be empty, but they did actually have files in them, on a lower layer (in the pup_211.3fs layer, which is mounted on /initrd/pup_ro2). The 'init' script now looks for and corrects this situation. In other words, it seeks out and destroys inappropriate '.wh._dir_opaque' files. It only does so at a version upgrade though, as it takes too long to scan the entire system every boot. Note, the 'init' script already had some cleanup of other whiteout files, so it is now a bit more complete ....we may eventually get Unionfs working properly! P.S., I plan to look into Aufs sometime, an alternative to Unionfs. Aufs claims to have much better handling of whiteout files. Sage
Bet you're glad you didn't choose Reiser4 !James Mansion
Shouldn't /tmp be directly mounted as a ram system, not relying on
unionfs? You don't want anything that's there when you boot, and don't
need the unionfs overheads. I think its appropriate for where you
expect to be editing a small and fairly random set of files, but where
you can expect to manipulate most of a subtree's contents, its probably
not ideal.Do you have a link for aufs? BarryK
Yes, you're right about /tmp, it's currently inefficient.I'm considering creating a tmpfs for it. Aufs project: http://aufs.sourceforge.net/ ralfehr
After an install of Puppy 2.11 on the hard drive of an old Pentium II
2.33 mz machine when booting up it gets stuck with an error message
about line 35 read only file. It just repeats that over and over and
won't boot up any further. Is this related?
Post-holiday surpriseDownload from: http://www.puppylinux.com/test/ Release notes: http://www.puppylinux.com/download/release-2.11.htm There are some problems with upgrading a pup_save.3fs file from 2.10. The Xorg drivers directory was empty, when I should have had just the vesa_drv.so driver in it, which is some kind of unionfs problem, that I solved for now by dragging a copy from the pup_ro2 layer. I thought that there's enough interesting new stuff to warrant another release, a gap-filler before some bigger changes. Leon
Many thanks for good old quick new Puppy!Lobster
Welcome back.Look forward to trying new Puppy. It occurs to me if you program on holiday . . . You are coming back to holiday? :) gdcrane
Nice Barryupgrade went smoothly - i had to repackage the wine_20.sfs so that it was using the correct compression but that was no biggee Did not lose anything I use in abiword or gnumeric seamonkey seems to come up a lot faster ( in fact the mail works so quickly now I got rid of sylpheed) anyway this is on a usb 60GB HD booting from a 4GB fat partition I do not use xorg so cant tell if there are any pproblems with it but xvesa works very well Bill St. Clair (bill<at>billstclair.com)
Put up a mirror at http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/puppy-2.1Should devx_210.sfs work for 2.11 if renamed to devx_211.sfs? Bill St. Clair (bill<at>billstclair.com)
Oops. That mirror is actually at http://s3.amazonaws.com/puppy/puppy-2.1tedward
Startup commentary screens are sweet. Just exactly what was needed. BarryK
one thing, the isolinux.cfg file on the CD has 'loglevel=3', which
causes the kernel only to display serious errors on the console. For
the next release of Puppy I plan to compile the kernel with this as the
default, but for now, if you install v2.11 to anything, such as usb
flash, you have to manually put in that 'loglevel=3', otherwise you'll
get heaps of extra stuff displaying and the usual rapid screen
scrolling.I've set it up so that the last 4 lines of the detailed kernel log does display if an error is encountered, so you will see the details on the console but only when absolutely necessary. pakt
Barry, you might consider putting all the log files in /var/log instead
of three different locations. After seeing the info for just a few
seconds on-screen, it is difficult to remember afterwards *where* the
files are located.Joel
Puppy is getting too big, why not move some of the programs to PupGet
such as InkLite, GTKSee, MP, Ical, Agenda, Didiwiki, Xfinans, Gpasman,
Gtimer, Countdown, Xeznet, LinNeighborhood, BetaFTPD, RemoteDesktop,
TightVnc, Mpcb, Superscan, Sockspy, Xnetload, WAG, RutIT, Dillo, Axel,
Secure, Transmission, ripperX, Sweep or all games? Pizzasgood
of those would be okay to remove, but definitely not MP and at least
one of RutIT and WAG. MP is dead useful when you screw up X (or if X
never boots in the first place). And it's not like you can run Pupget
when you're stuck at the commandline. Besides, you might not even have
access to the net yet. You could use vi, but you'd have to know all the
idiotic key-combos. MP works like a normal text-editor.As for RutIT and WAG, it's somewhat difficult to download their pupgets when I don't have my wireless set up, eh? If it's me, I can just use the commandline. That isn't the case with many people though. The guis are much easier for them. The strange thing with Puppy is that it seems like there are a huge mess of small rarely used apps taking up space. In reality, there is indeed a horde of seldom-used apps, but they take very little space. They're also the type of thing you'd expect to be built-in, and it would be annoying to have to download something so small and simple. And I'm not kidding when I say they're small. I once made a barebones Puppy (Empty Crust) and I'd remove ten or twelve things at a whack and barely see a size decrease. This is due to both the apps' small sizes and Puppy's compression (decompressed it's around 200MB). Not that we shouldn't be constantly re-evaluating the software selection and looking for ways to cut size and simultaneously add functionality (sounds contradicting, but compare Puppy to XP and what it comes with by default). NeverMore
Unfortunately for me, my upgrade from 2.10 to 2.11b was not happy..puppy booted correctly, but didn't retain any info from pupsave.. not even the net address.. fortunately i had a backup :D PaulBx1
So, what are the space hogs in Puppy?I've always wondered why two X's are provided. Xvesa has always done everything I needed it to do. Does Xorg take a lot of room? Maybe it ought to turn into a pupget. I'd trade it for encryption any day, heh heh. Pizzasgood
Xorg is more complicated and larger, but it works better. It also
allows hardware acceleration. The tricky part is setting it up. Puppy's
auto deal always messed up on my old computer, and I think the reason
is because it was trying to use my graphics card and the integrated
video chip on the motherboard at the same time. From what I understand
Xorg is actually more compatible though. The main reason Xvesa is still
