Proof of Covid-19 immunity required in France
We have been expecting this. France has now mandated that proof
of vaccination, a negative test, or having recovered from Covid-19, is
now required to enter certain venues:
This is also apparently going to happen in the UK, and looking likely also for Australia.
The Prime Minister of France has stated that 96% of those now getting
infected are not vaccinated. I think that this is a very important
statistic, because it is the crux of the problem ongoing.
Let's say that Australia reaches 80% vaccinated early next year. Problem
remains, we cannot just "open up", remove all restrictions, because we
have to "protect" those who are not vaccinated. We will still require
restrictions, such as social distancing.
So, the un-vaccinated will be imposing a burden on the vast majority of the population who are vaccinated. Maybe...
It seems, from what I gather from news reports, that Boris Johnson in
the UK has decided "enough is enough", and those who have chosen not to
be vaccinated will have to face the consequences.
Perhaps, if 80% are vaccinated, the virus will not spread and the risk
will decline. One possibility, but indications so far, unlikely.
Another possibility, you choose to not be vaccinated, and you catch the
virus. You may die, or you may recover. For most people, it is the
latter, however, there is something very worrying -- two things: the
other "opportunistic diseases" that wait for your immune system to
become weak, and something known as "long Covid".
These are the side-effects of having caught Covid-19. In India, one of
the "opportunistic diseases" is "Black Fungus", with a 50% death rate:
There are a plethora of long-Covid side-effects, that can stretch months after, and even cause permanent damage.
While researching for this post, there were some links to Sky News Australia,
however, I will not put those links here. My experience with Sky News Australia is
that they are rabidly extreme right-wing, specializing in sensationalism and distortion of the truth.
This is my personal opinion of course.
One news source that sticks to the facts and mostly avoids
sensationalism is the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) -- I
think that there is an ABC in the US, but that is different. My limited
experience with the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) has been
pretty much the same, a sane news reporter.
The news so far about "long Covid" are preliminary, but very worrying, such as this:
Another worry, to add to the heap of worries that we already have, is
that getting vaccinated won't necessarily protect us from dying after
catching Covid-19. But, that depends on which vaccine...
All of the reports I have read about Astra Zeneca and
Pfizer vaccines, the two being currently administered in Australia, are
still effective at preventing adverse symptoms, even if you do catch
the virus.
However, not so, apparently, for the Chinese Sinovac vaccine. It was
designed to protect against the original strain of Covid-19, and it
looks like it is losing its efficacy, especially against the Delta
strain, based on reports from Indonesia and Brazil. ABC report on
To complicate everything, the vaccines themselves have side-effects.
Here in Australia, we have manufactured the Astra Zeneca vaccine, on
license from the UK, however, it is filling up warehouses, an increasing
number of people are choosing not to take it, instead waiting for
availability of Pfizer. The reason is, deaths from blood clots.
The Australian government, in an attempt to force people to take Astra
Zeneca, has ruled that anyone 60 and over must take Astra Zeneca, they
are not allowed to take Pfizer. Result, those 60 and over are choosing
to not getting vaccinated. I know people in this category, who are
waiting until the end of the year, or early 2022, when it is anticipated
there will be enough Pfizer available for everyone.
So, with a stockpile of Astra Zeneca, what does the AU government do?
They donate it to poorer countries. This is Papua New Guinea and our
Pacific neighbours.
Of course, it can be argued that the risk of blood clots and dying, is
miniscule compared to the dire consequences of catching Covid-19. We are
fortunate here in Western Australia, being entirely Covid-free, so not feeling any pressure to get vaccinated, but
that is a very unusual situation compared with the rest of the world.
My daughter, for example, is not in WA, she is elsewhere, where Covid-19
is circulating in the community, and she got the Astra Zeneca jab. She
only felt crook for a couple of days after the first jab, then was OK.
For most people around the world, it would seem the best advice is, get
EDIT 2021-07-30:
Thanks for the feedback, guys! Feedback expressed a range of opinions, I
won't name names, you know who you are. Some further points...
One email warned me that the 96% figure given
by Jean Castex, the Prime Minister of France, is incorrect, that he has
"cherry picked" from the statistics. Here is one link where that 96% is
I don't know about the validity or otherwise of
that statistic, but I am quite familiar with politicians putting "spin"
on statistics or facts, to suit their agenda. It may be deliberate, or it may be ignorance, or the
politician may just be thick.
They reckon we can "open up" when reach 80% vaccinated and 95% of over-70s and most-vulnerable.
...they refer to "entrenched anti-vaxxers"
being 10% of the population, and those people are going to hate the
recommendation for "vaccination passports". Ah, but the Grattan report
also states that vaccine passports to be removed when 85% vaccination is
Regarding whether the Grattan Institute is left-wing or right-wing biased, it is informative to see who has funded it:
I think that it's premises are located within
the University of Melbourne campus. Government backing looks to be from
the Liberal party, also funded by BHP, a big mining company, and the
University of Melbourne. So, if anything, it would be leaning right-wing
-- unless it is truly independent as they claim.
EDIT 2021-07-31:
I also received feedback that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines will cause a permanent change in the body.
Unfortunately, there is an incredible amount of misinformation on the Internet, and con-artists are having a field day.
EDIT 2021-08-30:
Recently there was a pamphlet in my letterbox, titled "They're Coming
For Our Children", regarding Australia's Therapeutic Goods Adminstration
(TGA) approving Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 to 15.. It had two
URLs, that I looked up. One was to a video by Sky News, the other to a
far-right-wing pro-trump website. I read some of the articles on the
latter site ...oh dear, sad that people are buying into websites like
I also watched a video that included Dr Robert
Maloney, who claims to be the inventor of mRNA. The second Reuters URL
below, has a link to that video.
Reuters has posted two fact-check pages:
I am becoming very reluctant to continue commentary on this, or any other similar issues. Political, religious, whatever.
Tags: ethos
YouTube psychotic AI is deleting comments
I posted recently about Mike, a guy who makes quilts for camping/hiking, getting overwhelmed and stopping taking orders:
Yesterday, I saw a comment from '26realmc' on "Dori's Hiking Adventures" channel, her video on Mike's quilt that she purchased:
I posted a comment, just a few words, with link to my blog post.
Comment got posted OK, but a little bit later saw that my comment was
deleted. I sent an email to Dori, asking why she deleted my comment, and
she replied that she didn't. She checked in the "held for review"
folder, it wasn't there either.
So, I posted again, this time as a reply to '26realmc', no link this
time, just a short inoffensive text message, refreshed the page, and
once again the comment was deleted.
Tried a third time, different text, deleted again.
I have posted comments to YouTube before, and they have not been deleted, so what's up????
I did an online search and found heaps and heaps of people
complaining about this. This post gives some reasons that the AI uses: have to click on "more" to see the full message.
It seems that the AI does not just object to certain keywords, but
also makes associations using algorithms that we know nothing about.
There is no warning, no reason given, nothing, the comments just
As this guy with a YouTube channel has complained, people are blaming
him for deleting their comment, but he has nothing to do with it:
"YouTube is randomly deleting your comments"
I gave up trying to post a reply to Dori's video. This is very sad,
no, much more than that, very disturbing. Innocent comments getting
Tags: ethos
New 15 minute Covid-19 infectious test
Wow, this test equipment is now being manufactured in Perth,
Western Australia. It was developed by scientists at UTS, a university
in Sydney:
I heard about it on the radio, while driving my car, a few days ago.
They are manufacturing the test equipment with the intention that they
be installed at places like airports. Cost per unit will be about a quarter
of a million AU Dollars, and AU$25 per test.
The guy being interviewed on the radio said that it is easy to adapt to detect other viruses.
It is a saliva test, not that horrible probe shoved up the nose, and
here's the thing -- it detects when people are infectious, before they
show symptoms. Quoting from the above link:
A person with COVID-19 may be contagious 72 hours before starting to show symptoms. With the sensitivity of our optical technology, we aim to identify the viral protein in saliva from asymptomatic but already infectious patients. This would allow for much more effective contact tracing and rapid discovery of pockets of disease before it is transmitted to others.
72 hours, that's 3 days, no wonder the virus spreads through our communities!
YouTube video:
A company called Alcolizer
has, on June 10, 2021, received a Federal grant for
manufacturing this test system, here in Perth. The new device will be
called the "Virulizer". Fantastic!
Tags: ethos
Gympie Gympie suicide plant
It is well known that there are dangerous snakes and spiders in
Australia. What is not well known is that there is a plant, touching
which, you will experience "hell on earth".