included is as a fallback if Xorg doesn't configure correctly.I haven't checked, but I'd imagine the biggest things are the two xservers, seamonkey, abiword, gnumeric, and alsa. Basically, the main apps in general. Then there are the libraries. Sound libs, gtk libs, graphics libs, tcl libs, etc. Those libraries take a lot of the space, but they can't be removed unless you want to disable, say, jpeg or mp3 support. That's why dropping the entire gui can make such a drastic size difference - it doesn't need all the gui libraries. Probably half of Puppy's size is the infrastructure and gui. I'm no expert though, you'd have to ask Barry to get more accurate data. Also, Puppy's composition has changed a little since 1.0.7, so some of my wanna-be figures might be outdated. Nathan Fisher
Puppy's core libs have increased a bit in size during the upgrade to
the T2 environment. GTK2 for instance increased in size a lot between
versions 2.6 and 2.8, but it also increased a lot in functionality
without really slowing down. Inklite was actually a great move on
Barry's part. The full Inkscape is exponentially larger. Inklite is in
the size range of those apps Pizzasgood was talking about, where
removing them would not effect the iso size noticably.Actually having gone through iso creation myself, I'd have to say Pizzasgood is right on the mark. Get rid of the gui entirely and you're looking at a 25-28MB iso, add in just xvesa and a few gtk1 apps and it goes to about 45MB. Add in ALL the little seldom used programs and games and it might go up by 4-5MB total. Add in gtk2, Seamonkey, Abiword, Gnumeric, Xorg, and Alsa and you have the rest of the size. A full third is in just a few applications, basically. But those are the apps people use the most. Raffy
The reward in all this size pruning is Puppy's ability to live and run applications in this device:http://ewayco.com/51-embedded-systems-1 California-bred/Ewayco's Stephen Freiberger is serious about getting cheap computing to many people and he has upgraded the company's site a lot since his first mail a month back. See how fast he moved: http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS6372429785.html Puppy's multisession will also have a launch with teachers this November using (very likely) this device: http://ewayco.com/20-low-cost-embedded- or one with AC97 audio (the common audio chip). These are events being watched with anticipation by many enthusiasts. Cheers! rarsa
Great!I just started getting into T2 compiling. Finaly got some time. Will you be able to have the kernel and drivers in T2 for Puppy 2.11 as you were planning? BarryK
Regarding T2, no, haven't done anything with it for awhile. Just using the Pup 2.02 kernel and modules for 2.11.The plan for 2.12 is to revisit T2 and compile the 2.6.18.x kernel, along with many extra drivers. Zeppis
just have to say I totally agree with all the changes (and fallbacks)
from 2.10. Trying 2.10 after 2.02, I found it to be much slower, at
least on the slower of the two computers in our house (750MHz Duron). I
think it was the LZMA compression that caused this. About WishCD, that
was the reason I ever tried 2.10. I thought finally I had a free linux
program that could modify ISO files. I tried, but never really figured
out how to use it and even managed to get WishCD stuck so bad that I
had to kill it. For ISO editing I use a demo version of UltraISO in
Windoze...Also tried burning with the new CD burning app, whatever it was called, and didn't like it. Gcombust owns in that area. My humble opinion... Anyway, I'm downloading this beta now with anticipation... F M Lynch (flynch1<at>se.rr.com)
haven't had any success with Puppy 2.11. Running from CD, my ethernet
module is not recognized. I could not install the realtek 8169 manually.Hard disk install seemed to be normal, but will not boot. All seems to be going well, until it hits an infinite error loop reporting a /usr/X11 problem. I have an ACS 645 laptop that has worked great on all other versions. I have been running ver 2.01r2 with prism2_usb wifi and remote printing since its release. ??? 859924 F M Lynch (flynch1<at>se.rr.com)
P.S. to my earlier comment.Installing to USB Flash disk works fine. I did have to install the realtek 8169 driver manually the first time, but I was able to save the eth0 configuration, and it was detected automatically on subsequent reboots. |
Holiday snapshot!<REMOVED> ...you can see my computer monitor inside! I'm doing some work on Puppy each day, at the moment still getting the size down to under 70M. I want to keep the Lucent and Smartlink software-modem drivers in the live-CD, so having to examine other ways of "trimming the fat". John asked about retaining the option of using LZMA, so I have setup the 'createpuppy' script in Unleashed so it gives you the choice -- the differences are the kernel compiled with or without the LZMA-patched Squashfs (Squashfs is built-in to the kernel, not a module), and choice of the squashfs-tools package with or without support for LZMA. MU
Dear Barry,----------------------------- sh 3.00# man holiday Synopsis go swimming visit cultural places drink a good vine enjoy the easy atmosphere to make sexual contacts Incompatibilities: work ----------------------------- Enjoy it, looks very cozy Mark Markus Laire
> enjoy the easy atmosphere to make sexual contactsSex belongs to marriage. I hope you don't continue making such immoral statements in the future. Lobster
What a great environment. Wishing you well :) More pics welcome. Any sea shots? pakt
Judging from the vegetation, it looks like Denmark is in the tropics Thanks for the photo. More are welcome! Btw, kernel 2.6.18 was released 20th Sept...oops, but your on holiday... archwndas
Dear Barry,you are making the same mistake as me. You will never enjoy your holliday this way. If you shutoff -p now, your PC then you have a chance of coming back with your brain brand new. Enspired by nature puppy might have a chance to meet parrot or whatever and do something together. If there is any beach around there then consider go fishing because it is extremely refreshing. Who knows, holliday if you respect it a bit, might show you new horizons, which are hilghly unlikely to meet sticking with compression issues and LZMA. So through the PC out of the cottage and enjoy what surrounds you. dewdrop
Hi Barry,The "rustic" nature of the surrounding nature would almost lead me to believe that you would be without electricity....but a very nice place for a sabbatical I believe. Shawn