Today I remembered the story told, of soldiers on manoeuvres in
bushland in Queensland, Australia, during World War II. An officer went
behind some bushes to do number two, then he looked around for something
to wipe his bum with, grabbed some leaves off a plant. His men found
him lying on the ground, pants down, shot through the head with his own
Yep, that's how painful it is. Not from personal experience. It only grows in northern Queensland and Indonesia.
it is such an innocent looking plant, covered in very fine hairs, you would be tempted just to feel it. can't see the hairs in this photo, they are so tiny. Like microscopic glass hypodermic needles.
Some information here:
Dr Marina Hurley, a scientist who studied the Gympie Gympie, has appeared in this video:
No difference if they are dead leaves on the ground, the neuro-toxin remains active for 100+ years.
Hiking in northern Queensland is not on my agenda.
Tags: ethos
Why do we have magnesium deficiency?
I posted about cramps in the feet and legs while contorting around inside a small tent on the last hike:
I take a magnesium tablet about every third day, which is effective at
preventing leg cramps. if I don't take the tablets, I will wake up in
bed with painful cramping. Also, the feet will cramp during the day,
especially if they get a little bit cold.
I know of two close relatives who also have to take magnesium
supplements, due to cramping. Haven't asked other relatives, but I
assume it is a widespread problem.
Sometime ago I investigated iodine deficiency, which is a worldwide
problem, or rather, used to be. I don't have the links, but there is an
Australian academic who spent most of his life studying iodine
deficiency, and he also took part in programs in China and other
countries to study and eliminate deficiency.
The fundamental problem is that iodine has leached out of soils and
ended up in the ocean. Especially in Australia, which is a very ancient
continent. Sea food is rich in iodine. Animals and plants inland are
Here in Australia, the practice was to wash milk bottles and other
food preparation containers, with iodine, which meant that most
Australians were getting sufficient iodine, without realising it. The
medical fraternity didn't realise it either, until they began
discovering iodine deficiency in infants -- then they discovered it
coincided with an Australia-wide switch from iodine to chlorine to wash
bottles and other food preparation containers.
One of the outcomes was introduction of iodine into salt.
Unfortunately, there are those in Australia who only use non-iodized
salt, nor do they eat bread and other processed foods that contain added
iodine. I know one of those people -- and she mentioned awhile back
that her doctor had diagnosed goitre, a symptom of iodine deficiency.
In China, having a totalitarian regime, the government simply ordered that all salt was to be iodized, no exceptions.
Anyway, back onto magnesium. I found a fascinating academic paper:
A few quotes from it:
Because serum magnesium does not reflect intracellular magnesium, the latter making up more than 99% of total body magnesium, most cases of magnesium deficiency are undiagnosed. Furthermore, because of chronic diseases, medications, decreases in food crop magnesium contents, and the availability of refined and processed foods, the vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for magnesium deficiency.
‘The homeostatic mechanisms to regulate magnesium balance were developed millions of years ago. Investigations of the macro- and micro-nutrient supply in Paleolithic nutrition of the former hunter/gatherer societies showed a magnesium uptake with the usual diet of about 600 mg magnesium/day, much higher than today’. Our homeostatic mechanisms and genome are still the same as with our ancestors in the Stone Age. This means our metabolism is best adapted to a high magnesium intake.5
In developed countries, the average intake of magnesium is slightly over 4 mg/kg/day.15
More than a quarter of obese and non-obese youth have inadequate
intakes of magnesium (27% and 29%, respectively). The authors of a study
concluded: ‘Even though children may consume an excess of energy, they
may not be meeting all of their micronutrient needs’.16
In other words, children are overfed and undernourished. One expert has
argued that a typical Western diet may provide enough magnesium to
avoid frank magnesium deficiency, but it is unlikely to maintain
high-normal magnesium levels and provide optimal risk reduction from
coronary artery disease and osteoporosis. That is, ‘Various studies have
shown that at least 300 mg magnesium must be supplemented to establish
significantly increased serum magnesium concentrations…’5
In other words, most people need an additional 300 mg of magnesium per
day in order to lower their risk of developing numerous chronic
diseases. So while the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for magnesium
(between 300 and 420 mg/day for most people) may prevent frank magnesium
deficiency, it is unlikely to provide optimal health and longevity,
which should be the ultimate goal.