>>>>> enjoy the easy atmosphere to make sexual contacts>Sex belongs to marriage. >I hope you don't continue making such immoral statements in the future. I hope this was sarcasm. If not, I hope you don't continue making such judgmental and intolerant statements in the future. KJ
Hi Barry,I've been watching your Puppy Linux project grow since about 0.3 and this is the first major holiday you've talked about. Looks like a neat place to let the 'puppy' in you out of the kennel for a romp of discovery (at least once a day .... maybe half the day ... maybe more?). enjoy, KJ archwndas
Barry,please take some time off. We need you safe and sound creative, and full of new ideas before start preparing the 2.11 version. A hard and nasty year follows and please give yourself the rest it craves for. Do it for us please. Everybody aggrees to that. Barry should R E S T and Puppy should S l e e p. Goodnight! Artie
Forget Puppy, enjoy the holidays and more pictures please! archwndas
Guys don't push him for photos. To send photos he has to getonline; if he turns his PC on to get online for sending photos it is highly unlikely to turn it off immediately; he will compile some application for puppy or he will do something Puppy related again. So let him rest and he can send all the photos when he comes back. Jim in Chicago (info.tv<at>gmx.net)
Wow, what a great picture! I doubt you'll have any trouble enjoying
your surroundings, however you go about it. I assume the "real" puppy
is with you as well?Raffy
Enjoy the outdoors and sun - that's what we're missing here for a few days already. :)I agree. Vacation should be a time to recharge your batteries and get some R&R. This is a time to completely get free of work and live for the moment. Southwestern Australia has caught my attention for a long time and I would like to go there someday. (I was in Eastern Australia- mostly in Townsville, in 1966). Please send us a report of what Southwest Austrailia is really like. Website Index Graeme
Yes, you deserve a rest from the keyboard. It looks like the garden needs some attention, though.Graeme Robin Leach
[b]Solid Gold Bahthroom Fixchas! Jacuzzi Big Enough For Ten!Welcome To The Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous[/b]! Pjotr
Looks like a great holiday to me! Puppy is incredible. I installed both Xubuntu 6.06.1 and Puppy 2.10 on an old PC (AMD 400 Mhz, 96 Mb RAM). Only Puppy succeeded in recognizing and installing the old ISA sound card, and unlike Xubuntu, it works fast!!!! Truly amazing what this small distribution can do. Have fun, Pjotr. Richard.a
think Denmark in the SW of Western Australia is one of the most
beautiful spots in the world. The whole SW and its forests are great
but Denmark-Walpole is beaut, used to visit friends there in the 70s,
and friends just returned from a camper trip coupla weeks ago and said
it hasn't changed :)Mind you the real (Sakandinavien) Denmark is also pretty good too... worked the other side of the Øresund at Malmö some years back and often visited. |
On holiday!Denmark has a couple of Internet cafes, so I'll probably check-in every few days, and will also process any CD orders. I decided to take my main desktop PC with me, rather than my ancient laptop. I plan to work on automating the conversion of the raw binary packages compiled in T2 to Unleashed packages. May also look into updating the handling of PCMCIA for the 2.6 kernel, as Puppy is still using the deprecated pcmcia-cs package. Note, Puppy 2.11 will be back on the 'normal' compression for Squahfs, dropping LZMA. To fight the bulge and get the next release of Puppy below 70M, I have hacked into Xorg, considerably reduced its size. I also made the Abiword plugins into a separate PupGet package. Pizzasgood
Cool. Abiword and Xorg lose weight [i]and[/i] Puppy gets back up to
speed. Sounds good. Have fun on vacation! Don't forget to come back
when it's over archwndas
It would be nice if you could write a HowTo exposing the hackson Xorg such that other people can benefit from your skills. Everybody wants a light Xorg but we do not know how to do it. By the way when approximately do you think 2.11 will be ready? I am waiting for 2.11 to install Puppy because as you said there is a problem with LZMA and 2.10 while the other option 2.02 has problems with the WAG script; I know that a fix-up was out, but I do not know if the .iso was updated. So I do look forward for the 2.11. Could you please answer my question about the reasons you had to drop uClibc Puppy version? You may save out of a lot of trouble. Sage
Hope you have a wonderful holiday - no-one deserves it more. In the
best interests of you continuing welfare, seriously reconsider leaving
all your professional trappings firmly locked away in Perenjori.Lobster
Have a great time andre
Lzma benchmarks:http://tukaani.org/lzma/benchmarks Tony
Puppy has a few bugs I'm hoping will be fixed soon, but they can wait until you have had a really good holiday.Leave all that techno stuff behind, go camping in the woods, with a flint, a magnetised neddle and a sleeping bag . Trust me you will feel so much better for it! You have made a brilliant derivation of linux, many thanks and I will send a small donation via Paypal when cash flow is better in a few weeks. All the best Tony BarryK
archwndas,I may have given the reasons in one of the old News pages, probably did. In a nutshell, it's what you thought. Problems compiling many packages, some apps didn't run right even if they did compile. Then, considering the overall size of Puppy, the overhead of glibc compared to uClibc isn't really so significant. uClibc is good for initial ramdisks (the initrd.gz file in Puppy uses both uClibc and Dietlibc, apps compiled statically), also for embedded systems in which rom space is very tight. eduardo (eduargon2002<at>yahoo.com.mx)
Barry,Have a great, happy holiday. Just beware of taipans and tiger snakes! JohnMurga
Any way to keep Lzma as an option in Unleashed ?John Doe
Enjoy your holiday! Just let everthing online go for the time. It will all be fine.Raffy
Instinct tells me that the solution to Internet telephony in 200 Mhz SoC is in the sands there somewhere... Just kidding - your family will enjoy the vacation more if you focus on them rather than on us. Cheers! capoverde
Why is an official status necessary?Puppy works well without. Or does someone have fun with bureaucracy? Puppy: Barry Kauler's Linux distro - small, light, fast AND fun! LOL. |
Puppy 2.10-revision1 uploaded, Blog rendering oddityPlease note, something strange happened to the rendering of this Blog. The "Most Recent Comments" was rendering on the left side of the window and duplicated on the right side. So, I deleted the most recent Comments, working back, until I found the one that caused it. I don't recall whose post it was, and it looked normal, but perhaps there was some strange character combination in it that upset the PHP script? Anyway, only some posts on september 20th are gone. archwndas
Barry, when do you think 2.11 will be ready?Moreover, correct me if I am wrong, I have been searching all over for a "hairy nose Puppy" uClibc iso. I wasn't able to find one. I would just like to benchmark its performance against 2.02 or 2.03 or 2.10r1. I think that 2.X versions are glibc versions of Puppy. If I am wrong I apologize. BarryK
Oh my goodness, the uClibc version was ages ago.... you will need to
hunt back through my news pages, back 1.5 - 2.5 years and find the
version. Then go to the nluug.org download site, that has old versions
of Puppy.archwndas
Thank you Barry, I googled but I was not able to realize what really happened. By the way, what was the reason for dropping uClibc? Did you have incompatibility problems and stuff like that? So the new T2 system is completely glibc based? It stacked my mind that Puppy was only uClibc based and that is the reason it is so tiny... It seems that I was wrong. |
Gxine codecs, LZMA slowness, planning for 2.11http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=11033 The thread also mentions a fix. I will make sure this is fixed for 2.11. Note, there is a PupGet package 'xine_extra_codecs' but it does not have cook.so.6.0 that was reported missing in the thread. My main test PC has a 2.6GHz CPU and although I noticed a slightly longer time for apps to load in 2.10, it didn't bother me much. However, on older hardware it does become more of an issue, see this thread: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=11156 GuestToo also posted this interesting speed comparison link: http://tukaani.org/lzma/benchmarks Therefore, we may have to drop LZMA for Puppy 2.11. Regarding planning for 2.11, Lobster has created a Wiki page in which we can post a shortlist of requirements. I don't want lots of verbiage on this page, just concise lists. I'm planning to use T2 to compile the kernel for 2.11 and include lots of extra drivers, like madwifi -- essential extra drivers can be posted to the wiki page, preferably with download links. A concise list of gripes, things that must be fixed. A list of new developments, such as MU's new installer, that we must have. I can use this page as a memory-jog while working on 2.11, as the forum is so huge with so much going on, I often lose track of what's happening. Lobster's wiki page: http://puppylinux.org/wikka/UnderDevelopment Billcnz
guess the LZMA compression could account for the performance difference
between the built in Seamonkey and a local install as the latter will
be uncompressed in the pup_save3.fs. I think though if we drop LZMA
there may be a little room to increase the target iso size rather than
drop features / apps.I did a little experiment taking the 128 MB simm card out of my Toshiba leaving just it's base 64 MB to see how it would perform and then booted my 87 MB iso. Everything booted OK although it was painfully slow, but I'm sure it would have been fine if I'd been running from the HD. Maybe a good feature to add for low spec systems would be a boot option to run the installer on start up. It should include running cfdisk to create a swap partition is necessary. GuestToo
i tried some benchmark testing in Puppy, see:http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?p=69769#69769 cthisbear (cthisbear<at>bigfoot.com)
I tried booting live cd onCompaq 400 64 megs 1999 vintage.. booted 65 seconds After install to hard drive 60 sec IBM 350 Pentum 11 1999 vintage 64 megs ..booted 110 seconds? After install to hard drive 65 sec IBM 350 Pentium 11 1999 vintage 256 megs .booted 65 seconds After install 2 hard drive 35 sec All had dodgy cds and hard drives which must affect performance But they all ran like a dream..tested before giving them away over five days. (My boot with live cd and save file is 35 secs..2.8 Celeron 512ram) I would prefer keeping extra compression or allowing both downloads or then again someone mentioned at Bootup an option to use one or the other. The big problemmo is Seamonkey. Even in a fresh install of XP using Tuneup Optimiser, Perfect disk, Ccleaner etc and having only 5 startup items at boot ..Seamonkey is a bit of a dog. In Puppy Seamonkey always ran faster than Windows.. When I do this Seamonkey is faster http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=11066 Regards ...Chris floordog
Do you plan on incorporating a UpNp client? Currently I am using
Windows Media Connect which enables Plug N Play streaming media
(video,sound,photo images) via Wi-Fi or ethernet from my PC to a
Digital Media Receiver (DMR) such as the Xbox 360, D-link DSM320,
Streamium, Roku Soundbridge. DMR is also known as a Digital Sound
Receiver, Digital Audio Receiver, Digital Media Streamer, Network Video
Player, or Digital Media Hub. The firmware for most of these devices is
in LINUX!Ted Dog
www.puptrix.org/dotpups_teds/ushare.pup uPnP server, We have FUSE now
in puppylinux it should be easy to do. I'll look into it.Barry Kauler
One comment about FUSE.Currently there is just one /dev/fuse device, which will be in use whenever a NTFS partition is mounted. Also, when a NTFS partition is mounted, running "df" or "mount" returns a line starting with "/dev/fuse". However, the latest ntfs-3g driver will return the actual drive name. I don't know if this affects you, but it certainly does affect some of my scripts. floordog (floordog<at>yahoo.com)
Uh, you lost me. I am trying to make a break to 100% PuppyOS from
WINXP. I have my WinXP HDD as master(NTFS) and my slave HDD has multiple partitions for Puppy (as partitioned by Puppy OS on a CLEAN install to the HDD)---I had a small Empty FAT32 partition, so that WINXP could see it, and let Puppy OS to the partitioning for me. When I want Puppy OS, I slide in my "Wake pup" floppy to boot to Puppy OS. When I want to use my WINXP for the Windows Media Connect function, I boot off the GRUB multi-boot on my Master HDD and select WINXP. Very simple. I just wish I can get rid of WINDOWS 100% . Too many crashes wastes time and ruins enjoyment of my PC. The only other program I really need have that requires WINXP is my wifes music software notation program---> Finale 2000. Composers and musicians have been trying to get Coda Music to make a Linux Distro, but they only have WINXP and OSX. Thanks for your excellent work. I am annoyed at having to upgrade hardware and software every few years just to "help" windows so it won't keep crashing. WINXP to me seems like it is way too unstable for my use. Floordog