Since 1940 there has been a tremendous decline in the micronutrient
density of foods. In the UK for example, there has been loss of
magnesium in beef (−4 to −8%), bacon (−18%), chicken (−4%), cheddar
cheese (−38%), parmesan cheese (−70%), whole milk (−21%) and vegetables
The loss of magnesium during food refining/processing is significant:
white flour (−82%), polished rice (−83%), starch (−97%) and white sugar
Since 1968 the magnesium content in wheat has dropped almost 20%, which
may be due to acidic soil, yield dilution and unbalanced crop
fertilisation (high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the
latter of which antagonises the absorption of magnesium in plants).62
One review paper concluded: ‘Magnesium deficiency in plants is becoming
an increasingly severe problem with the development of industry and
agriculture and the increase in human population’.62
Processed foods, fat, refined flour and sugars are all devoid of
magnesium, and thus our Western diet predisposes us to magnesium
deficiency. Good dietary sources of magnesium include nuts, dark
chocolate and unrefined whole grains.
The magnitude of this problem has been going on "under the radar" by
most of us, and even, I read, medical practitioners are not sufficiently
I know an elderly person who was prescribed three tablets per day by
her doctor. When she told me that, I thought, wow, isn't that over the
top, might she be getting too much? However, from the quote above, our
bodies are designed to handle huge intake of magnesium.
The paper also mentions that magnesium intake requirement is higher
in the elderly. I found a table showing how recommended intake increases
with age:
Age | Male | Female | Pregnancy | Lactation |
Birth to 6 months | 30 mg* | 30 mg* | ||
7–12 months | 75 mg* | 75 mg* | ||
1–3 years | 80 mg | 80 mg | ||
4–8 years | 130 mg | 130 mg | ||
9–13 years | 240 mg | 240 mg | ||
14–18 years | 410 mg | 360 mg | 400 mg | 360 mg |
19–30 years | 400 mg | 310 mg | 350 mg | 310 mg |
31–50 years | 420 mg | 320 mg | 360 mg | 320 mg |
51+ years | 420 mg | 320 mg |
I take Blackmores MagMin, the active ingredient per tablet is
"Magnesium aspartate dihydrate 500mg (Magnesium 37.4mg)". So what does
that mean, am I only getting 37.4mg in each tablet?
A word of warning: despite the above academic paper stating that we
can tolerate a large intake of magnesium, I did come across warnings,
while browsing online, of possible side-effects if too much is taken.
EDIT 2021-03-07:
Very interesting, I have received emails from Stephen, David and Rodney,
advising me that a contributing factor to muscle cramps is lack of
salt, that is, sodium chloride. Quoting Rodney:
In 1973 I worked in tropical Indonesia for 10 months. with a company crew of tv transmitter installation engineers.
We were warned while there, to liberally sprinkle extra salt on our
meals to supplement the body salt lost through sweating in high
Westerners will easily keel over otherwise.
As you say, leg cramp is another side issue of magnesium deficiency.
Quoting from here:
Too little potassium, calcium or magnesium in your diet can contribute to leg cramps.
It is recognised that most of us eat too much
salt, however, I will experiment with this on the next hike, maybe take
along a packet of potato chips (in the UK, they are called "potato
crisps", a fact I learnt when I went into a village general store in
England back in the 70s, and asked "do you have any potato chips?" and
just got a blank stare).
EDIT 2021-03-07:
The above link mentions lack of potassium as a cause of muscle cramps. See this:
...that link advises not to take potassium supplements, as there is danger if take too much. Potatoes have potassium, so that packet of potato chips is looking good! Yum!
Tags: ethos
Only the USA, Liberia and Myanmar still use imperial weights and measures
Here in Australia, we get those TV shows from the USA, house
restoration, building off the grid, etc., and I find it amusing when
they talk in imperial units.
For example, they will measure a length of timber as 5 foot, 3 and
3/8 inches. The thing is, math calculation is messy when doing it in
fractions. It is also messy to have non-metric conversions, for example
12 inches equals 1 foot.
Then there is ounces, which could mean a weight or a volume. Messy again.
And of course there is degrees Celsius -- so much neater to have zero
degrees the freezing point of water, and 100 degrees the boiling point.
Australia converted to the metric system of measurements in the 60s,
and today I wondered what countries in the world are still using
imperial measurements -- got reminded of this today when publishing
weights in grams in the previous blog post.
According to this link, only the USA, Liberia and Myanmar:
However, most countries that were previously part of the British Empire are still using imperial
measurements here and there. There are some measurements where it was
just more convenient to stay with imperial. TV screen size for example.
There were apparently moves in the USA to become metric, and I wonder
why it didn't happen. I was in high school here when it happened, and I
recall the government mandating that things like measuring tapes had to
become metric -- in other words, the Federal Government forced it to
happen. In the USA, the homeland of the "rugged individual" and "free
will", perhaps the government did not have sufficient authority (or
cohesiveness, or motivation) to force it? or were the State governments
insufficiently aligned to force it to happen? Just speculating.