Barry, I forgot to mention. When I am able to make a full and
successful transition from WINdowsXP to Puppy OS, you will be revered
in my household and the check is on the way. I spend about $500 per
year fixing WindowsXP crashes, and much more buying uneccessary
hardware("upgrades") and software (WINXP registry fixing software)
trying to "babysit" WinXP so it won't have a "tantrum". I am tied of
changing "WInXP diapers". I'd rather send my money to an honest person
who actually cares about customers, rather than the OS Monopoly which
creates the problem (unstable bloated OS) in the first place.After only a few weeks with Puppy OS---> It has NEVER crashed, hiccupped, or coughed. No excuses. I love Puppy. Software by humans for humans. I have a few issues while I am learning about it, but not the headaches and groans to find another UNbooting system, lost files, corrupt everything and TERRIBLE computer experience --etc etc etc ad nauseum. I guess I could just buy a new copy of Windows every 90 days? Thats Nutso. Build it right - buy it right. PUPPY JUST WORKS - NO EXCUSES. The human race thanks you for your unselfish devotion to an honest product that works. floordog
That was $500 per year plus not 0 sorry for the typo.BarryK
This news blog php script has a problem with dollar amounts, treats
them as some kind of character encoding, that is, the dollar char
followed by numeric digits.DB
am a computer semi literate looking for a alternative to WindowsXP
which I currently use. I have obtained a copy of Win2K against the day
Microsoft stops supporting XP, refuses to reactivate XP, and the new
version of Windows, vista or whatever, is too bloated to run on my
current system. I have figured out how to do somethings with Puppy,
mostly by trial and error. I found I can use it unlike other versions
of Linux which are newbie unfriendly.Being able to write and read to an NTSK disk was a huge leap for Puppy!!!!! Here are a few suggestions from a pure user who id dependant on your work: Drivers for an internal WinModem Please!! WiFi drivers A up to date downloadable VMX (package for VMplayer) version of Puppy to use as a safe browser and fast linux test machine. A stand alone quemu puppy 2.1 as a ready to go download. I have been having fun with quemu dsl, which is available as a ready to rn download. As a non programmer, the web site on how to make a quemu puppy might as well have been written in Latin. And finally a wine puppy that works, that will install and run a lot of usefull windows programs. a working no brainer windows emulator for Linux, for a user friendly Linux, would be the first nail in MS coffin. Is this a practical suggestion? Get the Altiris Software virtualization program for windows to run with wine, then any windows program that can be made into a vsa program could be placed on a linux computer and run. Probably all sorts of liscensing issues there. Mr Kauler, thank you for Puppy Linux, it is fun topla with, but also usefull since Ihave used it to image my C drive. |
About the structure of the Puppy projectThe current structure is working, the Puppy project is rocketting ahead, community involvement is increasing. I have just been through all the "paperwork" created by the proponents of the "Puppy Linux Foundation" and agree on the broad principle of getting the volunteers organised. However, I cannot see the point of adding "red tape", by formally registering a non-profit orgainisation. The Australian taxation Office has information here: http://www.ato.gov.au/nonprofit/default.asp Bookkeeping and other administrative requirements here: http://www.ato.gov.au/nonprofit/content ... /33609.htm There have been some arguments in favour of a formal organisation, however I remain unconvinced of the benefit versus effort/red-tape trade-off. We already have an organisation on the Internet -- it is informal, but it works. Why make things more complicated? I decided to make this statement as I have been asked to sign papers for the registration of a non-profit organisation in Australia. I went through all the "Foundation papers" and ATO information, and remain unconvinced. I am open to further discussion on this, but my attitude at this stage is that the Puppy Community should continue to evolve in an informal manner, at least for the immediate future. Joseph James Frantz (boscagarda-programming<at>yahoo.com)
lot of moving forward has occured on the informal basis that is
currently being used. Although informal perhaps is not even fully
descriptive, since there is structure. Simply not government endorsed
structure. Off the top of my head, if I see an advantage it is in name ownership. We had a group here in Ohio that was made up entirely of volunteers. Their structure was very loose and they never registered. Everything went along fine for a number of years. Then a new member joined and after a year or so decided that a more formal organization was needed. So he registered a non profit corporation here by their name. Well effectively, this prevents the original group from being allowed use of the name. While they could have taken it to court, and probably won, the cost was prohibitive. So they were forced to change their name. It is of course for this very reason that Linus Torvalds registered ownership of the name Linux. Thankfully he created a method that allows us to use the name without having to ask him or pay him for it. This assures us the right in the future. The same can be said of puppy linux. Someone could come along tomorrow and register the name. This would legally prevent another from being able to use the name. Perhaps Linus Torvolds would fight it since it makes us of his owned term Linux. I do not know. But the cost for many puppy enthusiasts would be too expensive to be able to fight it. (PuppyOS could likewise be taken) Other than that I cannot think immediately of an advantage of a government registration. PaulBx1
may be possible to register the name (hire a lawyer for a hundred
bucks) without going though the rest of the government BS. It may be as
easy as just putting a "R within a circle" (registered trade mark)
notation on all your websites that use the phrase "Puppy Linux".Please keep in mind the ownership of the websites themselves protects you quite a bit from the (probably quite rare) sort of hijacking that Joseph mentions. Those websites are where people get their software and advice from, even if you did have to rename it "Doggy Linux". Barry, stick to your guns! Leave well enough alone. And various other similar homilies, heh heh. If some critical reason is found in the future for registering, you can always do it then. But when you start dancing with the bureaucrats, it is awfully hard to stop - even if you decide after a while you got a raw deal from them and don't want to dance any more. Eiris
When did Poli-ticks come in to this? The foundation was created to provide support, both to Barry, and to Puppy, and to such ends we have done what we can, when we can, haveing legal entitiy is entirely up to him as far as i'm concerned, and altho my preference is to the informal (less hassle over whos doing what at any one time); anyway just my 2cents keep up teh good work barry --Eris, the 10th Planet Richard Ashton (richard.a<at>internode.on.net)
I tend to agree with Barry, and I view this from the perspective of another Australian who has "been there and done that".If the name needs protecting, and we know there are pirates around, then surely the annual renewal of each of the severally owned domains should probably suffice. Before the advent of the internet, I had registered several different "business names" which never transacted much business per se, and by the structure of the corporate affairs registration people in my Australian state, did not require returns lodged, audits of non-existant books etc, to which I'm sure Barry is referring when he talks about the time consuming stuff. I have experienced that scenario, as the Public Officer and Secretary and Treasurer of a medical illness support group, which was also a registered charity for several years ... the paperwork was horrendous, and a double whammy from two registration bodies. If it is decided to register the name seperate from the domains currently existing and being renewed, I would suggest this is the way to go to prevent poaching. But if it was poached, even with the name registered, the corporate affairs people are so short-staffed, I doubt they would regard it as important enough to assign someone to. Barry I would be happy to talk on the phone if you wished. Let's keep the project going with development rather than red tape <grin> Richard in Adelaide allegedly Australia's IT central :) Sage
find the prospect of Barry's retirement deeply worrying. Every project
like this needs a central figure who is a driven visionary. We all have
our individual strenghts and weaknesses, but such as Barry are an
extremely rare commodity. Red tape is to be avoided at all costs, which probably means keeping policy and admin. well clear of Europe and the USA? It would be really nice if this one were to remain under Oz control? Otherwise, there seem to be the necessary critical mass of technicians and promoters to keep the thing on track. Nevertheless, management by committee only produces elephants (platypi?). Whatever happens, it is essential to keep money well out of the equation. If Puppy rises beyond a certain threshold of popularity, be sure some very powerful guns will try to squash it/him. IT is littered with bodies. hataitai (hataitaiview<at>paradise.net.nz)
Puppy Church!Puppy has been recommended to many friends, many of whom have performed successful data recoveries using a Puppy bootdisc. That alone is worth many evenings prayer. Too good to lose. Thankyou, Chaplain Barry. Visitor
There was a similar discussion in the FreeDOS project.http://www.freedos.org/freedos/news/newsitem/115.html Maybe this can help. BarryK
The FreeDOS site makes a most pertinent point:[blockquote]Federal registration is not required to establish rights in a trademark. Common law rights arise from actual use of a mark.[/blockquote] They then made a declaration claiming right for FreeDOS, so I will paraphrase it for Puppy (although, in light of the above, it isn't necessary): [blockquote]AS FOUNDER AND COORDINATOR OF THE 'Puppy Linux Project' [ESTABLISHED JANUARY 2003, FIRST USED IN COMMERCE (WEB SITE) 18-JUNE-2003], I HEREBY MAKE TRADEMARK CLAIM TO THE NAME AND TYPED DRAWING OF 'Puppy Linux', 'PuppyOS' and 'Puppy' AS IT RELATES TO "computer operating system software to facilitate computer use and operation". DATED 18-SEPTEMBER-2006. SIGNED BARRY D KAULER.[/blockquote] Regarding the point raised by Sage about transition when I "move on", that is not a problem. It will happen quite naturally and I will make sure it happens in an orderly fashion. There is no need to imagine problems that do not exist and will not exist. rarsa
I am glad to read Barry's statement.Joseph James Frantz (boscagarda-programming<at>yahoo.com)
Well that takes care of that. As mentioned, other than that I see no reason for registering.Raffy
Yeah, a simple paper with that statement and then registered with a
lawyer as well as with a copyright office or library should do it.
Perhaps run it as a small notice in a few papers, too, to give it more
legal prowess. Full speed ahead, Puppy!!! Mark South
Many of the comments so far have missed Barry's main point. His issue
is not about trademark protection or otherwise. The fact is that once a
company or not-for-profit is registered, it has to meet its legal
duties of reporting and financial accountability. In most of the world,
that amounts to a huge burden (a.k.a. PITA). Since there is nothing
preventing Puppy from continuing being developed as it is now, there is
no benefit for Barry in taking on unnecessary legal burdens. It's that
Mark, yes, precisely, that's the main point.I once had a Pty Ltd business, Goosee Systems Pty Ltd, and the reporting side was a headache. I got fined a couple of times for failing to put some statements in on time, and I recall having incredible difficulty when I wanted to close the business -- the Govt kept writing back that I hadn't fulfilled all the requirements for closing it. Heck, I'm semi-retired, doing this Puppy thing as my hobby, and Govt involvement is the last thing I want. Raffy mentioned one thing we can do. There may be other "light weight" options for making the Foundation a bit more of an entity also, such as registering a business name (which has no Govt reporting obligations). A business name would also allow a bank account to be opened in its name. Raffy
Oh, I guess I suggested in the forum that the simplest was to have an
entity is for Barry to register it, say as a sole owner. But it will
have its reporting requirements, too, but this can be delegated to
other people. Government supervision, however, is not much because of
the "full liability" of the owner. An incorporated entity tends to be
supervised more because of the "limited liability" enjoyed by the joint