EDIT 2021-02-26:
David, in the UK, commented:
We buy petrol in litres but range is mpg. We buy beer in the pub in pints but litres in cans.
John G., in the UK, clarified that petrol has been sold in litres since the 1980s:
In the UK petrol has been sold in litres, rather than gallons, ever since the 1980s! See
For fuel consumption, the UK still uses miles per gallon rather than
miles per litre or even kilometres per litre. Bizarrely the EU uses an
inverse measure, litres per 100 kilometres.
Yes, we also use litres per 100km here in
Australia. The link sent by John G. is very interesting, it has
information about Australia:
...which shows conversion milestones in 1971
and 1974. My memory, though, is of conversions happening while I was
still in high school, in the late 60s.
Now I'm curious, is my memory faulty? Found this:
...ah, it started in 1966, with change from pounds, shillings and pence, to dollars and cents.
The Wikipedia also explains the situation in the USA, Canada and the UK:
EDIT 2021-02-28:
David W. in the USA commented that the US has embraced metrication somewhat:
I'm in the States, and do recall an attempt in the mid-1970s to sell
gasoline by the liter, but it failed -- I believe because of massive
pushback by the public.
Since then it's been a series of baby steps. Goods are often labeled
with both imperial and metric measurements, in that order.
Speedometers have been labeled with miles *and* kilometers for decades.
The only metric measurement I can recall Americans having more or less
fully embraced is vehicle engine size. You basically don't hear it
referred to in cubic inches anymore, just liters. And of course,
Americans have fully embraced motorcycle engine sizes in cubic
centimeters for at least 50 years.
Yes, engine sizes in litres ("liters" in the
US) is something that I noticed on those TV shows from the US where they
restore old cars, or greatly enhance a car. Just looking at Channel 96
here in Perth: "Garage Squad", "Overhaulin", "Diesel Brothers" -- shows
from the US. There is one from the UK, "Wheeler Dealers" -- where I
picked up the info about the UK is still using miles and mpg.
Michael A. in Australia commented that the car manufacturers probably pushed back metrication attempts in the US:
You have to take into consideration that back in the 60s/70s the BIg 3 car manufacturers here were GM, Ford and Chrysler (Leyland was a drop in the bucket, plus a couple of others like Lightburn - niche car really) - I'm sure they would have pushed back _hard_ against metric, extra cost involved in converting speedometers, fuel gauges etc.
I believe that metric wasn't mandated for cars until 1974, and that is
about the time we saw 'speed limit 35' signs disappear replaced by 60
within the red circle. I was 9 years old then!
I had assumed that NASA, a scientific organization, would be using
metric units, but did a check today and found that is not so, they use a
mix of imperial and metric:
On 29 March 2010, NASA decided to avoid making its proposed Constellation
rocket system metric-compliant, especially due to pressure from
manufacturers; ultimately the program was discontinued. It had been
predicted that it would cost US$368 million
to convert to metric measurements for parts made by both NASA and
external companies. Constellation would have borrowed technology from
the 1970s-era Space Shuttle program, which used non-metric measurements
in software and hardware.[16]
NASA's non-compulsory position has contributed to at least one major
mission-failure: in 1999, a contractor's use of pre-metric units caused
the disintegration of NASA's $328 million Mars Climate Orbiter.[17] Despite NASA's non-compulsory policy, commercial space manufacturer SpaceX currently designs its systems (e.g. Dragon and Falcon 9) using metric units.
...that has really surprised me. Good that SpaceX is using metric units.
EDIT 2021-03-01:
Feodor commented about the US auto industry:
GM in Detroit experimented with the metric system in the 1970th. Yes, it failed
when imperial screws, washers and nuts got mixed up with metric counter parts.
Same problem existed with the 1/2" tools for the metric system. A friend of my
parents named Karl Bohmer who lived in Windsor/Ontario worked all his life for
GM in Detroit. His job was to fix every thing that showed up broken at the end
of the assembly line. He was very happy when that metric mixing match ended.
EDIT 2021-03-2:
Amitav commented from India:
Very interesting discussion on Metric and Imperial units! In India,
everything is in metric, as we are a relatively young country. With one
exception: The Aviation industry seems to still work in Imperial! I
started as an engineer in the automotive industry, and my company
started its first aerospace products in 2014. One big - and annoying -
barrier was suddenly everything, including even nut and bolt sizes, had
to be in Inches, and weird fractions :) . I would be interested to know
if the Australian Aviation Industry use Metric measures?