owners.Having a registered entity entitles one to a business account at Paypal, which allows multiple login, meaning, that one person can be appointed to do treasury while another can be appointed to do recording. And once in a while an auditor can be appointed, too. Whether the entity is single-owned or incorporated, help in keeping it will be needed, and this is something that Daftdog and the enthusiasts are ready to offer. Sage
The British Ministries have a neat way of dealing with these kinds of
issues; perhaps their approach is in use elsewhwere? If they get a
sniff of prospective income they will stump up the funds for
registration, patents, etc. Otherwise, inventors & co. are called
upon to produce reams of paperwork about their inventions, ideas,
w.h.y. These are dated, catalogued, stamped and placed in an huge bank
of filing cabinets so that "Prior Art" can be established should anyone
come up with the same ideas at a future date. Establishing Prior Art
confers license-free use of anything that went before, rather than
outright ownership. Of course, governments are sufficiently rich and
powerful to make their claims stick. However, we have seen only too
often what bully-boys with large caches of cash can achieve in the IT
sector. Against some, probably only a white flag would suffice - that's
the risk whatever decision Barry makes.Joseph James Frantz (boscagarda-programming<at>yahoo.com)
Prior art is estabished in the USA upon actual creation of the work. A
copyright is automatic and anything anyone creates is automatically
copyrighted to them, or the business if they work for someone and do
the work for pay. The purpose of the filing here is to demonstrate a timeline. So if I write a song, or a software program, and someone steals my code, or records the song, if I have it registered in some way, that proves it is mine. As simple as mailing it to oneself with an unopened postal seal would be proof enough in court. I just tried to do a search on the internet wayback machine for puppylinux.com but it isnt on there. Which means it was never posted, or perhaps robots.txt is set up here. In any case, there is likely plenty of evidence that Barry owns the Puppy Linux name. WhoDo
not advocating governement red tape, but I do have one suggestion to
protect those managing the Puppy Foundation: I recommend registration
under the Associations Incorporation Act 1984 or its current equivalent.The overhead is an AGM and submission of some Rules for the incorporated body. The value is the protection for those on the board/committee - their liability is limited to something like $2.00; a nominal amount. The idea is to protect those administering the foundation from any liability incurred in the Foundation's name. I wouldn't work for a Foundation that didn't protect my personal assets in this way. Note that this has nothing to do with tax, financial responsibility for operations, etc. Just protection for those in an administrative role. What do you think about that, Barry? Ian
I agree with Barry, there is too much red tape involved in registering a non-profit organization here in Australia.I put a lot of time and effort into discovering this in my role as Foundation treasurer and reported these facts to the Foundation. Just lately I have been busy with business and personal commitments and have not been able to spend a great deal of time devoted to Puppy so please excuse my laxness. mark
is natural selection and in my opinion it is an example of evolving
operating systems and how they are not specialized, and most
importantly, optimized. the goal of optimizing an operating system
inherently includes the fact that it will be obsoleted. i feel that the
goal of optimizing logic is much closer to what puppy means to me and
in that manner the idea of puppy will never end even if someone who was
a part of deceit craftily and co-corporately used the name ...
whatever.. it... this will not destroy the meme of puppy because it has
a simple attitude towards logic and in my opinion this cannot be taken
away because it simply exists.. whats in a name?Puppy_0.00000001.0001.sfs |
Bugfix, booting from USB, Puppy 2.10I have found the problem, and have uploaded the fix to: http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... -from-usb/ Here is the README: ------------------------- BUG FIX FOR PUPPY 2.10 Unfortunately this bug slipped through alpha and beta testing. I will be uploading a fixed v2.10 iso file about 22nd september. if you have an earlier iso file or one from another site, it may require this bugfix. if you install Puppy to a USB drive, Flash drive or hard drive, using the Puppy Universal Installer or any other way, the 'initrd.gz' file has a bug in it and Puppy will not boot from the USB drive. 'initrd.gz' is the initial ramdisk and is on the live-CD. During the process of installing to USB, this file as well as others are copied from the CD to the USB drive. To fix the problem, after running the Puppy Universal Installer, use MUT or Pmount (see File managers menu) to mount the USB partition (usually /dev/sda1) then overwrite 'initrd.gz' with the new version. -- if your web browser is open at the URL that has the replacement 'initrd.gz', just right-click and choose to save it direct to the USB partition. Afterward, do not forget to use MUT or Pmount to unmount the USB partition. Reboot with USB drive inserted, and all should be well! UPDATE SEPT 20TH: I have uploaded puppy-2.10r1-seamonkey.iso (version 2.10-revision1) to ibiblio.org. This is identical to 2.10 except for just one bug fix -- for booting from USB. This only affects you if you want to install Puppy to a USB drive (and maybe if you want to save sessions to a USB drive) -- if you already have 2.10, no need to upgrade as the fix can be applied manually by replacing the initrd.gz file. n8siv
work,s fine but if you overwrite the old file didnot work.I had to delete the old one then copy the new one to get it to work. Thank,s for all the hard work I will post on the forum when i can get on. Ben haveing alot of troble geting on the forum. Leon
Barry,Thanks for making the bugfix so quickly. n8siv wrote: >work,s fine but if you overwrite the old file didnot work. I had to delete the old one then copy the new one to get it to work. I overwrited 'initrd.gz' file on my Canyon CN-USBEFD1024A USB 2.0 Flash Drive with the new version and it works fine. Puppylinux-Fan
...works fine, thanks !!!!floordog (floordog<at>yahoo.com)
Yup, I found that problem last night when I installed Puppy 2.1 to my
USB flash drives. Fix is fine. Puppy 2.1 boots better than puppy 2.02.
I am using 1 Gb Sandisk with U3 utility deleted and reformatted and a
512 Mb Memorex. Thanks for the quick fix.RealTester
Wow!! Best and fastest support i've ever had! Big thx!!Jon Strabala (jon.strabala<at>quantumsi.com)
Tried the copy procedure i.e. I renamed (old file) then did a download of 'initrd.gz' on my flash drive is boots to a single user command prompt. But it doesn't even have /bin/sh it seems like my files were not mounted and thus not extracted from the pup_210.sfs file (which has a lot of installed utilities). I cam close the final lines to the console are: USB Sotrage: Device scan complete, found 2 devices ERROR, cannot find Puppy on usbflash boot media. PUPMODE=1 PDEV= Exited to initial ramdisk commandline /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off # ------------- Okay so the system hangs at the prompt, however I can manually mount the flashdrive and I can see all the file on it. ------------- # mount /dev/sda /mnt # cd /mnt # ls -ltr /dev/sda drwx------ 2 root root 12288 Sep 19 09:53 lost+found -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1689546 Sep 21 11:26 vmlinuz -r--r--r-- 1 root root 9756 Sep 21 11:26 extlinux.sys -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 64 Sep 21 11:26 extlinux.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1240450 Sep 21 11:26 initrd.gz.old -rwx------ 1 root root 66494464 Sep 21 11:26 pup_210.sfs -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1241847 Sep 21 12:25 initrd.gz Prior to the additon of the initrd.gz it would not even boot to a '#' prompt. I feel I am pretty close, but I really don't know how to proceed. Perhaps I need a PDEV= setting and it is part of one othe above files? For example my extlinux.conf file has the line default vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 initrd=initrd.gz PMEDIA=usbflash should I add "PDEV=/dev/sda" to the end or something like this ? Thanks in Advance Barry Kauler
Jon,The problem may be the combination of the drive formatted as both a superfloppy (no partition) and ext2/3 filesystem. I'll experiment with this soon. Greg Wirtel
I get the exact same message as John Strabala:"USB Sotrage: Device scan complete, found 2 devices ERROR, cannot find Puppy on usbflash boot media. PUPMODE=1 PDEV= Exited to initial ramdisk commandline /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off #" Using the Wake Puppy boot floppy,I have tried a USB flash drive with no luck whatsoever (it makes no attempt to boot, and I have tried all of the different boot manager options given when creating the Flash Drive boot) and a USB CD. At least with the CD I get the message John Strabala is getting. All I want to do is get it on an old Toshiba Laptop that will not boot to USB on its own. hmj
Hi there,I’m trying to install puppy-2.11 on a 256 Mb Kingston flash drive without burning the iso to a cd. First I made one primary partition on the memory stick with fdisk on my linux box. fdisk /dev/sda (m for help) etc, don´t forget to set the bootable flag. Then made a fat filesystem with mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 Mounted this filestystem mount /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk Mounted the puppy iso image mount –o loop ./puppy-2.11-seamonkey-xorgdrvrs.iso /mnt/cdrom Copied everything cp –a /mnt/cdrom/* /media/usbdisk Renamed isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg and syslinux /dev/sda1 Umounted everything and attempted to boot my laptop on the usb key. The bios recognises the thumb drive as a harddisk and I have to change the boot order (this laptop will “forget” this order once it boots without the usb drive). The console messages look like this: … loading kernel modules done looking for Puppy in hdc… hdc… done looking for pup_save.3fs in hdc… hda1… sda1… done ERROR, cannot find Puppy on ´idecd´ boot media PUPMODE=1 PDEV1= Exited to initail-ramdisk (dev/ram0) But no prompt. Obviously I need to modify some more inside Puppy. Could someone show me the way where I can find the info please? Thanks heaps, HMJ it is good ukio
Hello,i have a similar error as jon strabala above, see the forum thread here: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=13812 does this somehow relate to this bug? i am using puppy 2.12 on a sandisk cruzer micro 2gb usb pen, formatted as a FAT hdd with 1 partition. i have tried different bootloaders, it always boots, but hangs here: Looking for puppy ERROR: cannot find puppy on usbflash media PUPMODE=1 PDEV=1 Exited to initial ramdisk... i have thinkpad t40 with pheonix bios. the strange thing is that it only hangs after a shutdown. when restarting from a previous puppy cd-boot, it does not hang while booting from usb. any ideas? -ukio btw: merry christmas :) |
Importing old Seamonkey settings, InkLite, puppyROX projectsSeamonkey has the settings and mail in /root/.mozilla/default folder, but different versions of Seamonkey may use a different sub-folder (the folder names end with '.slt'). Fortunately, forum member 'Eyes-Only' has posted some simple steps to manually import the settings: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=11000 If you do this, and discover anything else that needs importing, kindly add to that thread (I don't think Eyes-Only mentioned email or passwords). Once we get all the steps worked out, we can probably look into writing a script to do it. InkLite, our light-weight and very small version of Inkscape (about one fifth the size of Inkscape!) has the source online. Same for puppyROX (Puppy rocks!) our branch of ROX-Filer. InkLite is version 0.36.2, where the 0.36 is the version of Inkscape it is based on. PuppyROX is version, where 1.2.2 is the version of ROX-Filer it is based on. For now, I'm just appending a number for successive versions. I propose that we set these up on an SVN server and invite maintainers. I think that one or two of the Inkscape developer guys may feel a bit nostalgic about their old very small version, before it went over to C++ and GTKmm, and might be interested in backporting some features. The developers of some of the other tiny distros are probably going to be interested also, and we can cooperate here. The source is at: http://puptrix.org/sources/ J_Rey
wouldn't one use the simple roaming profile support available with
SeaMonkey from Edit -> Preferences... -> Roaming User? May need
to enable on compile (?)....BarryK
I didn't know there was such a thing. So, I don't know whether it's a compile option or can be added later.Definitely worth checking out! |
My schedule, bug fixes, Unleashed CDI noticed one thread on the forum reporting problems booting Puppy 2.10 from USB Flash stick. Okay, I'll check that out. To fix that will need a replacement 'inird.gz' file, which is a small file, so I should be able to upload that and you just copy it to the USB stick -- of course if anyone else (Jesse?) wants to fix it, go for it! Probably there will be a Service Pack at some stage, may also release 2.10r1 if the initrd.gz has to be altered -- which can do about the 21st - 23rd as I'll be back in Perth then, getting ready for my holiday. 24th Sept to 9th October I may not be contactable. Regarding the Puppy Unleashed CD, I have received 5 orders since September 11th and I have not yet processed those since release of 2.10 was imminent. I need a couple more days to put the Unleashed CD together with all the latest stuff, so apologies to those guys for the delay. At my rural post office there's no mail pickup on the weekend, meaning the mail will go out on coming Monday. After that, maybe another week in transit. |
(c) Copyright Barry Kauler 2008. All rights reserved. http://puppylinux.com |