I imagine that it would be mixed, as Australia
acquires a lot of aviation (and military) hardware from the USA. Did a
quick search, Found this at a technical college:
Exposure and use is given to imperial and metric units as used in the aviation industry.
After successfully completing this unit, you should be able to:
1. to
describe how factors such as weight, wing area, engine power, drag and
high lift devices effect aircraft performance and to apply basic
estimation techniques to determine an aircraft configuration to meet a
specified mission,
2. to compose gust and manoeuvre diagrams,
to describe the principles behind jet transport performance in an
airline environment and how they affect the cost of operation,
4. to be able to use imperial units in basic engineering calculations.
It looks like the same problem as in India.
Young people coming into the college course would have mostly used
metric units at school.
Have received more feedback, but calling a stop to this blog post!
Tags: ethos
Baby It's You
Curious, a couple of days ago, I suddenly remembered the lass who sang a hit song, "Baby It's
You", then this evening was looking at electric bike videos on YouTube,
and there it was, the one-hit-wonder song from the 70s.
I was a young man then, and the female vocalist made an impression on
me, for a couple of reasons, as you will see from the video:
Here they are performing the song at other venues:
Here are the lyrics:
Baby it's you
You're here with me now but you're saying
You don't want me any more
You're holding me now but you're saying
You can't see me no no more
You whisper good-bye then cling tighter to me
I can't take no more....ooooh nooo...
Baby it's you
Who makes me feel all the way that you do
You know I cannot forget you so soon
Baby it's you.
Running your fingers through my hair
But saying you care no more
You're kissing my ear with a heart chilling breath
but you care no more
Laying beside me with legs all around me
I care no more, oooh nooo...
Baby it's you
Who makes me do all the things that I do
You know I can't cast aside you so soon
Baby it's you.
Changing the show
Adding dramatics to help love grow
Your heart is your life
Cut it carefully with your knife
Don't leave the world
Stay right here
Don't make, don't make anything rough.
Baby it's you
Who makes me feel all the way that you do
You know I cannot forget you so soon
Baby it's you.
Baby it's you
Who makes me do the things that I do
You know I can't cast aside you so soon
Baby it's you.
Watching the pretty flowers grow
Never again no summer
The female singer is Leslie Knauer. The "Promises" was a family band,
and the two men in the above photo are her brothers. Leslie has a
Facebook page:
And there is a tribute page to her:
EDIT 2021-02-19:
I received an email informing that "Baby It's You" was written by Burt Bacharach and recorded in 1962 by The Shirelles.
But no, that is a completely different song. Different tune, different lyrics. The Beatles also sang the Burt Bacharach version.
Tags: ethos
Western Australia is coronavirus-free
And has been so for several months.
We did have an outbreak a few weeks ago, when a security guard at a
quarantine hotel got infected, and went to many venues while infectious.
Our Premier put the entire city and outer urban areas into lockdown for
5 days, followed by another week of partial lockdown.
It seems, where there has been decisive, firm and competent
leadership, the virus has been managed. I notice also, China has got it
under control, hardly any new cases.
Though, to be fair to those countries that are struggling to contain
it, despite severe measures, WA does have the advantage of relative
isolation. We have an ocean on one side, a vast desert on the other,
insulating us from the rest of the country and the world. Those
countries with huge flows of people across borders, megacities, etc. are
having a much tougher time.
That security guard caught the highly infectious UK-strain, and it
seems that he did so just by being in the corridor outside the room of
an infected person, a traveller from overseas. All people coming into WA
have to go into quarantine for 2 weeks, in the case of those arriving
by air, hotel quarantine is provided.
It is looking like the UK-strain is more able to infect by air-borne
droplets. In the case of that security guard, it seems that just opening
and closing of the door allowed droplets to get into the corridor. He
wasn't wearing a mask.
The corona-free status in WA means that we can go anywhere, do
anything, no masks required. However, there are precautions in place.
For example, we are required to register at all premises visited. and
are encouraged to install the SafeWA app:
So, if another case occurs, the authorities will be able to perform
contract tracing, and find all people who came anywhere near the
infectious person. Not perfect of course, as you could pass such a
person on the street, but infection is more likely in enclosed
Tags: ethos